Topic: White ladies looking for white men. | |
The thing is, we can all date whichever race we like. So some stranger telling us he has a problem with that, well I was wondering why he even bothered mentioning it. I assume he was looking for like minded people. Don't you prefer people who like the things you like? |
“Men do not get assassinated for wanting children of different colors to hold hands on a mountainside. He was telling us to march on segregated housing, segregated schools, poverty, a military with more support than social programs. That’s where he was in 1965. If we let him go where he was going, then he becomes a challenge, not a comfort.”
Vincent Harding, on MLK |
are there any good old fashioned, conservative ladies on this site? Preferably those who don't believe in interracial dating? And so my answer is, I DO believe in interracial dating. Yet, I can't actually believe that I bothered replying to the question. |
I don't believe in it. I'm a conservative lady.
Viva la difference! I am still looking for a woman who does need psychotropic medication! LOL!
Edited for targeting other members.
soufie Site Moderator |
Viva la difference! I am still looking for a woman who does need psychotropic medication! LOL! |
Viva la difference! I am still looking for a woman who does need psychotropic medication! LOL! Err, I meant does Not need.... Do you know how many women e-mailed after that slip!?! |
hello there,you are a very pretty woman that I would love to know,i am mark.
Viva la difference! I am still looking for a woman who does need psychotropic medication! LOL! Err, I meant does Not need.... Do you know how many women e-mailed after that slip!?! I was wondering where all the women disappeared to. Got mighty quiet all of a sudden. |
Bc we can't say anything bc we get reported.
| white people.. must be invisible.. to one another.. always looking for each other.. Big Chief thinks to himself out loud...
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I'm reading many of the comments here and I think to myself and wonder.
Do those who are searching only for their own kind really think purity of race and ethnicity really exist? With the many wars historically fought in the far continents, there was intermixing of people. When all people's colonized and conquered the Americas, this became further propagated. There are Mexicans who look white. And people if African American descent who also look white, to give a couple of examples. Now I ask myself, these people that want white people only; what would you do if you came to know a person and they are fabulous and you get along well like you were made for each other. Then you find they are descended of people of color, does that cancel out everything you previously got to know about them? Are you going to say oh, I f###ked up and leave, going back to your loneliness and then complain that there are no good people out there? |
haha, very funny, I understand what happens with a pinhole in the condom,, I didn't understand it in the context of the thread it is in,,, ahh,, got it,in reference to the photo,,, ![]() |
I'm reading many of the comments here and I think to myself and wonder. Do those who are searching only for their own kind really think purity of race and ethnicity really exist? With the many wars historically fought in the far continents, there was intermixing of people. When all people's colonized and conquered the Americas, this became further propagated. There are Mexicans who look white. And people if African American descent who also look white, to give a couple of examples. Now I ask myself, these people that want white people only; what would you do if you came to know a person and they are fabulous and you get along well like you were made for each other. Then you find they are descended of people of color, does that cancel out everything you previously got to know about them? Are you going to say oh, I f###ked up and leave, going back to your loneliness and then complain that there are no good people out there? |
I feel as though some people are well within their rights to have their own opinion, I'm not looking for an argument, now, are there any good old fashioned, conservative ladies on this site? Preferably those who don't believe in interracial dating? What do y'all think? All welcome to voice their opinions, but be courteous!! ![]() Do only "some" people have a right to an opinion even if you welcome all to give one? If so... I consider myself to be a bit old fashioned and conservative when the shoe fits. And I also prefer to date white on white. Living where I do in deep south Dixie white women that date other races get a bad name. A permanent black mark so to speak. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 05/22/14 11:54 PM
I'm reading many of the comments here and I think to myself and wonder. Do those who are searching only for their own kind really think purity of race and ethnicity really exist? With the many wars historically fought in the far continents, there was intermixing of people. When all people's colonized and conquered the Americas, this became further propagated. There are Mexicans who look white. And people if African American descent who also look white, to give a couple of examples. Now I ask myself, these people that want white people only; what would you do if you came to know a person and they are fabulous and you get along well like you were made for each other. Then you find they are descended of people of color, does that cancel out everything you previously got to know about them? Are you going to say oh, I f###ked up and leave, going back to your loneliness and then complain that there are no good people out there? I'm not twisting anything. It's all there in any history book you pick up. Races have intermixed whether it was by choice or by force. Purity of race or color is a myth. I bet I know at least ten people who look white where you would be fooled into thinking they are what you seek and then you would be surprised that they come from other backgrounds not considered white. In all honesty, those who only want their kind are missing out on some great friendships with beautiful people because they only judge by a narrow perspective. |
I love Black Women and Latinas.
ITalians rock,,,lol
seriously, I find attractiveness in all colors of people, with maybe the exceptions being extremely pale or extremely black but I don't partner on any ONE factor alone, so even those who have something Im NOT ATTRACTED TO can have other TRAITS I am very attracted to,,,, |
I recently edited my profile and stated very directly that I was not interested in :- Men under 35 Men who are married or involved in a relationship Men looking for NSA sex Asian or African men. On a daily basis i receive many emails trying to persuade me otherwise or questioning why I HATE Asians or Africans, or why i dont want a young man. Not only do I find this frustrating but ridiculous . I don't HATE anyone. I am simply not attracted to men from these ethnic groups.. i know what I want and don't want in a man and my Very direct and to the point. I found your profile preferences empowering and not the least bit antagonistic. It's a shame others with their own agenda would pester you for simply stating your truth. I hope their persuasion techniques don't become more troublesome than your message is meant to be. ![]() |