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Topic: vel c�co appareat
CowboyGH's photo
Tue 05/13/14 07:05 AM

I do encourage you to do some reading of history to See How both Christanity and Islam have fostered scientific knowledge and advance
yep,by burning People at the Stake or stoning them for Heresies against the prevailing Dogma!

Someone was only ever stoned for committing a sin(s). Science isn't a sin. It's merely the study of what God has created. Absolutely nothing in science rules out God. People may, but the science eg., study of, does not.

And besides that "Christians" don't and have never stoned anyone. Have to keep in mind "Christianity" is only even possibly as old as when Jesus was born. Before Jesus there was no Christianity, for there was no "Christ". So no, again "Christianity" does not support stoning or even judging one another on any level.

strange that you only react to the Stoning and not to the Burning at the Stake!
Giardano Bruno ringing a Bell?

God barbarically killed millions of people in the Old Testament because they weren't fortunate enough to belong to the Israelite tribe. Had these alleged victims belonged to the lineage of Jacob, they obviously wouldn't have suffered the full wrath of God. However, what chances did they realistically have of converting to worship the Hebrew deity when their own parents conditioned them to think according to their local customs? Even today, God's evil demands require us to murder billions of non-Christians because their parents unknowingly continue to practice this same form of powerful conditioning. The consequences of obeying God's directions should give us the presence of mind to refrain from following such orders without first analyzing the morality of the demands in question. Widely distributed directions from a fair god should be moral or have a satisfactory explanation. Otherwise, we may be repeating the same evil accomplishments of our ancestors.

What logic is there in the fact that the being who promises us eternal life because of his love for all humankind is the same entity who orders us to kill a variety of people for morally bankrupt reasons? The biblical god is not wonderful and loving as Christians claim because these unenlightened followers base such crude assessments on the more positive New Testament. The God of the Old Testament, on the other hand, is pure evil and full of perpetual anger; he even admits as much. No one who creates and needlessly kills millions of people can honestly be called wonderful and loving, deity or not. Certainly, most people wouldn't think it was fair if they saw their fellow man being tortured just because his parents raised him with a different version of the creator. God even takes enjoyment in the fact that many people will never make it into Heaven. Regardless of your position on the issue, I believe we can all agree that God has quite a unique character about him, to say the least.

We've also come to realize that we can observe the following qualities of God: he exhibits immature rage when no one pays attention to him; he makes people suffer for what others have done; he has no regard for human life; and he tortures decent people for such reasons as winning bets with Satan. If we were to extract this behavior into human terms, we would most likely draw a comparison with that of a spoiled child. Because of an obvious state of fear and panic over similar reports heard by authors of the ancient Hebrew scriptures, they wrote and sang praises to this terrible creature thinking that such measures might assist in helping them escape his unconscionable wrath.

To top it all off, God conveniently ceased his murdering and slave driving when modern philosophers, enlightened thinking, and accurate historical records began to appear. However, Jesus did not invalidate the aforementioned rules and regulations with his teachings, as some apologists often claim, because the old laws were never intended to be cast aside. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil (Matthew 5:7). For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Matthew 5:18). And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail (Luke 16:17). Amazingly, the perfect Jesus also tells us that we should abide by the old laws established by Moses. Something is definitely wrong here.


We've also come to realize that we can observe the following qualities of God: he exhibits immature rage when no one pays attention to him; he makes people suffer for what others have done; he has no regard for human life; and he tortures decent people for such reasons as winning bets with Satan. If we were to extract this behavior into human terms, we would most likely draw a comparison with that of a spoiled child. Because of an obvious state of fear and panic over similar reports heard by authors of the ancient Hebrew scriptures, they wrote and sang praises to this terrible creature thinking that such measures might assist in helping them escape his unconscionable wrath.

Immature rage on those who don't pay attention to him? Come on man. This entire life has one soul purpose. To worship God in hopes to live with him as we once did and was kicked out because of our disobedience. That's why obedience to the Word is so emphasized through the scriptures. Because it's God giving us a second chance to redeem our place with him. If God was so heartless and ruthless as you have claimed here, we wouldn't get that second chance. And we would then just be destroyed by Satan if God left us totally alone and "gave up" on us. Why be so selfish in life and only worry about one's own self?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/13/14 07:27 AM

though it is presented as lopsided (aimed only at women)

I think the idea that idle hands and selfishness can leave the door to sin open a bit wider, is not so 'cultist' in my opinion

seems to be just another more 'religious' view on what parents told their children for centuries about being 'lazy' or sitting around and not being ABOUT anything productive,,,,

I wonder if your flow of thought and slippery slope is how the Taliban was able to ban education for women? Or how those Nigerians justify to themselves that it was ok to kidnap those school girls? Is it ok to kill an abortion doctor?

gosh, all because I believe being idle or consumed merely with self satisfaction can lead to terrible decisions and 'sins'?

I wonder if highlighting sermons like this is how islamist radicals justify to themselves it is ok to kill Christians?

somehow, just the idea of someone being a 'radical' means to me that the simplest of things can serve in their minds to justify torture and misuse of others,,,

"gosh did you gloss over what the gentleman actually said: your job as a woman is to make babies PERIOD. Anything else you do is idleness and lazy, it is only by bearing children can you be saved. Gosh I hope he does wind up with any political power to make laws. That would put y64 women in your proper place.

Kinda like this guy:
A so-called “historian” who Glenn Beck hired to teach at his online university insisted this week that women had originally been denied the right to vote “to keep the family together,” and for the good of “the entire culture and society.”

On the Thursday broadcast of Wallbuilders Live, David Barton explained that biblical principles — and not sexism — were behind not allowing women to vote prior to 1920.

“So family government precedes civil government and you watch that as colonists came to America, they voted by families,” he said. “And you have to remember back then, husband and wife, I mean the two were considered one. That is the biblical precept… That is a family, that is voting. And so the head of the family is traditionally considered to be the husband and even biblically still continues to be so.”

Barton argued that in the time since the women’s suffrage movement succeeded in the United States, “we’ve moved into more of a family anarchy kind of thing.”

“[T]he bigotry we’re told they held back then, they didn’t hold,” he said. “And what they did was they put the family unit higher than the government unit and they tried to work hard to keep the family together.”

“And, as we can show in two or three hundred studies since then, the more you weaken the family, the more it hurts the entire culture and society.”

In conclusion, Barton asserted that denying women the right to vote was necessary for “a strong culture, a strong society, and it was based on a strong family that preceded government. And they crafted their policies to protect a strong family.”

What is with all these a's showing up? I feel like I am in Canada

it did ''used' to be the womans job to get married and have kids and TAKE CARE OF HER HOME

just as it 'used' to be the mans job to get married and have kids and PROVIDE for their home

its A MAjor Job too,, but not one that excludes anyone from having other types of jobs,,,,if they choose

TBRich's photo
Tue 05/13/14 03:19 PM

though it is presented as lopsided (aimed only at women)

I think the idea that idle hands and selfishness can leave the door to sin open a bit wider, is not so 'cultist' in my opinion

seems to be just another more 'religious' view on what parents told their children for centuries about being 'lazy' or sitting around and not being ABOUT anything productive,,,,

I wonder if your flow of thought and slippery slope is how the Taliban was able to ban education for women? Or how those Nigerians justify to themselves that it was ok to kidnap those school girls? Is it ok to kill an abortion doctor?

gosh, all because I believe being idle or consumed merely with self satisfaction can lead to terrible decisions and 'sins'?

I wonder if highlighting sermons like this is how islamist radicals justify to themselves it is ok to kill Christians?

somehow, just the idea of someone being a 'radical' means to me that the simplest of things can serve in their minds to justify torture and misuse of others,,,

"gosh did you gloss over what the gentleman actually said: your job as a woman is to make babies PERIOD. Anything else you do is idleness and lazy, it is only by bearing children can you be saved. Gosh I hope he does wind up with any political power to make laws. That would put y64 women in your proper place.

Kinda like this guy:
A so-called “historian” who Glenn Beck hired to teach at his online university insisted this week that women had originally been denied the right to vote “to keep the family together,” and for the good of “the entire culture and society.”

On the Thursday broadcast of Wallbuilders Live, David Barton explained that biblical principles — and not sexism — were behind not allowing women to vote prior to 1920.

“So family government precedes civil government and you watch that as colonists came to America, they voted by families,” he said. “And you have to remember back then, husband and wife, I mean the two were considered one. That is the biblical precept… That is a family, that is voting. And so the head of the family is traditionally considered to be the husband and even biblically still continues to be so.”

Barton argued that in the time since the women’s suffrage movement succeeded in the United States, “we’ve moved into more of a family anarchy kind of thing.”

“[T]he bigotry we’re told they held back then, they didn’t hold,” he said. “And what they did was they put the family unit higher than the government unit and they tried to work hard to keep the family together.”

“And, as we can show in two or three hundred studies since then, the more you weaken the family, the more it hurts the entire culture and society.”

In conclusion, Barton asserted that denying women the right to vote was necessary for “a strong culture, a strong society, and it was based on a strong family that preceded government. And they crafted their policies to protect a strong family.”

What is with all these a's showing up? I feel like I am in Canada

it did ''used' to be the womans job to get married and have kids and TAKE CARE OF HER HOME

just as it 'used' to be the mans job to get married and have kids and PROVIDE for their home

its A MAjor Job too,, but not one that excludes anyone from having other types of jobs,,,,if they choose

Except, of course, if you end up living in a theocracy

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 05/13/14 03:43 PM

though it is presented as lopsided (aimed only at women)

I think the idea that idle hands and selfishness can leave the door to sin open a bit wider, is not so 'cultist' in my opinion

seems to be just another more 'religious' view on what parents told their children for centuries about being 'lazy' or sitting around and not being ABOUT anything productive,,,,

I wonder if your flow of thought and slippery slope is how the Taliban was able to ban education for women? Or how those Nigerians justify to themselves that it was ok to kidnap those school girls? Is it ok to kill an abortion doctor?

gosh, all because I believe being idle or consumed merely with self satisfaction can lead to terrible decisions and 'sins'?

I wonder if highlighting sermons like this is how islamist radicals justify to themselves it is ok to kill Christians?

somehow, just the idea of someone being a 'radical' means to me that the simplest of things can serve in their minds to justify torture and misuse of others,,,

"gosh did you gloss over what the gentleman actually said: your job as a woman is to make babies PERIOD. Anything else you do is idleness and lazy, it is only by bearing children can you be saved. Gosh I hope he does wind up with any political power to make laws. That would put y64 women in your proper place.

Kinda like this guy:
A so-called “historian” who Glenn Beck hired to teach at his online university insisted this week that women had originally been denied the right to vote “to keep the family together,” and for the good of “the entire culture and society.”

On the Thursday broadcast of Wallbuilders Live, David Barton explained that biblical principles — and not sexism — were behind not allowing women to vote prior to 1920.

“So family government precedes civil government and you watch that as colonists came to America, they voted by families,” he said. “And you have to remember back then, husband and wife, I mean the two were considered one. That is the biblical precept… That is a family, that is voting. And so the head of the family is traditionally considered to be the husband and even biblically still continues to be so.”

Barton argued that in the time since the women’s suffrage movement succeeded in the United States, “we’ve moved into more of a family anarchy kind of thing.”

“[T]he bigotry we’re told they held back then, they didn’t hold,” he said. “And what they did was they put the family unit higher than the government unit and they tried to work hard to keep the family together.”

“And, as we can show in two or three hundred studies since then, the more you weaken the family, the more it hurts the entire culture and society.”

In conclusion, Barton asserted that denying women the right to vote was necessary for “a strong culture, a strong society, and it was based on a strong family that preceded government. And they crafted their policies to protect a strong family.”

What is with all these a's showing up? I feel like I am in Canada

it did ''used' to be the womans job to get married and have kids and TAKE CARE OF HER HOME

just as it 'used' to be the mans job to get married and have kids and PROVIDE for their home

its A MAjor Job too,, but not one that excludes anyone from having other types of jobs,,,,if they choose

Except, of course, if you end up living in a theocracy

Remember hearing " Barefoot and Pregnant":smile:

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