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Topic: What should i do...
no photo
Wed 09/19/07 11:25 AM
yes well, Ive seen this scenario too often....he will be back with the gf in about a month....

s1owhand's photo
Wed 09/19/07 11:31 AM
mr. optimistic says,

"ahem - it is not a foregone conclusion..." <sheesh>!!

no photo
Wed 09/19/07 11:36 AM
uh huh!!!:wink: laugh laugh

Sexysari004's photo
Wed 09/19/07 11:36 AM
no trust me with they are done.. completely he changed his number to get away from her

no photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:06 PM
I would say take it slow, and look for signs that this is not his pattern, or yours. Rushing into this relationship, after just leaving another, does not sound good to me. The grass may be greener for the moment, but when reality sets in, be prepared for what lies a-head. Because you might loose a "Good Friend", and gain "Experience".

Enter With "Caution" ......."Slippery Floor" !!!

Benz !!!!

Duffy's photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:07 PM
u guys r drama queens. trade him in for a younger model.
so he dumped his girlfriend because he would rather keep the friendship with you? turnabout is fair play. he will do the same thing again, and with u.
men are creatures of habit, bad habit. and they love to dump women, and get new ones.noway :tongue: noway

no photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:17 PM
I have to agree with Duffy...........we are all creatures of "Habit", some good, some not so good.

no photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:17 PM

You already sound like you know what you want to do. Just tread carefully and take your time.

Good luck! You sound very excited about the possibilities!


Sexysari004's photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:18 PM
im not going to jump into anything..im just going to test the waters..

no photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:20 PM

I wish you both the best of luck.

Take Care............Benz !!!

Sexysari004's photo
Wed 09/19/07 12:20 PM

Sexysari004's photo
Thu 09/20/07 05:08 AM
Just an update.. we went for icecream last night then to the pier and HE made the move.. not me him.. he totally came in for a kiss.. so we kissed.. but then he said sari i like you, but i wana take things really slow. He wants us to talk and always put our friendship first, but hes not ready for a girlfriend he doesnt wana be unfair to me or make me he rebound! ^_^

Sexysari004's photo
Thu 09/20/07 05:09 AM
I know you guys may say hes just after sex... but this i know is not true.. him and i are both virgins so..and both plan to stay that way for a while.

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 05:11 AM
I think that is awesome!! As long as that great friendship is there then there should be no issues taking it slow! Good for you!

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 05:27 AM
GO SARI! GO SARI! GO SARI!.....I'm doing my own little happy dance over here for ya.....told ya that boy liked ya...lolflowerforyou flowerforyou :smile: :smile:

Puffins1958's photo
Thu 09/20/07 05:54 AM

That's GREAT news. It's wonderful to be friends, first...

flowerforyou flowerforyou

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