Topic: The Left lies about Greenspan
Fanta46's photo
Mon 09/17/07 12:49 PM
What happened to the spider and the frog???

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/17/07 12:59 PM
in politics everybody lies
so what the heck
one more, one less

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/17/07 02:50 PM
one other thing knox, I said that with any book you can take something out of context to support almost any argument you want to make. Perhaps you should read my post more carefully before you comment or perhaps you should remove your head form your rectum.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 03:07 PM
Voil, you consistently put the left spin on everything. Did you consider that oil in Iraq made the attack more likely because the revenues of oil when used in a threatening manner created a problem that would not have been there otherwise. Consider that in the case of Iran as a parallel. If they had no oil, and therefore no revenue, they would not be a threat with their warmongering and terrorism support.

As for Greenspan and the comments he did or did not make, I expect I'll read the book pretty quickly. Most of you here will not. I'm interested in more than the hot-button talking points though. I expect anyone who reads his book will find criticism enough to go around for both parties. But if you read carefully you will find plenty to go around for both parties. Ha.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 09/17/07 03:29 PM
philosopher...when you read the book see if he admits at any point that the
federal reserve is not a government agency...I'm guessing he won't and continue
the charade...

garden..doesnt matter what the fed does about interest rates..they continue to
run the presses making money out of thin air so it matters little in the long
run...still heading to a brick wall

left vs right...who cares ...its all propaganda from both parties...lying & distortion
is all that they know how to do...

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:31 PM
Dearest 'philosopher',

Read the posts slowly, and read every posts before answering.
You otherwise run the risk of coming across as confused or obsessed.

You wrote:
"... Voil, you consistently put the left spin on everything."

If you had taken the time to read slowly from the start, you would have noticed that our host took care of the 'right / left' spin in the invitational title all by himself.

Secondly, you would have noticed from my posts that I went to great lengts to point out that very fact (here we go with the right / left pointless sandbox fight) to 'spider' myself, through sarcastic light humour.

Now granted, not everyone has a sense of humour, nor will everyone necessarily find my brand of humour funny. But I'm sure you'll agree that answering humour with a serious rebuttal (from your point of view anyhow!) indicates that one has completely missed the point somewhere along the way.

As for your comments on Iran, and oil, and revenue and war, well, aside from the fact that they are completely 'OFF TOPIC' for this thread, you were inviting me to consider a couple of points of yours.

I did...

... and I think that the civil and appropriate rebuttal, ... is no rebuttal.

I suggest a lot of your comments are misguided and uninformed. I don't mean that to be offensive, I simply state it to convey to you that it is unnecessarily 'labor intensive' to reply to you.

But unlike some, I won't give up on you 'philosopher', even if you were to give up on me. I'll keep investing the effort to try and eventually make sense of the concepts your are trying to make sense of for yourself.

Here is to resilience.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:43 PM
It is my understanding that it is not a government entity. I think that is pretty well known around. They do have some interesting slight of hand going on with the money creation, but its not money they get to keep for themselves and their benefactors the way the populist theories of nefarious Fed activities so like to state. The effect of their activities grows the economy. They loan money to banks at an interest rate, and they sell bonds to investors, for which they pay an interest rate.

Greenspan will not say anything against the Fed as an institution in any case. What I expect a laugh about is any comments he may happen to make about Paul Volker and his management policy. Have you ever read about that guy? His management of the interest rates based on the size of M1 supply defies all logic and he used it to inflate our economy to hell. Not an Argentina by any means, but still, out of control. It was so out of control that I wonder if some clever historian will some day uncover a link between Volker and some evil plot to ruin the value of the dollar and drive interest through the roof. I can not imagine anyone doing a better job without intent. Logic suggests that it must have been intentional then.

Probably one day some bunch of guys were sitting around somewhere and discussing things and one said, "Hey man it would do us a lot of good if we could drive interest up to 25% and inflation to 18%. How can we get there?" and someone else said, Well we could manage interests bases on M1 money supply and watch the roller coaster till we got what we want. Its a slam dunk." So someone else said, "Ok lets do it. They'll blame Jimmy Carter anyway and he'll never have a clue."

Is that Bush giving you the Vulcan mind meld in your picture? Is that why you've been so quite lately? He got to you?

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:44 PM
..... I dont really care who said what about what alan greenback didnt say. Lol. hes the head of the unlawful fiat monetary system that is about 78 percent of our problem. why would anyone care?

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:48 PM
Ok then, here is to resilience. You make some good points, but it is remarkable how I manage to see black when you see white and I see white when you see black. Its a little like reading the bible. People read different things in the same words. Sometimes when people read words they understand and parse them point by point they come to an opposite meaning. That's life.

lizardking19's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:49 PM
Hey SPidr didja miss me? (thats a rhetorical question)
Well lessee here ummmm well u know what, i dont like democrats either! they haven't been harsh enough on the bush administration for their various warcrimes! See i think that that all the people who truly support this government will never b convinced of its MANY faults because they thats the way they r, unable 2 admit the party they support has made grave mistakes,
they like to try and gather eachothers (dwindling) sympathies by claming the media is in control of everything and that they are really the ones being repressed, nowdays to be heard one needs to pretned to be sticking it to the man when really the man is themselves, as i said the left HA buncha wusses letting the fascists trample all over them JUST LIKE STAIRS (i just threw a spongebob quote into my political rant) If anyone really wanted to change the government they wouldn't b voting, that has proven useless as either A the republicans cheat or B the democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of political victory and when the dems get the majority what do they do? NOTHING BUT ***** AND MOAN I say we stop paying taxes and take control our our government and if that doesn't work mass rioting has worked b4, of course the majority of americans dont want it to come to this and dont see how polarized weve let it become Mayb people with my views really r the "loony left" or mayb the middle is blind and the gangsters are in control of the whitehouse WAKE UP!

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 07:54 PM

Things are out of control. I need your help.

The 'left lie' about Greenspan is now all over the world. International news is 'looping' it non-stop.

"... Greenspan reveals what everyone knew about Iraq",
"... Greenspan comes down hard on Bush for his wreckless mismanagement of the budget (gross understatement)".

What's your spin here 'spider'? Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Russia, Canada, even the Middle-East is wiping itself with the newspaper clippings on this one.

How do we get the genie back in the bottle on this one? It is urgent, we're losing ground fast here.

Only you can help with ludicrous enough counter rethoric and propagande 'spider'. Don't let us down.

lizardking19's photo
Mon 09/17/07 08:32 PM
Only you can help with ludicrous enough counter rethoric and propaganda 'spider'. Don't let us down

Oh man that is really funny

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:25 PM
I know Davinci, the government prints the money but if we withstood the 16% inflation rate of the late 70s I think we can get by now too. Actually a ballanced budget would be a very comforting thought but I don't see that happening real soon no matter who is in the whitehouse. Now Hillary has come out with her own mandated health care plan. Somebody will have to pay for that too. I think I will just sign everything over to the govenment and go on welfare I think I could get a better deal. happy

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:45 PM
"Perhaps you should remove your head from your rectum"

Gee, Forge, I'M not the one who makes knee-jerk comments casting doubt on a book I've never read nor have plans to read(by your own admission, remember?). Maybe YOU should remove YOUR head from Bush's rectum and read your own posts. Of course, that's understandable for you considering you don't put any thought into them when you write them. Or at least, I hope not, I'd like to think you're smarter than thatlaugh . Of course, you can always fall back on Neocon mantra # 14: "I misquoted myself".

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:02 PM

Does Greenspan come down on Bush? YES. I never said he didn't (in fact, I said he did in the OP). But he did write that Bush went to war for oil (although Greenspan did say that is reason enough to go to war, which I agree with).

I'll refer you back to the article that I posted earlier. You can read the whole thing, I won't take little bits and peices of various articles out of context. The interview was performed by Bob Woodward, so perhaps even you will trust it. The interview was intended to clear up some false stories that were being published about what is in Greenspan's book. Go directly to the source (the book) or the originator of the source (Greenspan) for the truth of what Greenspan thinks about Bush, the war in Iraq and any other topic on which he wrote.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:46 PM
Im thinking Green is f!cked now!!!
You watch!!!He sees whats goin on and now the fed and there buddys in the white house are gonna f!ck him good!!!

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 06:02 AM
Opps, typo...

"he did write that Bush went to war for oil "

should be

"he did NOT write that Bush went to war for oil "

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 09/18/07 06:46 AM
I sure am going to be grateful when the bush administration has ended. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sick of seeing so much bashing re: the war in Iraq.

God bless all the men AND women serving in Iraq.flowerforyou

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 09/18/07 06:48 AM
gardenforge swing by and pick me up and we can BOTH go sign up for that WELFARE!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:54 AM
I'll be grateful when the Bush Administration has ended, too.

It'll be great seeing Bush, Cheney, Rice, ect.,brought up on treason charges.