Topic: The Left lies about Greenspan
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Wed 09/19/07 01:06 PM

Did you ever think that you bring these things on yourself?
Then you better start NOW.
It doesn't do to call people names because they refuse to think the same as you. You do that often enough, you find yourself in the doghouse. And that's where you are now, and with your self righteousness you won't get out there. Everybody who claims to be the only one who could be right is wrong from the beginning.
You were the one who consistently insisted that we are all idiots because we have a different opinion. You can't go and unwrite everything you have written, the names and insults, they won't go away, ever.
You brought yourself into the position you are in now, so stop complaining. You wanted to play tough, and now you get exactly that.

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Wed 09/19/07 01:16 PM
And for the record, spider:

I told you before, I don't hate, period. It would be too much emotion to show for the likes of you. I simply have no respect for you. You lost that a long time ago.

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Wed 09/19/07 02:08 PM
"Did you ever think that you bring these things on yourself? "

Yes, I do and that is how I know I am doing the right things.

Mark 13:13
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

"I simply have no respect for you. You lost that a long time ago"

That doesn't matter, I love you anyways.

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Wed 09/19/07 04:39 PM

I am suggesting that you are misleading, that you have mischaracterized the left, and since in your own words, mischaractrerization is lying,
(you wrote earlier) "...I will not back down from that position, mischaracterizing is lying."
... then you have lied.

The whole basis for your accusation is the following statement:
"... By ignoring everything else and focusing on a single sentence, the people who reported this story were lying to their readers."

What are you talking about??? Who are you talking about, WHO LIED (ACCORDING TO YOU)??? What was their lie??? And please stop insulting people's intelligence with your personnal and self-serving fabrication of the truth!!!

Are you accusing Bob Woodward, or the W.P.??? of bringing this topic up and asking Greenspan questions about the statement, which Greesnspan agreed to answer? Is that what you sir call lying? If so we have a serious problem, and I'm afraid it cannot be dealt with on this forum.

If not Woodward and the W.P., what is the lie??? Who is the liar(s)??? And where is the proof that you insist you have provided???

That simple: provide this simple basic information for our consideration, and substantiate your accusation,
... or withdraw your accusation, and apologize and repent,
... or be clear that you have misleaded people, mischaracterized the left, and again, in your own asociating logic, lied.

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Wed 09/19/07 05:49 PM

Now we are getting somewhere. It appears that you thought the first link I supplied was the lie, it was not. That was an interview Greenspan gave where he refuted the lie that he had said "Bush went to war for oil", he was clarifying by saying that he thought we should have gone to war for oil. As for who is lying, that's all over the net or at least was. Anyone who says "Alan Greenspan says we only went to war for oil!" (I know John Stewart, Tom Lantos, ABC news, etc) is lying, I'm not going to go around looking for articles for you that say that, do it yourself.

Here are two articles that explain the situation as it stands.,0,6583630.column?coll=la-opinion-columnists

According to Greenspan himself, he was taken out of context. He never said that Bush went to war for oil. He never said that the US was in Iraq for oil. All the crap about Greenspans book that we had to hear for three days on every news channel was a lie. It was a mischaracterization of a quote, which was talking about Greenspans OWN reasons for why we should have gone to war in Iraq. It had nothing to do with Bush or the Administration.

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Wed 09/19/07 06:24 PM

I'm glad that you finally saw and understood that what you had provided to us (opening post and W.P. link) did not support the accusation of 'left lying', and that it was therefore misleading on your part, and a gross mischaracterization of the left.

Eventhough you didn't quite say it that way, you wrote: "... It appears that you thought the first link I supplied was the lie, it was not." Thanks for admitting it, and what the heck else were we suppose to consider as (non) proof of the supposed lie, THAT'S ALL YOU SUBMITTED and repeatedly claimed that that was your proof.

At this stage all you've got lef to do is apologize and repent, and move on to another thread and topic. Since this additional information you're providing here truly doen't had to much of a case, much less proof of anything.

What is amazing in all this 'spider', is it appears you never once asked yourself or tried to inquire how this whole in fact got started. Little hint, if you had inquired, and found the instigating parties, this whole post would never have happened.

So come on 'spider', be a sport! Apologize, repent, and let's all move to another topic together!!! I'm sure you've learned lots from this experience!!! We all have, haven't we???

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Wed 09/19/07 06:33 PM
By the way 'spider',

I hope you realize that you can count on me to look after you.

Whenever you go astray and lose your way momentarily, I'll be right there to 'correct' you, and bring you back on the right path my friend.

Knowing your commitment to being right and 'correct', it is the least I could do for you 'spider'.

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Wed 09/19/07 08:37 PM

Please read my OP below...

We have all heard that Greenspan said the war was about oil, but what he really said is that he believed we should attack Iraq to protect the world's oil supply. Greenspans criticisms of Bush revolved around him not vetoing spending bills and allowing the Democrat controlled congress to run wild with the budget.

Instead of saying "Your a lair 'spider'", why don't you think for a second? In the post above, I printed the MISCHARACTERIZATIONS THAT THE MSM MADE ABOUT GREENSPAN. I didn't supply a link, because I said "We have all heard that Greenspan said the war was about oil". I assumed that everyone had heard the accusations already...probably because it was on every news show on American TV and was already being discussed on this very forum! So then, I supplied a LINK that corrects the record about what Greenspan said. I summarized the mischaracterization and then I supplied a link that refutes what the MSM was saying. It is the fact that you didn't take the time to understand my original post, that caused all this mess. And my original contention is still correct, many people on the left jumped on this whole Greenspan thing and many of them (those who had advance copies of the book) knew that it was a lie. So please, for your own good, don't hold your breath while you wait for my appology for BEING RIGHT, because it's not going to come.

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/20/07 06:19 AM
don't hold your breath while you wait for my appology for BEING RIGHT, because it's not going to come.

this is the kind of attitude that allows the fascists to run rampant up on the hill, u and ur ilk are physically unable to admit when u or someone u elected has made a mistake

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Thu 09/20/07 08:10 AM
Right on, Lizardkingdrinker .

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Thu 09/20/07 08:20 AM

Lizardking is 19 and fully indoctrinated, I can excuse his ignorance, but you are 44 years old, you should be able to think for yourself. If you read the thread, you will find that I'm 100% right. I have offered four links now that all show the same thing, reporters and politicians on the LEFT were lying about Greenspans statements. When Greenspan corrected the record, there were no retractions, no appologies, the people who had attacked Bush by mischaracterizing Greenspan's statements just moved on and pretended nothing had happened. Just because you guys keep saying "We're right, Spider is a liar", that doesn't make it true. Nobody has posted even a SINGLE article that show's me to be wrong. If there is ANY intellectual honesty in any of you, you would, at worst, let this thread die or at best admit that I was right with my original post.

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Thu 09/20/07 08:43 AM

Everyone's entitled to their opinions.....

I'm not calling you a liar......

Why are you getting so worked up over every post you disagree with here?

Take a chill pill, man, or at least have a drinker .

And one thing:
"Lizardking is 19 and fully indoctrinated,I can excuse his ignorance"
Just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn't mean they are ignorant. What if someone said, "I can ignore Spidercmb's ignorance". That would be calling you ignorant, and that wouldn't be any more right than your comment. I'm not going to debate you about this here. I feel I've pointed my feeling on this to you in an intelligent matter. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact me through my JSH e-mail. I'd be happy to discuss this with you in private, as opposed to getting "off track" on the main point of this particular forum.
Thank you and have a good afternoon.

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/20/07 08:45 AM
u know what spidr i have no doubt that the democrats twisted facts about greenspan they're politicians, but what i wonder is y u who seemsto b crusading for justice against such lies have not once mentioned the myriad of lies that the bush admin has done, the lies about wmds, cia leaks, length of conflicts,withdrawal of troops, rigged elections, etc etc? Who the hell cares about greenspan?! Ok so politicians twisted facts yeah what else is new? If u want to go after lying politicians, look no further than the bush administration for corruption comparable to nothing short of nixon himself

gardenforge's photo
Thu 09/20/07 09:02 AM
If offered evidence brush it off at an "opinion" if cornered chant the Mantra "well Bush Lied about WMD" no matter what the topic happens to be. Perhaps if ALL of you had taken my initial advide and read the book by now you would KNOW what Greenspan said but then ALL you might find something that went contrary to your established beliefs and we wouldn't want that to happen would we?

Why can't people ever stay focused on the topic of the thread. I realize that some have to check with every couple hours to see what their current opinion should be but you could at least cut and paste the blurbs from them that are relevant to the topic at hand. laugh

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/20/07 10:06 AM
im not chanting any mantra gardenforge, i dont like democrats: not harsh enough on the pres n company, im just saying that the lies of the executive system r much more important than the fact twisting of other politicians, although ur right that it is a topic for another thread

gardenforge's photo
Thu 09/20/07 12:03 PM
lizard perhaps your arguments would be more effective if you were able to string your words together into a coherent sentence.

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Thu 09/20/07 01:08 PM

You are 'right'!!! You should never have to apologize for that. Given your constant bashing and calumnous accusations of the 'left', it is clear that are 'right'. I'd even suggest 'far right'!

But that doesn't change the fact that you have mislead people on this thread, mischaracterized the left with unfounded, confused and misguided rethoric, and ultimately, haven't contributed anything worth calling a stimulating debate, or mutually enriching exchange.

Since you've made it clear that you have no intention of accepting 'correction' for your gross mischaracterizations, I forgive you your sins. And while I will keep reminding you of your unproductive tendencies to distort and twist reality, I will not, in the future, unfavorably judge you as a person.

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Thu 09/20/07 02:18 PM

Gave to the gorilla girl, gobs and gobs of love.
No one else would touch that girl unless they wore a glove.
Gifted was this girl of mine, great knowledge could she grasp.
But once she ate a golf pro and vomited in the grass.
But I love my groovy gorilla girl,
And her groovy, gorgeous gape, oh!
And her fabulous zoo-keeper father-
My love looks like an ape!
My folks say she's wrong for me; this girl is a mistake.
Whenever I date gorilla girl they whack me with a rake.
Took her out to a picnic at a girl scout jamboree.
Golly did those girl scouts gape at gorilla girl and me.
But I love my groovy gorilla girl,
And her groovy, gorgeous gape, oh!
And her fabulous zoo-keeper father-
My love looks like an ape!

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Thu 09/20/07 02:36 PM
Lizardking said "Who the hell cares about greenspan?!" ha ha ha

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Thu 09/20/07 03:27 PM

That's good 'spider'!!!

Exorcism works in strange ways.

I trust we're making progress!!!