Topic: The Atheist vesion of Christian Quotes!
Redykeulous's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:03 PM
Quotes often inspire me to think of my own. So I've decided to
write my inspirations next to the ones that inspired them.
No disrespect intended, only addressing an open mind.

Opportunity may knock once, to continue: So open the door,
but temptation bangs occasionally; knowledge and
on your door forever. understanding is gained
from many such experiences.
Quit griping about your church; When looking at imperfections
if it was perfect, of ones church, consider that
you couldn't belong. faith does not require the
voice of many in order to be
If the church wants a If the authorities of your church
better pastor, bring conflict to your ideals,
it only needs to pray you might consider becoming
for the one it has. an authority.
God Himself does not propose Judging others may have benefits,
to judge a man when life and limb are at risk.
until he is dead. Any other occasion, just requires
So why should you? discretion and reason;
judgment not required.
Some minds are like concrete, A well considered blow can crush
thoroughly mixed up and a mind set in stone. And new
Permanently set. knowledge makes it pliable as

Peace starts Peace that emanates from a smile
with a smile. may hide an evil intention, smile
back to confuse them
and peace may yet reign.
I don't know why If you must seek status through a
some people change churches; church affiliation, create your
what difference does it make own and name drop often.
which one you stay home from?
A lot of church members When deciding which church
who are singing premise you wish sit in, consider
'Standing on the Promises' the local park; being on the
are just outside may bring more peace
sitting on the premises. from the inside, out.
We were called to When asked to be a witness,
be witnesses, consider to whom your
not lawyers or judges. perceptions are most valuable
and charge accordingly.
Be ye fishers of men. If you seek to be fishers of men,
You catch them - consider the bait and switch
He'll clean them. method; it's been working for yrs.

Coincidence is when Congruency in coincidence, might
God chooses be construed as interference
to remain anonymous. in free will, instead of accidental.
Don't put a question mark When a question mark follows
where God put a period. the word God; what is likely likely to follow is hearsay.
Don't wait for 6 strong men Avoid the six strong men in dark
to take you to church. suits when crowd surfing, they
may have an agenda.
Forbidden fruits If we make jam from forbidden
create many jams. fruits, why are pickles the best
we can do with cucumbers?
God doesn't call the qualified, If a call from God emanates
from a local church, call God
He qualifies the called. personally to verify the
connection. If the number is
unlisted, that may be one of
those obscure answers.
God grades on the cross, If God has a grading system,
can one be absolved from
not the curve. from further studies?
God loves everyone, If love is unconditional, what does
but probably prefers judgment have to do with it?
'fruits of the spirit'
over 'religious nuts!'
God promises a safe landing, Who needs health insurance?
not a calm passage. If the promise of eternity is so
great, why fight to remain here?
He who angers you, He who angers you, controls you
controls you! so reverse the tables with an
endless supply of Bible verses.
If God is your Co-pilot - A flight plan created by God may
swap seats! well remain grounded, as many
attempt to interpret the plan.
Prayer: Instructions for prayer are subject
Don't give God instructions to change without notice, please
just report for duty! refer to doctrine updates.
The task ahead of us When the task seems daunting,
is never as great as initiate power by properly
the Power behind us. allocating current resources.
The Will of God While the future is only a memory
never takes you to to God, it does not mean that free
where the Grace of God did not exist, except when God
will not protect you. decides to alter the past of your
We don't change the message, Taking a message at face value,
the message changes us. without leaving options open
for later questions, can close
the mind to future developments.
You can tell how big When discouraging one from a
a person is religious conviction, keep in mind;
by what it takes faith offers hope, while dogma
to discourage him. reflects on the ego. Success can
only be achieved when both
remain in tact.
Best mathematical equation Mathematical equations are like
I have ever seen: religions. While many believe
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given. E=Mc squared to be true,
*************************** few can tell you way.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:16 PM
I think that would have been much easier to read had you placed them below the original quotes instead of beside them.


anoasis's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:23 PM
Thanks Redy.

My favorite was: "Peace starts with a smile..."


PROvert's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:28 PM
Yeah... no offense but ,wow, those are not very good renditions of "famous quotes". I don't mean to be an ass like this but stupidity is a epidemic and you've just become a statistic...

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:37 PM
Wow - what the heck happened? that didn't post the way it was supposted to - let me try again.

Quotes often inspire me to think of my own. So I've decided to
write my inspirations next to the ones that inspired them.
No disrespect intended, only addressing an open mind.

Opportunity may knock once,
but temptation bangs
on your door forever.

and to continue:

So open the door,
occasionally; knowledge and
understanding is gained
from many such experiences.

Quit griping about your church;
if it was perfect,
you couldn't belong.

When looking at imperfections of ones church, consider that
faith does not require the voice of many in order to be heard.
If the church wants a
better pastor,
it only needs to pray
for the one it has.


If the authorities of your church bring conflict to your ideals,
you might consider becoming an authority.
God Himself does not propose
to judge a man
until he is dead.
So why should you?


Judging others may have benefits,when life and limb are at risk.
Any other occasion, just requires discretion and reason;
judgment not required.
Some minds are like concrete,
thoroughly mixed up and
Permanently set.


A well considered blow can crush a mind set in stone. And new
knowledge makes it pliable as clay.
Peace starts
with a smile.


Peace that emanates from a smile may hide an evil intention, smile back to confuse them and peace may yet reign ***************************
I don't know why
some people change churches;
what difference does it make
which one you stay home from?


If you must seek status through a church affiliation, create your own and name drop often.
A lot of church members
who are singing
'Standing on the Promises'
are just
sitting on the premises.


When deciding which church premise you wish sit in, consider
the local park; being on the outside may bring more peace
from the inside, out.

We were called to
be witnesses,
not lawyers or judges.


When asked to be a witness,consider to whom your
perceptions are most valuable and charge accordingly.
Be ye fishers of men.
You catch them -
He'll clean them.


If you seek to be fishers of men, consider the bait and switch
consider the bait and switch
Coincidence is when
God chooses
to remain anonymous.


Congruency in coincidence, might be construed as interference
in free will, instead of accidental.
Don't put a question mark
where God put a period.


When a question mark follows the word God; what is likely
to follow is hearsay.
Don't wait for 6 strong men
to take you to church.

Avoid the six strong men in dark suits when crowd surfing, they
may have an agenda.
Forbidden fruits
create many jams.

If we make jam from forbidden fruits, why are pickles the best
we can do with cucumbers?
God doesn't call the qualified,

He qualifies the called.


If a call from God emanates from a local church, call God
personally to verify the connection. If the number is
unlisted, that may be one of those obscure answers.
God grades on the cross,

not the curve.

If God has a grading system, can one be absolved from
from further studies?
God loves everyone,
but probably prefers
'fruits of the spirit'
over 'religious nuts!'

If love is unconditional, what does judgment have to do with it?
God promises a safe landing,
not a calm passage.

Who needs health insurance? If the promise of eternity is so
great, why fight to remain here?
He who angers you,
controls you!

He who angers you, controls you so reverse the tables with an
endless supply of Bible verses.
If God is your Co-pilot -
swap seats!

A flight plan created by God may well remain grounded, as many
attempt to interpret the plan.
Don't give God instructions.
just report for duty!

Instructions for prayer are subject to change without notice, please refer to doctrine updates.
The task ahead of us
is never as great as
the Power behind us.

When the task seems daunting, initiate power by properly
allocating current resources.
The Will of God
never takes you to
where the Grace of God
will not protect you.

While the future is only a memory to God, it does not mean that free did not exist, except when God decides to alter the past of your present.
We don't change the message,
the message changes us.

Taking a message at face value, without leaving options open
for later questions, can close the mind to future developments.
You can tell how big
a person is
by what it takes
by what it takes to discourage him.


When discouraging one from a religious conviction, keep in mind;
faith offers hope, while dogma reflects on the ego. Success can
remain in tact.
Best mathematical equation
I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.

Mathematical equations are like religions. While many believe
E=Mc squared to be true, few can tell you way.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:38 PM
Oh man, I didn't get to it in time. So sorry, but thank you so much for even attempting to read that mess.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:48 PM
What a fiasco, that'll teach me to mess with Christian quotes.

Well, except for the following clarifications.

You can tell how big
a person is
by what it takes
by what it takes to discourage him.


When discouraging one from a religious conviction, keep in mind;
faith offers hope, while dogma reflects on the ego. Success can
achieved only when both remain in tact.

Be ye fishers of men.
You catch them -
He'll clean them.


If you seek to be fishers of men, consider the bait and switch
it’s been working for years.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:48 PM
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and humor Di flowerforyou

Allow me to generically apologize for the comments of the newcomer who has absolutely no clue of your sincerity and good intentions. :smile:

anoasis's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:55 PM
It is a lot easier to read now!!

But you always take the time to write such thoughtful posts... you should not apologize for formatting errors on this one- imo.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 09/14/07 09:15 PM
Di u r an angel. Even if we disagree in eevrything.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 09/14/07 09:36 PM
It was JUST a tad hard to read correctly. Thanks for fixing it. It was do able, just harder.
Hi Di.