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Topic: Am I the only one confused?
teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 02:47 PM
Now.. I don't care.
But when I did seriously date online... I always felt awkward continuing to search online after making a connection with someone! It's odd..right? I mean me and this other person JUST freaking met, really. Why did I feel so sneaky after talking to this guy but I'm still looking online! ohwell
Did anyone else go thru this?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/17/14 02:50 PM

Now.. I don't care.
But when I did seriously date online... I always felt awkward continuing to search online after making a connection with someone! It's odd..right? I mean me and this other person JUST freaking met, really. Why did I feel so sneaky after talking to this guy but I'm still looking online! ohwell
Did anyone else go thru this?

just shows your good nature... don't worry, you've made no commitments or promises, so nothing to feel "sneaky" about...flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/17/14 02:55 PM

Now.. I don't care.
But when I did seriously date online... I always felt awkward continuing to search online after making a connection with someone! It's odd..right? I mean me and this other person JUST freaking met, really. Why did I feel so sneaky after talking to this guy but I'm still looking online! ohwell
Did anyone else go thru this?

just shows your good nature... don't worry, you've made no commitments or promises, so nothing to feel "sneaky" about...flowerforyou

I agree with you Mightymoe

Jennara2's photo
Mon 03/17/14 02:58 PM
I agree Moe.

teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:03 PM
Edited by teebee79 on Mon 03/17/14 03:03 PM
thanks moe!
I feel like this now but I felt weird about it in the earlier online days.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:06 PM
I tend to stop searching and messaging other women when I find one that I make a connection with but when they start jerking me about and won't just make a date, that's their call and I'm not going to feel bad about looking elsewhere for someone that does actually want to meet. I've even told women that wouldn't make a date that I was talking to other women and if they didn't make their minds up, I was just going to go with the one that would. They told me to please myself and that they wouldn't be pressured of course. Well, I'm on here to meet women and not to argue about it, so I did please myself because I can't be doing with time wasters.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:07 PM

thanks moe!
I feel like this now but I felt weird about it in the earlier online days.

sometimes, they make you feel like that...grumble

 Maria195's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:08 PM

Now.. I don't care.
But when I did seriously date online... I always felt awkward continuing to search online after making a connection with someone! It's odd..right? I mean me and this other person JUST freaking met, really. Why did I feel so sneaky after talking to this guy but I'm still looking online! ohwell
Did anyone else go thru this?

I have to agree with Moe must be that you like to hang out here!

NorCalSwe's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:29 PM
Ok, it's 23:30 here, so I'm off to bed. Just wanted to thank Teebee and MightyMoe. You've been great today. I look forward to getting to know you and there on this site.

Good night :-)

NorCalSwe's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:30 PM
Aaaaahhhhh, that should say others, not there. Now to self, take typing lesson, and kill auto-correct

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:31 PM
that's because you're such a goody goody.teebee..........omg.. do you belong to the sisterhood.. you know the oh me I'm out on a date... but I still want to look for a replacement. for the date . that I'm on right now... what should I ever do... two men at the same time... and you give me hack about

teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:38 PM
@No1... Is this you getting me back?
ah ha, I said online searching not actually on a date and searching that's just rude... I'm not THAT bad

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:39 PM
:smile: :wink: laugh laugh flowerforyou

teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:39 PM

Ok, it's 23:30 here, so I'm off to bed. Just wanted to thank Teebee and MightyMoe. You've been great today. I look forward to getting to know you and there on this site.

Good night :-)

Good Night hon...til later!!

teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:43 PM
yeah... This is my philosophy..
however, I don't tell the other guy..I'm talking or texting others..I assume he knows, as I assume he is talking to other ladies. happy

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:51 PM
Omg.. it just gets better.. where's my lawn chair. and my popcorn bucket.. okay.. I'm all comfy continue ladies..lmsao..

teebee79's photo
Mon 03/17/14 03:52 PM
That's cool that you let them know you are going away for a bit. So few people do this.

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/17/14 04:02 PM
.. no no I'll just sit here quietly.. just me and the

unicorn1111's photo
Mon 03/17/14 06:05 PM
OMG maybe it's just me but I really cant see the problem of talking to more than one person. For goodness sake if you met this person in the real world would you stop talking to other people "just in case". There is nothing wrong with having men friends and talking is only talking for goodness sake. I am not so naive as to think that every man i talk to is a potential partner, however, i could consider one a friend. Even texting what is wrong with that? Check your phone contacts do you not have any members of the opposite sex that are not family there? People are only people no matter how you first got talking to them,

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 03/17/14 06:42 PM

Now.. I don't care.
But when I did seriously date online... I always felt awkward continuing to search online after making a connection with someone! It's odd..right? I mean me and this other person JUST freaking met, really. Why did I feel so sneaky after talking to this guy but I'm still looking online! ohwell
Did anyone else go thru this?

Sweet Tee, there is a simple solution to your problem.

Forget the male Humans, and date a Melmacian instead. bigsmile

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