Topic: whats your theory on this missing plane then?
regularfeller's photo
Mon 03/10/14 08:29 PM
It is a mystery. Maybe we'll be told the bermuda triangle shifted position due to global warming. Or perhaps the rapture has begun and there are just 143,761 left to be taken up. Asteroid hit the plane? Aliens? Somebody effed up at an antiaircraft battery and shot it down? Or maybe it didn't really disappear and the "two travelers on stolen passports" are actually sadam and osama who are really still alive and parachuted into viet nam and everybody else had to be disposed of so there were no witnesses. Maybe using your cell phone actually does interfere with the planes electronics. Maybe there never was a flight 370 and somebody is just pulling a big hoax. I just thought I would go ahead and start some conspiracy theories and beat the rush.

In all seriousness, I'm sure some families are worried and mourning. I'm sure more is known than being told. But I did finally hear a news reporter ask a GOOD question: why isn't the "black box" data also transmitted to a monitoring station so you don't have to necessarily have the actual device in your hand.

In this day and age, seems feasible.

Toks88's photo
Tue 03/11/14 01:22 AM
Passenger's phones are ringing and no one picks as the story were been told.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 01:53 AM
I think Barry was bending over and the plane went byebyebye...........

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 02:09 AM

Bill Clinton made it go down.:wink: smokin

No that was just the fat and ugly women who worked for him. :wink:

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 02:15 AM

A high-altitude, mid-air explosion might leave
very little/no debris.

There would be something, they would find. It's not to far fetched that if the two unidentified men were Al Qaeda or Taliban that the plane landed somewhere and they have a pla load of hostages.

uche9aa's photo
Tue 03/11/14 02:41 AM
Edited by uche9aa on Tue 03/11/14 02:58 AM
Can they believe me if i reveal where the plane is hidden?

Toks88's photo
Tue 03/11/14 03:26 AM
Edited by Toks88 on Tue 03/11/14 03:29 AM

Can they believe me if i reveal where the plane is hidden?

Go on and tell us where it's hidden. I believe everyone would like to know where the plane is hidden and me too.
Are they still alive?

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:29 AM
It flew through a time displacement field, and is currently circling a T-Rex in the past

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:38 AM

I believe there is only one reasonable explanation for the disappearance. It's the only scientific explanation for all bad things according to Al Gore........CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!! :angel:

Barry is already drafting a press release telling the world it is former President Bush's fault.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:48 AM

I'm reading a lot of info that Boeing has been experiencing a lot of ignition problems with the B777-200 model.

I remember reading that the Boeing 777 is one of the planes in the running to replace both models of Air Force one....................

Pretty scary................

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:56 AM

It is a mystery. Maybe we'll be told the bermuda triangle shifted position due to global warming. Or perhaps the rapture has begun and there are just 143,761 left to be taken up. Asteroid hit the plane? Aliens? Somebody effed up at an antiaircraft battery and shot it down? Or maybe it didn't really disappear and the "two travelers on stolen passports" are actually sadam and osama who are really still alive and parachuted into viet nam and everybody else had to be disposed of so there were no witnesses. Maybe using your cell phone actually does interfere with the planes electronics. Maybe there never was a flight 370 and somebody is just pulling a big hoax. I just thought I would go ahead and start some conspiracy theories and beat the rush.

In all seriousness, I'm sure some families are worried and mourning. I'm sure more is known than being told. But I did finally hear a news reporter ask a GOOD question: why isn't the "black box" data also transmitted to a monitoring station so you don't have to necessarily have the actual device in your hand.

In this day and age, seems feasible.

Please don't get the Conspiracy theorists and the Truthers going..........

They are say now they don't think it is terrorism. Makes sense because no one claimed responsibility yet and those idiots cant wait to call world leaders or contact the media to take credit.

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 05:08 AM
there were a few people who didn't board but had luggage taken off the plane? a bit odd for multiple people to do so. as for debris surely it could be picked up on radar? it did a u-turn before disappearing which would imply contact could have been made as to why.. nothing just "disappears"

as for the 6,000 year old dillhole who says you can't have a theory without evidence.. i think every scientist and mathematician who ever lived would disagree

my theory is that they have gone on a strawberry picking expedition inside the planet.. or it was indeed George Bush's fault

HoneyFly's photo
Tue 03/11/14 05:16 AM
As a traveller, I hope they find the plane or what's left of it as closure for their love ones.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/11/14 05:51 AM
Interpol said Tuesday that the two passengers who used stolen passports to board a Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared early Saturday morning were Iranians seeking asylum in Europe.

Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble identified the men as Pouri Nourmohammadi, 19, and Delavar Seyedmohammaderza, 29. Noble said that the two men had traveled to Malaysia from Tehran using Iranian passports, but had secured stolen Italian and Austrian passports in Kuala Lumpur for their journey to Beijing and Amsterdam, for which both had tickets and planned to travel together.

Malaysian authorities said that Nourmohammadi planned to proceed from Amsterdam to Frankfurt, Germany, where his mother lives. The woman contacted authorities when her son failed to arrive as planned. The BBC reported that Seyedmohammaderza's intended final destination was Copenhagen, Denmark.

The disclosure by Interpol confirmed a report aired late Monday by the BBC's Persian service, which cited a friend of both men who hosted them at his home in Kuala Lumpur as they prepared to travel to Beijing, the final destination of the missing plane.

Over the weekend, the passports were identified as belonging to 30-year-old Austrian Christian Kozel and 37-year-old Italian Luigi Maraldi. Both men had reported that their passports had been stolen while they were traveling in Thailand.

It was not made immediately clear how the passports were sent from Thailand to Kuala Lumpur.

Sources told Fox News it is not uncommon for Iranians to travel to and from Malaysia, or to buy one-way tickets through third parties. They said the fact that the man believed to have purchased the tickets on behalf of two Iranians traveling with stolen passports seemed to be seeking the cheapest fares within a range of dates does not jibe with typical terrorism plots. The sources familiar with Iranian travel patterns also said use of stolen passports is common for those involved in the drug trade, those wanting to study or work abroad and even Iranians who seek political, religious or social refuge.

A BBC Persian editor told Britain's Daily Telegraph that the Iranians were "looking for a place to settle." Both Malaysia and Thailand are home to large Iranian communities.

"We know that once these individuals arrived in Kuala Lumpur on the 28th of February they boarded flight 370 using different identities, a stolen Austrian and a stolen Italian passport," Noble said, according to Reuters. But he added that Interpol believes no other suspect passports were used to board the plane.

“The more information we get, the more we are inclined to conclude it is not a terrorist incident,” he said.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished from radar screens early Saturday local time with 239 people on board, shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur. In the absence of any sign that the plane was in trouble before it vanished, speculation has ranged widely, including pilot error, plane malfunction, hijacking and terrorism. The last theory had focused on the reports that two stolen passports had been used by passengers on the plane.

Earlier Tuesday, Malaysia Airlines said in a statement that the western coast of the country, near the Straits of Malacca, was "now the focus" of search efforts. That is on the other side of peninsular Malaysia from where flight 370 was reported missing, meaning if the plane went down there it would have had to fly over the country, presumably undetected. No debris from the plane has been found.

Civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said expanding the search area didn't imply authorities believed the plane was off the western coast.

"The search is on both sides," he said.

But Reuters, quoting a Malaysian military official who has been briefed on the investigations, reported Tuesday that the country’s military believes the plane was last tracked by radar over the Straits of Malacca.

"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Strait," said the official, who was not named.

The search currently includes nine aircraft and 24 ships from nine countries that have been scouring the Gulf of Thailand on the eastern side of Malaysia.

Assuming the plane crashed into the ocean or disintegrated in midair, there will likely still be debris floating in the ocean, but it may be widely spread out, and much may have already sunk. In past disasters, it has taken days or longer to find wreckage.

The United States has sent two navy ships, at least one of which is equipped with helicopters, and a Navy P-3C Orion plane with sensors that can detect small debris in the water. It said in a statement that the Malaysian government has done "tremendous job" organizing the search efforts.

Vietnam's deputy military chief also said he had ordered a land search for the plane up to border with Laos and Cambodia. He said that military units near the border with Laos and Cambodia had been instructed to search their regions also.

"So far we have found no signs (of the plane) ... so we must widen our search on land," said Lt. Gen. Vo Van Tuan, deputy chief of staff of Vietnamese People's Army.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army Daily newspaper said Beijing had deployed 10 satellites that will use high-resolution earth imaging capabilities and other technology to "support and assist in the search and rescue operations for the Malaysian Airlines aircraft."

The Chinese satellites will also help in weather monitoring, communication and search operations in the area where the plane disappeared, Reuters quoted the newspaper as saying.

The announcements reflect the difficulty authorities are having in finding the plane. China has urged Malaysia to speed up the search for the plane. About two-thirds of passengers and 12 crew members on the plane were Chinese, according to Reuters.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 03/11/14 06:08 AM

Malaysia Plane Hidden With Electronic Weaponry? 20 High-Tech EW Defense Passengers

Four people in particular who boarded the missing Malaysian plane are being investigated, two for stolen passports and two other passport-related suspects. Those four suspects plus twenty people on board involved in cutting edge electric technology. some used for defense purposes, raise a question with this reporter about electronic weaponry hiding the plane.

Added to the tragic mystery is why not one country checked databases for information about stolen passports used to board the Malaysia Airlines flight.


regularfeller's photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:37 PM
Has David Copperfield been questioned?

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 04:42 PM

"Hey boss! Yes Tattoo? Look the plane! The plane!"

Did you ever see that movie "Deliverance"? noway

technovative's photo
Tue 03/11/14 05:27 PM

Has David Copperfield been questioned?

Yep, but like all mysterious illusionist his response was enigmatic and evasive.

technovative's photo
Tue 03/11/14 05:33 PM

"Hey boss! Yes Tattoo? Look the plane! The plane!"

Did you ever see that movie "Deliverance"? noway

I have seen it. That considered if I were a passenger on the missing plane I would much rather end up on Fantasy Island than in the woods being stalked by inbred sex crazed hillbillies. scared

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 06:03 PM

Has David Copperfield been questioned?

Copperfield doesn't know squat.

Waterboard David Blaine to get the truth.