Topic: Super Bowl
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 02/05/14 04:19 AM

So did anyone else want to puke when they did the national anthem?

Suffer from cognitive dissonance when the rolled out the flag and sang.

"Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, for the land of the free and home of the brave"

The answer of course is no.

Certainly you can move to another nation that is more to your liking. whoa
Typical grade school response (News Flash) this is not your grandfathers america.

But your Socialist-Idea of America ain't it either!laugh
Do you not live in a socialist country Mr Conrad? Its far more liberal than Uber Amerika. One would think you would spend your endless idle time preaching your right wing dogma to your own countrymen. I am growing weary of your constant trolling.

A strong case can be made that your a shrill or some type of sock puppet.

There you go and accuse me of being a Shill again!tears
Actually,if you had some Idea of Switzerland,you'd see we are far less "progressive" than you!
Why some of you Guys constantly think of Sweden when they hear Switzerland is a real Mystery to me!laugh

Actually what gets me is,you live in the greatest Nation of the World,yet I need to see you yet to leave even a shred of good on it!
Maybe you do need to relocate to some other Country for a while to appreciate what you got!mad :angry:

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:21 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Wed 02/05/14 05:29 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:37 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!

DonnyRover's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:44 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....

And if you don't have the resources you start a war with a country that does or support a corrupt government against rebellion!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:47 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....

And if you don't have the resources you start a war with a country that does or support a corrupt government against rebellion!

Yep,Bad,Bad UK!

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:01 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....

And if you don't have the resources you start a war with a country that does or support a corrupt government against rebellion!

laugh laugh laugh laugh ...Thanks for the belly laugh Donny, you should consider stand up comedy......laugh

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:20 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:23 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:27 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:30 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh
Is it? I don't think so? I suppose you think the 2nd World war started in Dec 1941, like was mentioned on here a few weeks back? ha ha. The truth hurts and you can't handle it? Simple as!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:31 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what

seems today might be Disturbed People's Day!laugh

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:35 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what

seems today might be Disturbed People's Day!laugh

Let's play "Pass The Buck"..laugh

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:35 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what
It's coming from somebody that's only stating a fact, that's all !

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:35 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what

seems today might be Disturbed People's Day!laugh

Let's play "Pass The Buck"..laugh
:laughing: :thumbsup: waving

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:38 AM

You think you're the greatest nation on Earth, you mean? America, is a great nation, I agree, but the greatest? Nope! Visit Scandanavian countries and look at their quality of life? You might be surprised at how well run their countries are and how happy the people in those countries are also? Greatest nation doesn't mean who has the most weapons and defence budget? Rather how the government treats the people in general and the American government treats it's citizens with contempt!

Was talking to someone about the States the other day, he said it was really no different from a third world country. What I know, hear and read, I tend to agree.
It's one thing to think you're the greatest, it's another to actually be the greatest.
To me it's like the way ppl in Amsterdam thing/feel about themselves and their city.
Being proud of your country or city doesn't mean j*ck really when it comes to being great.

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

it's sad that it has become the In-thing and fashionable to Crap all over one's Country!
Seems they are trying to out-do each other in crowing how bad it is,then want to feed it a bunch of Statist/Socialist-Pablum that made the Country sick in the first place!
That's good coming from someone who's government has crapped on nation after nation, all in the name of liberty? Don't make me laugh? My country the UK, did the same in the 18th and 19th century and I can accept that. Seems like Americans can criticise whoever they want, but can't handle it back? Grow up and realise the World is changing and just accept that that your position is changing, as the World caught up with you!

You barking up the wrong Tree,Sunshine!
Besides,you're way out of Line!
And your grasp of History is off too!laugh

Certainly agree about the history....Wondering where all that is coming from...what

seems today might be Disturbed People's Day!laugh

Let's play "Pass The Buck"..laugh
:laughing: :thumbsup: waving

waving flowerforyou

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:45 AM
That's the response I expected from someone with their head up their arse, not in the sand! As I said, your lot are good at giving it out and can't handle it back? Chit happens and sorry I burst your bubble, but that's life eh? Ha ha

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:51 AM

That's the response I expected from someone with their head up their arse, not in the sand! As I said, your lot are good at giving it out and can't handle it back? Chit happens and sorry I burst your bubble, but that's life eh? Ha ha

Speaking for myself here Jon...You will not find one post in my two year history on Mingle that has me bad mouthing another's country...Not one....The reason being?...If I don't have first hand knowledge, I don't go there....

Talk is cheap Crystal....I have "lived" in America for over six decades...Most of that time with my eyes wide open....While I don't idolize my country, I have deep respect for and absolute loyalty to America and I know exactly why...Americans believe in America the same way Brits believe in their country or Scotts believe in theirs...America is exceptional and I feel blessed that I was born here...Third world?...Don't make me laugh...Declining?...Not really...Misleading statistics?...Maybe, probably...Stats that say our healthcare is worse than other countries are based on mortality and longevity rates which have nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle...People the world over travel here to take advantage of our superior healthcare facilities and services...Stats concerning education do not take into consideration our diverse and large population...And, they are based on averaged scores which masks the number of high achievers we graduate...Every year, China sends thousands of their young citizens here to be educated....America leads in biotech, entertainment, internet innovation...In spite of our problems, we continue to lead and, when the chips are down, we continue to come together to fight for and preserve freedom...In spite of our problems, we remain in a position of leadership because we have the resources needed to handle the job....God Bless America....

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 06:55 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 02/05/14 07:01 AM

That's the response I expected from someone with their head up their arse, not in the sand! As I said, your lot are good at giving it out and can't handle it back? Chit happens and sorry I burst your bubble, but that's life eh? Ha ha

Well,Sunshine,need to resort to Insults now?
BTW,I am not from the US,but I get extremely PI$$ed off when People who don't know Diddly-Squat slag of other Countries!

BTW,good luck for the Scottish Independence!
Just hope they ain't gonna slag Scotland too much!

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 07:40 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Wed 02/05/14 07:40 AM

That's the response I expected from someone with their head up their arse, not in the sand! As I said, your lot are good at giving it out and can't handle it back? Chit happens and sorry I burst your bubble, but that's life eh? Ha ha

Well,Sunshine,need to resort to Insults now?
BTW,I am not from the US,but I get extremely PI$$ed off when People who don't know Diddly-Squat slag of other Countries!

BTW,good luck for the Scottish Independence!
Just hope they ain't gonna slag Scotland too much!

I think it will take a lot more than luck Conrad...Basing future revenue forecasts on 'diminishing' North Sea Oil stocks means HUGE cuts in public spending...Loss of RBS ( Royal Bank of Scotland) to London will really complicate things... Royal Mail imports are three times higher than exports, so do they raise stamp prices or increase subsidies?...If they increase subsidies, where will the money needed come from?...Lots of uncertainties for sure...Especially from businesses, as in oil and gas industries:wink: ...I wish them the best, but.........???

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/05/14 07:40 AM

That's the response I expected from someone with their head up their arse, not in the sand! As I said, your lot are good at giving it out and can't handle it back? Chit happens and sorry I burst your bubble, but that's life eh? Ha ha

Well,Sunshine,need to resort to Insults now?
BTW,I am not from the US,but I get extremely PI$$ed off when People who don't know Diddly-Squat slag of other Countries!

BTW,good luck for the Scottish Independence!
Just hope they ain't gonna slag Scotland too much!
The only one that knows diddly squat is YOU! That arrogance clouds your judgement, as you think that the rest of the World are idiots? I had an education, but I still learn something new every day, pity you're too pig-headed to realise that?