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Topic: Worst date ever!!!
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Tue 01/28/14 07:13 PM

U can b my bartender lol drinks :laughing: offtopic

I'll second that! Jack needs to start his own bartending thread in chit chat!!flowerforyou :banana:

no photo
Tue 01/28/14 07:17 PM

Worst date ever?
hmm let's see,,,,,

i went out with an amish girl once. the night was ok until i asked to see her elbow.

she showed me her elbow and wrist then said, " now that i've put out, we gotta get married. " now i've an amish ex and 12 1/4 kids

tell us about the Amish Honeymoon won't you? :)

no photo
Tue 01/28/14 08:00 PM
It was 2 years back.I registered for online dating with a company called Premier Introductions in Toronto.From the day I got registered a man was calling me.He was sending me flowers.He never chat with me..He used to call me (he told he got my number from the company).He had a charming voice .And from the day he started calling I fell for him...completely! Soon we arranged for a date..I bought a new dress for the date!I started to be filled with such excitement that I had the sudden sensation of the fluttering of butterflies in the depths of my stomach.But when I reached there I was shattered.It was my birthday and friends were planning a surprise for me.I would call that my worst birthday!And Mr.X who I was dating turned out to be one of my best friends.(I told him before registering for online dating.)I was very angry with him when I realized I was completely fooled! I didn't talked him for a week.But the next week he again surprised me by proposing me.....And I said yes!The most horrible date with a HAPPY ENDING!!!

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 01/28/14 08:10 PM
I think that it's got to be that Christmas when I took my ex and her daughter to have dinner with my family. Well, my mum was still driving in those days and she came for us. My ex had never met my dad before, or my sister. Can't remember if she had met my brother but probably. But anyway, I really wanted this thing to go well because I was trying my best to please this woman and not really succeeding at that, apart from being a great lover and I never get any complaints about that I assure you.

So, when we got there my dad had just contracted pneumonia. The thing about my dad is that he'll never admit that there's anything wrong with him. He won't even put reading glasses on in front of other people. He always does the cooking and I'll give him his due, the food wasn't that bad and he really did his best to be sociable, even though he should have been in bed, or in hospital. My ex and I got a bit merry because we were on the wine but my family aren't really drinkers and they were all sitting there sober while my ex was being like she is when she's had a drink. Let's just say that she's an outgoing person when she's sober and add alcohol to that and she likes to be the life and soul of the party.

The meal was alright I suppose. I had said that we could go out for a walk around the village after dinner. I wanted us to have a nice day and for her to see the place that I grew up in. Supposedly my mother had told me about this but I don't remember it and she would have done it when I was still half asleep probably but my sister wanted to get back to Edinburgh to meet her boyfriend after the meal and my mother was doing the driving. We got to sit down for about ten minutes at the most and watched a bit of a movie and then my mother told us that we had to go. My dad isn't exactly the most sociable person when he isn't ill and he just wanted to get rid of us. My ex was not impressed at all by being treated like that and she made a point of telling me that we could have gone to her family instead and I never did meet her family, apart from her daughter.

I know that it probably doesn't sound that bad to you but I'll never forget that woman telling me how my family had treated her and her daughter like crap and whenever my mother says to me that I can bring a girlfriend down there I remind her of that day and actually, now that I come to think about it, it was their fault that that relationship didn't work out and that wasn't the worst Christmas that I've had with my family, i'll tell you. Not by a long shot, it wasn't.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 01/28/14 08:19 PM
I think if they were bad it was more or less my fault.

Cause I'm just good like that and s*.smokin

no photo
Tue 01/28/14 08:30 PM
I went out with a guy who got drunk, then hit on the woman at the table next to us and got her phone number. He couldn't figure out why I was mad and declined his request to be serviced in the parking lot.

Mississippigal2003's photo
Tue 01/28/14 11:21 PM
My prom date got mad bc I wouldn't let him drive my brand new car to the prom. I drove it instead. He left after one dance and had a hotel party that I wasn't invited to and he slept with my old best friend.

no photo
Tue 01/28/14 11:23 PM

My prom date got mad bc I wouldn't let him drive my brand new car to the prom. I drove it instead. He left after one dance and had a hotel party that I wasn't invited to and he slept with my old best friend.


Mississippigal2003's photo
Tue 01/28/14 11:29 PM
He didn't even go to my school and he threw a party. Strange

no photo
Tue 01/28/14 11:31 PM
Sounds like a real winner. Also like someone I would have gone out with....laugh

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/29/14 09:09 PM
The part where I said yes to dating.

panchovanilla's photo
Wed 01/29/14 09:22 PM

Years ago I read about a 'worst date ever' contest.
This winner won, hands down, no argument.
I will have to paraphrase from memory:

A gal and a guy were out on their first date on a
snowy cold evening.

She was so nervous, she asked him to stop along the
freeway so she could, well, pee, on the way to a

He stayed inside while she got out to do her business.
She did not want him to see her, so she went behind
the car, there was no traffic.

She leaned back against the trunk/bumper and went
about it.

Soon, she realized, she had frozen her backside against
the vehicle.

With no other choice, she called out to her date,
indicating the problem.

They had no water nor any way to separate her from
the bumper.

After much hemming and hawing, he got mostly behind
her and peed on the spot where she was stuck and she
was able to..unattach.

They agreed the date was over.

I cannot top this for the worst date ever :-)

It could have been worse.
She could have gotten her tongue stuck on a cold pipe.sick

Mississippigal2003's photo
Thu 01/30/14 02:12 AM
That's not a bad date. That's a kinky date and if ur into that sort of thing it would be a great date lmao

loki_grins's photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:56 AM
Worst date ?
That would be the time I started flirting with a woman on facebook. I didn't know her but I found her attractive and witty. I poured on the charm and soon we chatting and then speaking on the phone. She then suggested that she come see me .
She lived in New Mexico and I in Maryland so I said sure, stay at my place for couple days.
She arrived and it was soon apparent that she had borderline personality disorder.
It goes down hill from there, I requested that she might want to stay with someone else so she left, but not before going to sheriff's office and filling out a 8 page rambling complaint . I had to go to court ! She had left the state and the judge commented that he had never seen a 8 page complaint before, and I was free to go.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/17/14 08:02 AM

The part where I said yes to dating.

laugh laugh

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