Topic: What matters more to you?
stephen84usa's photo
Mon 01/13/14 05:48 PM
Edited by stephen84usa on Mon 01/13/14 05:52 PM
Being filthy rich or being filthy poor as long as you have a simple life with your wife and kids living in a tiny apartment?

soufiehere's photo
Mon 01/13/14 06:10 PM
Not being filthy.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 06:31 PM
Poor ,simple life , happy family

stephen84usa's photo
Mon 01/13/14 07:11 PM
Being poor as long as you have your family right with you is better than being rich and not having any of those things.

dreamerana's photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:11 PM
Family, togetherness, someone you can count on

Sam's photo
Tue 01/14/14 12:51 AM
Being happy and also keeping others happy :) :) :)

dcastelmissy's photo
Tue 01/14/14 08:51 AM
Loved ones are the only truly valuable things in this life IMHO! They bring pure joy! happy :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 01/14/14 10:07 AM
I value my freedom more than anything.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."

"The things you own end up owning you."

"Blessed be moderate poverty."

panchovanilla's photo
Tue 01/14/14 10:21 AM
I'll take what's behind door 3. Prefer somewhere between..minus the filthy.

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/14/14 10:24 AM
Im not enlightened enough to be poor and happy

hard to be happy watching your family go without needs,,,,,,,

so its hard to say

I Certainly prefer family to no family

but as far as rich or poor,,,,I still would prefer rich,,,

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 01/14/14 02:44 PM
Rich and poor are relative terms and are opinions derived from current social norms. One's income and possessions can be well below average (or below mandated poverty level) and they can live well – perhaps more satisfyingly than many who are relatively wealthy.

My statement in that regard is "I am wealthy in terms other than wealth, possessions, and status." That means to me that I control my life and my time, I do not answer to anyone, no one sets my schedule, I have all I need to be happy and fulfilled, I do not lust for more of anything.

Many who aspire to wealth and possessions enslave themselves to their continued acquisition and safeguarding.

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/14/14 02:54 PM
I Agree,, income is in reference to money,, but wealth is in reference to assets

people can be what we call wealthy (having large income) but living so much above their means they are constantly in worry about their debts and their possessions

but having RESOURCES, those things that give you true FREEDOM to get sick, or travel, or have time to yourself,,, like investments, and property(owned property), stocks, bonds, inheritances ,,,etc,,,

Freedom is wealth, and it is easier to have freedom with more money, but only if one can manage money well,,

not having basics or a nest to fall back on or a network to help or support,, are forms of being POOR in which it is hard to find happiness

zzzippy56's photo
Tue 01/14/14 03:10 PM
Im for the simple, happy life. i spend as much time as i can with my kids and grand kids. They are the love of my life.. God bless them all..

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 01/14/14 09:49 PM
Filthy rich, then I can buy my islands, expend for an excellent crew, and pirate those seas!smokin

no photo
Wed 01/15/14 03:57 PM

Im not enlightened enough to be poor and happy

hard to be happy watching your family go without needs,,,,,,,

so its hard to say

I Certainly prefer family to no family

but as far as rich or poor,,,,I still would prefer rich,,,

same here. I'll take the money and then share it with my family :)

no photo
Wed 01/15/14 04:24 PM
makes no difference to me, besides you can't take the money with you when you die... if I had it now, I probably would not spend it and I'd be smart enough not to make a family if I were poor and lived in a tiny apartment. So, I remain happy :wink:

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/15/14 04:42 PM
I don't like those choices. I want to have Family and be rich.happy