Topic: wow....
RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:21 PM
i have gotten alot of e-mails...stating im negative...let me say
this...i dont be on this site....and when i do drop in..i give my
opinion...if u dont like it,quit respondin back to me...i say what i not young and have learned quick not to put up with
peoples shit...i speak my mind...if i seem rude or
not...i a very blunt person..i have to be...and plus its me...i would
love to hear from i rude or disrespectful...i will give NO REPLY not the 1 to argue

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:23 PM
Tell me about the hardest trick shot you ever made(playing pool) and
whether it was called or not.

RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:26 PM
it was a bank shot boy had 1 ball in my way and i had to bank off
of 2 sides in a corner pocket....we bet i couldnt make it...and i
did...i cant bank worth a lick...dont seem hard but it was a clever shot

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:27 PM
i disagree with that e-mail and i as well got one it's because someone
cant handle us that speak out our feeling they feel that we should sit
back in a dam coner and take it all in!
I have and will not speak whats on my mind it's not right for someone to
go complain on others they need to not repond or just look over that 1
post becuase some post arent meant for everyone just for one if we as
people cant speak out in post then what do we have on this site nothing
but e-mail's back and forth.
they need a posting for people who want to just speak out then if others
dont like it then dont dam read.

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:31 PM
I have a trick shot that goes five rails. It's not so hard if you can
set it up, but I've only used it once in game play.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:36 PM
well ladies I don't know who this specific person ya'll must be talking
about for I have been here for almost 2 months and can't recall anything
RUSserious has posted to tell the truth so it could not have been
hatefull or I would have remembered it and for lady63 only have noticed
her last few days one because of the caps. To most that is like
screaming at them and she was a tad upset out there and was very vocal
but hey it does happen notice caps are off now that is good it actaully
is harder to read when its all caps. lol But good luck both of ya and
Please Welcome to this site there are a lot of great people here just
take time to get to know them. Alot come here for the friendship instead
of the dating part and we do tend to talk about everything that crosses
our minds. Good luck ladies.

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:38 PM
We are all human, so by that being said? You will not make everybody
happy, you will not have everybody as your friend?
If ya got a bitch with one or two people, ask about what it is and deal
with it or leave it? Don't run away from it? Just know that HEY, they
don't like me I don't like them but im not going to let it piss-me
enough to bother me or the other's on this place? It's that simple? To
go on with an issue ( on post) is telling me your thinking to much on
one person's dislike? Piss on um? and go on.. And captain? You don't
even want me to get talking about POOL, it's been alot of my life for 30

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:42 PM
Yes, I do want to talk about pool, the game is great. Have you played in
tounaments, for straight money, or just for fun.

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:47 PM
cool iam4u where do you live lol naw i like to play pool also and i love
3 ball I have won some money on that game.It would be nice to have
another to play pool with thoe.

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/22/06 04:49 PM
Three ball is an awesome game when you have a group of people. Have you
ever played golf when theres only two or three?

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/23/06 09:55 AM
imma say this on my own topic..i got 4 messages in my mailbox...and they
shocked me when they said im rude....if i come off as rude,then damn i
must be...i aint gonna cry and get pissed bout it..just nice to know how
people think of i gonna change..HELL NO...just curious to the