Community > Posts By > RUSerious

RUSerious's photo
Wed 12/27/06 08:32 PM
I am still in process..the apartment complex is fighting it.and they
tried to cover up the other complaints on the stairs.which is makin a
bit harder for my case but luckely the peeps who made the claim still
have the complaint form....ill still keep u posted.

RUSerious's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:18 AM
LMAO...i can dig it......

RUSerious's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:15 AM
cool = fly

RUSerious's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:09 AM
Just to update yall on this....We is sueing for 25,000....wish me luck

RUSerious's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:57 AM
im not afraid..i think i scare them off being bold..i dont have a loud
mouth,i just say it as it comes to very blunt and alot of people
dont know how to take sometimes being quiet is a good thing

RUSerious's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:31 AM
my daughter

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:46 PM
the right 1....y?

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:39 PM
orgasm= fulfillment ( is that how u spell it) im slow

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:37 PM
crime = punishment

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:36 PM
damn is it that serious????????????????

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:34 PM
i keep condoms in my purse,car,bedroom,i carry condoms in my bra
sometimes(yes i do)1 in every jacket i own and wear...i stay
strapped...crazy? hell naw prepared

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:30 PM
1 who u can call up after the club or work and get u some...thats all i
have is booty calls and I LOVE" trouble,no headaches,no
dick missions...

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 05:26 PM
whoa,get off it dog..i could care less of the money..the apartments need
to fix they damn steps and imma be the 1 to make sure they gonna do what
they suppost to do...IM THE fuck what u talkin
bout..u mad cuz it aint happen to u so u can get some money..i aint in
it for the money...i been off work for 2 weeks,who gonna make up that
money...not me..i have a busted up leg which i cant walk on still cuz im
still bruised.NOT BY MY CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im so done wit this
subject...whoa ill let u know how much i get when its done and over wit

RUSerious's photo
Thu 11/02/06 12:18 PM
no u cant see the step broke..duh,i would of skipped hospital
bill alone was over 2,000...irregardless if i had insurance or
if i didnt have insurance,im responcible for it...HELL NAW..peeps get
real....and the amount is for me to know..sorry..if i set for

RUSerious's photo
Wed 11/01/06 05:33 PM
there is only one set of no i had no other choice..its in
the open of all types of weather..all they do is paint the stairs to
make them look pretty and like i said b4,there r other complaints on the
same set of im good to go and i did call sam berstein,he;s on
my case...ty peeps...imma get my money worth

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/30/06 12:14 PM
ty king

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:08 AM
u still wrong...the place has a sign,cuz of peeps sueing..thats still
different..and yes the stairs r croaked..i am takin action..i have a
lawyer..i have a witness..i have pics....i have doctor notes and
bills....which I AM NOT RESPONCIBLE FOR...the apartment building said
that they KNEW the str=airs where messed up,but never did anything about
it.They have 6 complaints on them 1 pair of steps alone..I have a right
to sue,thats the apartments responcibility,not mine..whoa....u

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:57 AM
NO,NO,NO,NO,NO !!!!!!

RUSerious's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:37 AM
pet = peve ...however u spell it

RUSerious's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:35 AM
party = animal

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