Topic: Human Evolution
WorlOfMyOwn's photo
Wed 12/04/13 07:58 AM
Don't you ever wonder how we really came about anf what will happen to the human race after a million years. Because research has it that the first "creatures" was the Australophitecus which lived for 2 to 3 million years until it became extinct. After that was the Homo habilis (handy man) which was more advanced than the the Australophitecus because it could make tools , they became extinct after 2 million years. There after was the Homo erectus (upright man) which was upright and could make use of fire , it became extinct after a million years. The Homo habilis was next which was was more advanced than all the above since it had a larger brain, they could communicate andhunt for food ect. and they looked more like humans, they too became extinct after 2 million years. And then finally it was or is us the Human beings which are the most advanced of all for obvious reasons. So actually what im wondering is whether we too will become extinct after 2 million years or so like all the above homids, and there after a new and more advanced generation will evolute?

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 12/24/13 02:33 PM
Check out Ray Kurzweil. He is a futurist that thinks, like quite a few others, that humans will be augmented with significant technology relatively soon. The next natural stage in evolution that would happen without modern society won't happen. The idea of human will change very rapidly, or it will not and will be erased. I think it is a become something now or go back to the dust moment for all humankind.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 12/24/13 02:34 PM
This topic could really go in the science and philosophy forum. I don't see any paranormal mentioned.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 12/24/13 03:28 PM

Don't you ever wonder how we really came about anf what will happen to the human race after a million years. Because research has it that the first "creatures" was the Australophitecus which lived for 2 to 3 million years until it became extinct. After that was the Homo habilis (handy man) which was more advanced than the the Australophitecus because it could make tools , they became extinct after 2 million years. There after was the Homo erectus (upright man) which was upright and could make use of fire , it became extinct after a million years. The Homo habilis was next which was was more advanced than all the above since it had a larger brain, they could communicate andhunt for food ect. and they looked more like humans, they too became extinct after 2 million years. And then finally it was or is us the Human beings which are the most advanced of all for obvious reasons. So actually what im wondering is whether we too will become extinct after 2 million years or so like all the above homids, and there after a new and more advanced generation will evolute?

This is where the Theory of Natural Selection comes into play.

no photo
Mon 12/30/13 05:16 PM
So actually what im wondering is whether we too will become extinct after 2 million years or so like all the above homids, and there after a new and more advanced generation will evolute?

The vast majority of all species that have ever existed on earth have gone extinct. So you might think that: Of course, humans will be going extinct in a comparable time frame, just like all the others.

But (afawk) (a) no other species manufactured machines that put them on another planet, nor imagines terraforming other worlds one day.

(b) (afawk) no other species has the understanding of genetics that we have.

This makes us different, and makes predictions like this much harder.

Candiapples's photo
Sat 01/11/14 07:59 PM
We will extinct ourselves long before that unless something drastic changes. I dont really care after I am gone what happens

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/15/14 01:36 PM

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 07/15/14 01:42 PM

Check out Ray Kurzweil. He is a futurist that thinks, like quite a few others, that humans will be augmented with significant technology relatively soon. The next natural stage in evolution that would happen without modern society won't happen. The idea of human will change very rapidly, or it will not and will be erased. I think it is a become something now or go back to the dust moment for all humankind.

well,he definitely lives up up his name!laugh

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/15/14 02:36 PM

Check out Ray Kurzweil. He is a futurist that thinks, like quite a few others, that humans will be augmented with significant technology relatively soon. The next natural stage in evolution that would happen without modern society won't happen. The idea of human will change very rapidly, or it will not and will be erased. I think it is a become something now or go back to the dust moment for all humankind.

well,he definitely lives up up his name!laugh

hahahaha Yes, with all of those voice recognition and other technology devices it is suiting that he'd be pastime or entertainment. He doesn't look like he'll live forever. He doesn't look alive. Being alive is not fearing death, so if he doesn't want to die, he must already be dead. Might as well pass his time making his name.

no photo
Tue 07/15/14 03:17 PM

Don't you ever wonder how we really came about anf what will happen to the human race after a million years. Because research has it that the first "creatures" was the Australophitecus which lived for 2 to 3 million years until it became extinct. After that was the Homo habilis (handy man) which was more advanced than the the Australophitecus because it could make tools , they became extinct after 2 million years. There after was the Homo erectus (upright man) which was upright and could make use of fire , it became extinct after a million years. The Homo habilis was next which was was more advanced than all the above since it had a larger brain, they could communicate andhunt for food ect. and they looked more like humans, they too became extinct after 2 million years. And then finally it was or is us the Human beings which are the most advanced of all for obvious reasons. So actually what im wondering is whether we too will become extinct after 2 million years or so like all the above homids, and there after a new and more advanced generation will evolute?

You mention Homo habilis twice, so now I am confused.
I reckon some lunatic will wipe us all out and then some alien anthropologist will wonder just what went wrong on earth.

metalwing's photo
Tue 07/15/14 04:11 PM
Sharks have been around for 200 million years. When the human lawyer went from accepting chickens for payment 100 years ago to emptying your bank account today, he assured humankind an extra long existence.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/15/14 05:00 PM

Sharks have been around for 200 million years. When the human lawyer went from accepting chickens for payment 100 years ago to emptying your bank account today, he assured humankind an extra long existence.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/15/14 05:57 PM
I dont worry about extinction, i believe in eternal life for believers.

TBRich's photo
Tue 07/15/14 09:43 PM
Just like there is no concept of Heaven/Hell in the Jewish faith-as such theology is actually an act of hubris, I think wondering about things a million years in the future is either science fiction or hubris

metalwing's photo
Wed 08/06/14 06:20 PM
More than likely, within your lifetime, humans will begin implanting designer genes to improve the quality of their baby.

A California scientist who raced the U.S. government to map the human genome is working on a new project. Craig Venter's team plans to collect genetic information from thousands of people in an effort to fight some of the biggest health problems we face as we get older, including cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease.

In China, the focus is on children. But the research going on there is raising concerns about the future of science.

Inside a converted shoe factory in Shenzhen, China, scientists have launched an ambitious search for the genes linked to human intelligence.

The man in charge of the project is 21-year-old science savant, Zhao Bowen. He estimates more than 60 percent of your IQ is decided by your parents, and now they want to prove it.

"We are looking for the smart people," Zhao told CBS News' Wyatt Andrews. "Those that have an IQ higher than 145 points."

Zhao works for the Chinese bio-tech giant BGI, which owns more gene sequencing machines than anyone in the world. Zhao said of one of the machines, "It's just continuously generating tons of data."

That "tons of data" is taken from the genetic make-up of more than 2,000 of the brightest people BGI could find, most of them scientists and math wizards.

"We want to see what's in common," Zhao said.

One of the people selected -- and who volunteered his DNA -- is Boston software developer, Jeffrey Kaufman.

"This is something, that, if executed well, can be very positive for our society and for the world," Kaufman said.

But discovering the genetics of intelligence could also be controversial. It would then be possible to test a human embryo to learn if the baby is destined to be smart.

In-vitro laboratories already allow parents to use genetic tests to screen their embryos not just for disease, but to choose embryos based on gender and other physical traits.

BGI believes that one day there might be a test for IQ.

If that day comes, Kaufman believes that children chosen for intelligence would have an advantage.

"Given the choice, most parents are going to rather have a more intelligent baby than a less intelligent baby, sort of all other things considered, and that for the most part that seems like that should be a good thing," Kaufman said.

Yet the fear is that China could unleash a future of "designer children" engineered to perfection -- the stuff of science fiction.

But at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Eric Green, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, says genetic science is not there -- not yet.

"This leap to that we're going to find an IQ gene, or we're going to find the human cognition gene is naive," Green said. "This is not a simple test."

Still, Green calls IQ research critical. He sees discoveries related to mental illness or Alzheimer's as outcomes far more likely than any genetic test for the super child.

Asked how he would describe his ultimate goal, Zhao said it's to "help people understand themselves and to create a better world."
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Mrberlean's photo
Thu 08/07/14 12:50 PM
Change always is.

Crocodiles are around for very long time.
We humans, hmm , we are to naive,strong forces are manipulating us and we let them, and look around you, how much longer do you give us? We are nothing but fleas in this modern age on the surface of this planet.

I have more respect towards Tribe people, they live / lived in harmony with nature.
We so called civilized people are just bunch of fleas and zombies treating this planet this way. Not much future here, but hay :" Change always is!"

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:05 PM

Change always is.

Crocodiles are around for very long time.
We humans, hmm , we are to naive,strong forces are manipulating us and we let them, and look around you, how much longer do you give us? We are nothing but fleas in this modern age on the surface of this planet.

I have more respect towards Tribe people, they live / lived in harmony with nature.
We so called civilized people are just bunch of fleas and zombies treating this planet this way. Not much future here, but hay :" Change always is!"

You can always join the tribal People!
Foreswear the amenities of Civilization!
Live in a Teepee,Cave,Mudhut or whatever!
No Sanitation,no nothing!
You will love it!

Mrberlean's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:06 PM
Also I wanted to add, that no one from us here is be-able to comment on the
2 Million Years evolution or destruction , what ever this is.
Unless you are born with all the memory and knowledge, you would probably have
credibility in discussion about such topic.
But if you are like me and others born on this planet with no memory of this
and are from small child taught from existing school system how to count and write , for the best interest of corporations , so you can pay bills and live according to stupid manipulated Gregorian calender , so you just not to forget to pay, you and me will never have the qualification to talk about million of years evolution back and forth.
Sorry no mean to be harsh do not take it to personal, but under this conditions we have no qualification to comprehend what is really going on.
I for example do no buy the bull that education system teaches us.
Hope for you you will find out what happened to cockroaches 2 million years ago, I personally do not care at all. I am concerned about NOW.

Mrberlean's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:06 PM

Change always is.

Crocodiles are around for very long time.
We humans, hmm , we are to naive,strong forces are manipulating us and we let them, and look around you, how much longer do you give us? We are nothing but fleas in this modern age on the surface of this planet.

I have more respect towards Tribe people, they live / lived in harmony with nature.
We so called civilized people are just bunch of fleas and zombies treating this planet this way. Not much future here, but hay :" Change always is!"

You can always join the tribal People!
Foreswear the amenities of Civilization!
Live in a Teepee,Cave,Mudhut or whatever!
No Sanitation,no nothing!
You will love it!

Oh yea?!
Looks like you have tried it out already.
Ok then I take your advise and will join them.
Just give me little time to prepare.
You stay here , look at the monitor it will enhance you