Sat 11/30/13 05:46 AM
I don't tink people can
Sat 11/30/13 05:53 AM
We all have the ability to resist anything we really what too.
Sat 11/30/13 06:00 AM
sex at the wrong time? Doesn't that equal "not wanting sex at that moment"? What's difficult about resisting something you don't want?
Sat 11/30/13 06:25 AM
ru like sex
Sat 11/30/13 06:30 AM
 There's a wrong time for sex!!???!#$!!??*##!!!...How come nobody told me?
Sat 11/30/13 06:31 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
Sat 11/30/13 07:23 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
 If you are in this for "just sex" then you are in the wrong Group!! I hope most on here are here to Maby meet another Good Person? Or are we like animals where Making Love is Meaningless? Yes you control the outcome of any relationship and dictate YOUR DESIRES in the outcome of any meeting that happens on Mingle as well as your Morals and what happens after a Commitment "Making Love"!! I've surprised a many in my life after a night out with a meal by driving them home,Escorting them home,Giving a kiss on the cheek and saying Goodnight ! Even surprised them more asking if I could call on them again. Respect and Selfrespect goes a long way!! That is only getting Laid is All you expected in the First Place?
Sat 11/30/13 07:35 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
 If you are in this for "just sex" then you are in the wrong Group!! I hope most on here are here to Maby meet another Good Person? Or are we like animals where Making Love is Meaningless? Yes you control the outcome of any relationship and dictate YOUR DESIRES in the outcome of any meeting that happens on Mingle as well as your Morals and what happens after a Commitment "Making Love"!! I've surprised a many in my life after a night out with a meal by driving them home,Escorting them home,Giving a kiss on the cheek and saying Goodnight ! Even surprised them more asking if I could call on them again. Respect and Selfrespect goes a long way!! That is only getting Laid is All you expected in the First Place?
Hello Wolf!....How do you know making love is meaningless to animals?...I believe that it carries deep meaning for them and there is much they can teach us about love and loving....
Sat 11/30/13 07:50 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
 If you are in this for "just sex" then you are in the wrong Group!! I hope most on here are here to Maby meet another Good Person? Or are we like animals where Making Love is Meaningless? Yes you control the outcome of any relationship and dictate YOUR DESIRES in the outcome of any meeting that happens on Mingle as well as your Morals and what happens after a Commitment "Making Love"!! I've surprised a many in my life after a night out with a meal by driving them home,Escorting them home,Giving a kiss on the cheek and saying Goodnight ! Even surprised them more asking if I could call on them again. Respect and Selfrespect goes a long way!! That is only getting Laid is All you expected in the First Place?
Hello Wolf!....How do you know making love is meaningless to animals?...I believe that it carries deep meaning for them and there is much they can teach us about love and loving....
I dunno they showed us how to kill to and looked what happened. We learned to kill 100% of the time when we want to. Does kinda show what happens when we delve to deep into trying to understand something.  Just playin around (((Leigh)) how are you this morning?
Sat 11/30/13 07:56 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
 If you are in this for "just sex" then you are in the wrong Group!! I hope most on here are here to Maby meet another Good Person? Or are we like animals where Making Love is Meaningless? Yes you control the outcome of any relationship and dictate YOUR DESIRES in the outcome of any meeting that happens on Mingle as well as your Morals and what happens after a Commitment "Making Love"!! I've surprised a many in my life after a night out with a meal by driving them home,Escorting them home,Giving a kiss on the cheek and saying Goodnight ! Even surprised them more asking if I could call on them again. Respect and Selfrespect goes a long way!! That is only getting Laid is All you expected in the First Place?
Hello Wolf!....How do you know making love is meaningless to animals?...I believe that it carries deep meaning for them and there is much they can teach us about love and loving....
Why? Are we the ones pinned in a field, with no choice but to Breed only to be Butchered later?? At 58 with No Viagra i can still make love "meaningfully love" and think with my head on the shoulders not rely on the one between my legs!! Nor say it works for all people involved!! It all depends on what you as a person is looking for,or should i say What????
Sat 11/30/13 08:04 AM
I don't tink people can
Only if you have no self-control whatsoever!
 If you are in this for "just sex" then you are in the wrong Group!! I hope most on here are here to Maby meet another Good Person? Or are we like animals where Making Love is Meaningless? Yes you control the outcome of any relationship and dictate YOUR DESIRES in the outcome of any meeting that happens on Mingle as well as your Morals and what happens after a Commitment "Making Love"!! I've surprised a many in my life after a night out with a meal by driving them home,Escorting them home,Giving a kiss on the cheek and saying Goodnight ! Even surprised them more asking if I could call on them again. Respect and Selfrespect goes a long way!! That is only getting Laid is All you expected in the First Place?
Hello Wolf!....How do you know making love is meaningless to animals?...I believe that it carries deep meaning for them and there is much they can teach us about love and loving....
Why? Are we the ones pinned in a field, with no choice but to Breed only to be Butchered later?? At 58 with No Viagra i can still make love "meaningfully love" and think with my head on the shoulders not rely on the one between my legs!! Nor say it works for all people involved!! It all depends on what you as a person is looking for,or should i say What????
Okey dokey...*tips hat*...Thank you for the posy!!
Sat 11/30/13 08:06 AM
5 i guess
Sat 11/30/13 08:16 AM
No disrespect to you or anyone on Mingle but you get what you ask for, You really Work for what you want then be deserving of when achieved!!
Sat 11/30/13 08:19 AM
5 i guess
5 what? Is that a % or a rating?
Sat 11/30/13 08:25 AM
No disrespect to you or anyone on Mingle but you get what you ask for, You really Work for what you want then be deserving of when achieved!!
 Go easy on me Wolf, some things take longer than others to figure out!
Sat 11/30/13 08:28 AM
5 i guess
5 what? Is that a % or a rating?
he asked how many people , so it's five , five persons
Sat 11/30/13 09:00 AM
No disrespect to you or anyone on Mingle but you get what you ask for, You really Work for what you want then be deserving of when achieved!!
 Go easy on me Wolf, some things take longer than others to figure out!
 Ok but i did look at your profile and its a very good one!! No harm to critters and creatures on this World or other Worlds intended"if you are out there???"
Sat 11/30/13 09:08 AM
Sat 11/30/13 09:41 AM
I'm Always nice to people on here, but as for opinions i'm Always Honest what i Say and do shows my Morals to all on here. Besides didn't i blow you a kiss to try showing my sincerity to you? When are you going to perve my profile and send one back? Tennessee is only 1State from where i live now or 1 where i May live later?  You just can't resist them eyes on this little mooned faced fellow ,can you?
Sat 11/30/13 09:46 AM
Its easy!