Topic: Obama's good accomplishments?
msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:37 PM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

according to 44 percent of one states doctors in one survey who may or may not even know what it is they are opposing,,,noone expected everyone to be supportive,, but that is still irrelevant as to whether anyone here intends to provide or do anything but laugh at contributions which share positive accomplishments

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:37 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:45 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

many others saw Jimmy Carter the same way too. His legacy speaks for its self.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:47 PM

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

msharmony, I am astonished that you would jump the shark this way.

By now, you ought to be well aware of the fact that I have routinely defended President Obama against false claims about his personal background/life.

I started this thread so that President Obama's political supporters could showcase his positive accomplishments as POTUS.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:47 PM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

Well it also gives Obozo cheerleaders the chance to come runnin to the mesiahs defense.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:47 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

many others saw Jimmy Carter the same way too. His legacy speaks for its self.

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:49 PM

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

msharmony, I am astonished that you would jump the shark this way.

By now, you ought to be well aware of the fact that I have routinely defended President Obama against false claims about his personal background/life.

I started this thread so that President Obama's political supporters could showcase his positive accomplishments as POTUS.

the innocent act does get old


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:50 PM

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

Uh, every sitting POTUS has advisers, and President Obama meets the requirements for POTUS as given in the U.S. Constitution.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:50 PM

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

Obozo and Carter are not even close other than having been horrible presidents, Carter unlike Obozo was truly an honest man.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:50 PM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

Well it also gives Obozo cheerleaders the chance to come runnin to the mesiahs defense.

lol, that one always makes me laugh

dont MESSIAHS have an expectation of being superhuman and infallible?

wouldnt that be what haters are whinging about him NOT BEING?

seems they are the ones who must have thought he was going to be a messiah,,,

I never did,,,rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:51 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

many others saw Jimmy Carter the same way too. His legacy speaks for its self.

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

Yes, Castro really liked him.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:52 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

many others saw Jimmy Carter the same way too. His legacy speaks for its self.

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

Yes, Castro really liked him.

yep, and Saddam once liked Bush
and the KKK elect candidates to endorse too


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:56 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 11/11/13 07:57 PM

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

msharmony, I am astonished that you would jump the shark this way.

By now, you ought to be well aware of the fact that I have routinely defended President Obama against false claims about his personal background/life.

I started this thread so that President Obama's political supporters could showcase his positive accomplishments as POTUS.

the innocent act does get old


No, you jumped the shark by automatically assigning hate as a motive for starting this thread.

If President Obama has made positive accomplishments as POTUS, then I want them to be revealed.

Thus far, the usual suspects have presented their opposition to President Obama without giving any good counterargument to the list of positive things that you put in your first post.

This thread is moving so quickly that I am having difficulty responding to the negative stuff in a timely fashion.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:59 PM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

Well it also gives Obozo cheerleaders the chance to come runnin to the mesiahs defense.

Not once has any Obama supporter on this site ever claimed that President Obama was some kind of messiah. Quite frankly, your argument is just a bad argument at best.

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:00 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Face it, most of those " accomplishments", he had little or no control over. They would happen if he were president or not.
I think that Obama was well meaning but to be honest, he was not qualified for the job.

I stated to begin with that NO PRESIDENT Has singular control over much of anything that happens under their presidency,, which is why I worded it the way I did and the way I fell it should be, in terms of the positive things happening since he became president,, whether people choose to let him share in the credit for those things as easily as they insist he take the blame for other things,, is entirely up to them

I do , however, believe everything in the list were things needing his signature and approval to move forward,,,,

Believe me he had advisers before he signed anything. But overall, he had no qualifications or experience for the job.

if its done by advisors, what qualifications or experience is necessary?

seems like he has the leadership, intelligence, ethic, and knowledge required to do the job,,,

you see him like many others do not.

and many others do,,,,

many others saw Jimmy Carter the same way too. His legacy speaks for its self.

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

Yes, Castro really liked him.

yep, and Saddam once liked Bush
and the KKK elect candidates to endorse too


Bush took care of Saddam and the KKK still gets Democrats elected.(with the help of the NAACP).
I thought that you knew that.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:02 PM

time will tell,,, Carter tried to be a 'nice guy', I dont see Obama as having that be his priority ,although he is a 'diplomatic' guy,,,


time will tell

Yes, Castro really liked him.

What does Castro have to do with the topic of this thread?

How about addressing the things that msharmony mentions in her first post on this thread.

I already challenged her claim that the ACA is a good thing, but I didn't challenge anything else.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:05 PM
Bush took care of Saddam and the KKK still gets Democrats elected.(with the help of the NAACP).
I thought that you knew that.

Now, you are going overboard by not dealing with the list of positive things that msharmony presented.

Can you argue against those things that she mentions in her first post?

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:16 PM

Bush took care of Saddam and the KKK still gets Democrats elected.(with the help of the NAACP).
I thought that you knew that.

Now, you are going overboard by not dealing with the list of positive things that msharmony presented.

Can you argue against those things that she mentions in her first post?

tears No. Dodo, I can't argue against those things that she mentioned. Perhaps, if she could show that he indeed was directly responsible for all of those things she claimed I might be able to somehow, conjure up a weak argument. It would be a difficult task indeed.sad

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:39 PM
msharmony's point is the POTUS is solely responsible for very little. The U.S. government is constructed so that the POTUS has important input but cannot (in theory) dictate what happens outside of the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch.

The ACA aside, msharmony mentioned alleged positive things that happened since President Obama entered the White House.

Now, are the things that she mentioned positive things or not?

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 09:12 PM
One thing that Obama did for me personally was he or his administration got to work on something that had to do with paying benefits to wife's of diseased veterans and he sent me three a thousand dollar death benefit for my husband who had died, and this was after I had divorced him. So that's one good thing he did for me.
