Topic: Obama's good accomplishments?
izzyphoto1977's photo
Mon 11/11/13 09:49 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Maybe I'm wrong about this. But I thought that Qaddafi's was pulled out of his house or what ever and murdered by his people. I recall a video was shown where one person took a large knife and stuck it up Qaddafi's rectum. How did Obama have to sign something for that? Or was Qaddafi killed by his people after US troops pulled him out of his house or where ever he was?

Just seems to me that if his people hadn't have killed him then it is very possible that he would still be running that country even if it was from a prison cell. Gangsters run their organizations from behind bars all the time. So why wouldn't he be able to do it too?

metalwing's photo
Tue 11/12/13 04:13 AM
Edited by metalwing on Tue 11/12/13 04:15 AM

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards

Fuel efficiency standards have actually been led by California. The US has adopted California's increases after they have been proven to be practical. The Federal gov't has never led the charge for fuel efficiency.

sanctions on iran

The latest news is that Obama has relaxed Banking restrictions which may give Iran time to finish their bomb project. In the process, Obama has alienated Israel, one of our best allies.

troops out of Afghanistan

[They are still there and still dying.]

kicked the banks out of student loans

Congress passed a bipartisan bill to lower interest rates. Obama does not (supposedly) have the power to create laws.

ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended

He was killed by his own people. Obama was accused of "leading from behind" during the operation.

mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended

Mubarak (a long time US ally) was replaced by the Muslin Brotherhood (a terrorist organization). The US is now supplying them with our best tanks and F16 fighters plus 1.5 billion in aid.

big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years

This has nothing to do with Obama.[b/]

Osama bin laden gone

ALL of the intelligence gathering that led to Obama's death was put in place by Bush. It is questionable that Obama actually gave the order.

health care reform passed

It was passed by Obama lying to the public and congress to get support for a bill that has turned out to be a disaster.

fair sentencing act

Yes, he did sign the bill introduced by congress that affects how much crack is a big deal.

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-220) was an Act of Congress signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010. Similar bills were introduced in several U.S. Congresses before its passage in 2010. The law reduced the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain United States federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.[1] Courts had also acted to reduce the sentencing disparity prior to the bill's passage. for citizens to track gov funds

It tracks stimulus funds. Obama's stimulus plan was one of the biggest wastes of money in history.

ended purchase of unused military f-22s

Unused F-22s? His halt in production of our super advanced fighters will only be known as a plus or a minus if we need them. In the meantime it is giving China a chance to catch up with the technology.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 11/12/13 04:50 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

no photo
Tue 11/12/13 08:39 AM

One thing that Obama did for me personally was he or his administration got to work on something that had to do with paying benefits to wife's of diseased veterans and he sent me three a thousand dollar death benefit for my husband who had died, and this was after I had divorced him. So that's one good thing he did for me.


Jeannie, you are bad. You probably killed him too.smokin

no photo
Tue 11/12/13 08:45 AM
Good post Metalwing about Obama's so called accomplishments.laugh

no photo
Tue 11/12/13 08:50 AM

One thing that Obama did for me personally was he or his administration got to work on something that had to do with paying benefits to wife's of diseased veterans and he sent me three a thousand dollar death benefit for my husband who had died, and this was after I had divorced him. So that's one good thing he did for me.


Jeannie, you are bad. You probably killed him too.smokin

No, he was in Alabama and I was in Colorado. He died of a heart attack.

My friend who is a medium, contacted him after he died. I questioned him about how he died through her and he didn't want to talk about it. He kept saying "Case is closed Gloria!" (He was a private investigator in life.)

It was a very freaky experience.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/12/13 08:56 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

i would agree on the government setting rates... everywhere i look out here (in Houston) they are building new hospital complexes, dialysis centers, emergency care centers and rebuilding the old ones... if hospitals are pinching pennies, it's because the ceo's and others on the board are making to much money and not putting it back into the hospital itself... the hospital/medical is making more money than the oil companies right now...

metalwing's photo
Tue 11/12/13 09:14 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

i would agree on the government setting rates... everywhere i look out here (in Houston) they are building new hospital complexes, dialysis centers, emergency care centers and rebuilding the old ones... if hospitals are pinching pennies, it's because the ceo's and others on the board are making to much money and not putting it back into the hospital itself... the hospital/medical is making more money than the oil companies right now...

With Obamacare the insurance companies will make billions.

no photo
Tue 11/12/13 09:18 AM

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards

Fuel efficiency standards have actually been led by California. The US has adopted California's increases after they have been proven to be practical. The Federal gov't has never led the charge for fuel efficiency.

sanctions on iran

The latest news is that Obama has relaxed Banking restrictions which may give Iran time to finish their bomb project. In the process, Obama has alienated Israel, one of our best allies.

troops out of Afghanistan

[They are still there and still dying.]

kicked the banks out of student loans

Congress passed a bipartisan bill to lower interest rates. Obama does not (supposedly) have the power to create laws.

ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended

He was killed by his own people. Obama was accused of "leading from behind" during the operation.

mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended

Mubarak (a long time US ally) was replaced by the Muslin Brotherhood (a terrorist organization). The US is now supplying them with our best tanks and F16 fighters plus 1.5 billion in aid.

big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years

This has nothing to do with Obama.[b/]

Osama bin laden gone

ALL of the intelligence gathering that led to Obama's death was put in place by Bush. It is questionable that Obama actually gave the order.

health care reform passed

It was passed by Obama lying to the public and congress to get support for a bill that has turned out to be a disaster.

fair sentencing act

Yes, he did sign the bill introduced by congress that affects how much crack is a big deal.

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-220) was an Act of Congress signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010. Similar bills were introduced in several U.S. Congresses before its passage in 2010. The law reduced the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain United States federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.[1] Courts had also acted to reduce the sentencing disparity prior to the bill's passage. for citizens to track gov funds

It tracks stimulus funds. Obama's stimulus plan was one of the biggest wastes of money in history.

ended purchase of unused military f-22s

Unused F-22s? His halt in production of our super advanced fighters will only be known as a plus or a minus if we need them. In the meantime it is giving China a chance to catch up with the technology.


Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 11/12/13 09:23 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

i would agree on the government setting rates... everywhere i look out here (in Houston) they are building new hospital complexes, dialysis centers, emergency care centers and rebuilding the old ones... if hospitals are pinching pennies, it's because the ceo's and others on the board are making to much money and not putting it back into the hospital itself... the hospital/medical is making more money than the oil companies right now...

With Obamacare the insurance companies will make billions.

With Obamacare the insurance companies will LOSE billions and Obama will "bail-out" or buy the companies creating a government run "national healthcare" system.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 11/12/13 09:25 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

i would agree on the government setting rates... everywhere i look out here (in Houston) they are building new hospital complexes, dialysis centers, emergency care centers and rebuilding the old ones... if hospitals are pinching pennies, it's because the ceo's and others on the board are making to much money and not putting it back into the hospital itself... the hospital/medical is making more money than the oil companies right now...

Indeed, there lies another problem with greedy hospital administration. Staff is getting laid off left and right as medicare/medicaid owe maine's hospitals hundreds of millions still. Yet the CEO of CMMC still gets a $100,000 bonus last year, on top of cost of living raises on his 1.5 M salary. Note, that no medical staff member has received a raise of any type in years.

The reason you see construction done on hospitals, however, is how the government sets up it's grant system. Similar to how states fund reconstruction projects, the gov usually gives 2 million for every million the hospital spends on construction. Not to mention there is a write-off potential. Unfortunately none of this helps the staff.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/12/13 10:48 AM

the thread is not really about accomplishments

just another 'attaboy' thread for the haters to pretend in,,,

carry on,,,by all meanswhoa

huh Haters?

There you go again, using ad hominem against people because they are criticizing President Obama's policies.

I started this thread so that President Obama's supporters could offer examples of positive things that President Obama has been responsible for. I wanted to add balance to the debates in this forum.

As for the passage of the ACA, that isn't a good thing according to physicians.

Here is an excerpt from a newspaper story about it:

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan...

... The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

"Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me," e-mailed one doc.

Another said, "I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck."

"I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law," said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: "The solution is simple: Just say no."

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

"I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare]."

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

"OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals," one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

"Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible," argued one doctor.

Said another MD, "Can't imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott."

Doctors complained they've gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

"I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer," one doctor said.

Others said they don't have enough information to make an informed choice.

"This is a joke. We are flying blind," said one doctor.

As someone who works in the medical field, and a future physician, I have to agree with the docs' statements above. At least half the under funding of healthcare institutions comes from government programs (medicare and medicaid) setting pay rates. Hospitals are now pinching pennies and you have HMO systems being so strictly upheld MD's are literally getting fired (I personally know 3) for spending more than their allotted 7-15 minutes per patient.

i would agree on the government setting rates... everywhere i look out here (in Houston) they are building new hospital complexes, dialysis centers, emergency care centers and rebuilding the old ones... if hospitals are pinching pennies, it's because the ceo's and others on the board are making to much money and not putting it back into the hospital itself... the hospital/medical is making more money than the oil companies right now...

Indeed, there lies another problem with greedy hospital administration. Staff is getting laid off left and right as medicare/medicaid owe maine's hospitals hundreds of millions still. Yet the CEO of CMMC still gets a $100,000 bonus last year, on top of cost of living raises on his 1.5 M salary. Note, that no medical staff member has received a raise of any type in years.

The reason you see construction done on hospitals, however, is how the government sets up it's grant system. Similar to how states fund reconstruction projects, the gov usually gives 2 million for every million the hospital spends on construction. Not to mention there is a write-off potential. Unfortunately none of this helps the staff.

seems like all it really helps is the greedy administrators... 20 dollars for parking just to go see a doctor there, for starters... my mother just had a double hip replacement... they actually charged the government(my dad is retired military, great benefits)18,000 dollars for a series of shots... 4, to be exact, and another 75,000 dollars for each hip... luckily, they didn't have to pay anything for it... just the ambulance ride was 4,000 dollars...

izzyphoto1977's photo
Tue 11/12/13 01:01 PM

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards

Fuel efficiency standards have actually been led by California. The US has adopted California's increases after they have been proven to be practical. The Federal gov't has never led the charge for fuel efficiency.

sanctions on iran

The latest news is that Obama has relaxed Banking restrictions which may give Iran time to finish their bomb project. In the process, Obama has alienated Israel, one of our best allies.

troops out of Afghanistan

[They are still there and still dying.]

kicked the banks out of student loans

Congress passed a bipartisan bill to lower interest rates. Obama does not (supposedly) have the power to create laws.

ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended

He was killed by his own people. Obama was accused of "leading from behind" during the operation.

mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended

Mubarak (a long time US ally) was replaced by the Muslin Brotherhood (a terrorist organization). The US is now supplying them with our best tanks and F16 fighters plus 1.5 billion in aid.

big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years

This has nothing to do with Obama.[b/]

Osama bin laden gone

ALL of the intelligence gathering that led to Obama's death was put in place by Bush. It is questionable that Obama actually gave the order.

health care reform passed

It was passed by Obama lying to the public and congress to get support for a bill that has turned out to be a disaster.

fair sentencing act

Yes, he did sign the bill introduced by congress that affects how much crack is a big deal.

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-220) was an Act of Congress signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010. Similar bills were introduced in several U.S. Congresses before its passage in 2010. The law reduced the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain United States federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.[1] Courts had also acted to reduce the sentencing disparity prior to the bill's passage. for citizens to track gov funds

It tracks stimulus funds. Obama's stimulus plan was one of the biggest wastes of money in history.

ended purchase of unused military f-22s

Unused F-22s? His halt in production of our super advanced fighters will only be known as a plus or a minus if we need them. In the meantime it is giving China a chance to catch up with the technology.

I just wanted to say thank you for the info on Qaddafi. I was pretty sure he was killed by his own people. Just think of the love they must have had for him to do that. hahaha

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 11/12/13 01:42 PM

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards

Fuel efficiency standards have actually been led by California. The US has adopted California's increases after they have been proven to be practical. The Federal gov't has never led the charge for fuel efficiency.

sanctions on iran

The latest news is that Obama has relaxed Banking restrictions which may give Iran time to finish their bomb project. In the process, Obama has alienated Israel, one of our best allies.

troops out of Afghanistan

[They are still there and still dying.]

kicked the banks out of student loans

Congress passed a bipartisan bill to lower interest rates. Obama does not (supposedly) have the power to create laws.

ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended

He was killed by his own people. Obama was accused of "leading from behind" during the operation.

mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended

Mubarak (a long time US ally) was replaced by the Muslin Brotherhood (a terrorist organization). The US is now supplying them with our best tanks and F16 fighters plus 1.5 billion in aid.

big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years

This has nothing to do with Obama.

Osama bin laden gone

ALL of the intelligence gathering that led to Obama's death was put in place by Bush. It is questionable that Obama actually gave the order.

health care reform passed

It was passed by Obama lying to the public and congress to get support for a bill that has turned out to be a disaster.

fair sentencing act

Yes, he did sign the bill introduced by congress that affects how much crack is a big deal.

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-220) was an Act of Congress signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010. Similar bills were introduced in several U.S. Congresses before its passage in 2010. The law reduced the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain United States federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.[1] Courts had also acted to reduce the sentencing disparity prior to the bill's passage. for citizens to track gov funds

It tracks stimulus funds. Obama's stimulus plan was one of the biggest wastes of money in history.

ended purchase of unused military f-22s

Unused F-22s? His halt in production of our super advanced fighters will only be known as a plus or a minus if we need them. In the meantime it is giving China a chance to catch up with the technology.

"Bold" problem fixed.

metalwing's photo
Sat 11/16/13 03:09 PM
Breaking news! the submarine USS Obamacare has reportedly had the front filled with BS from Democratic crew causing an extreme "nosedown" attitude. Unless the excessive weight can be removed from the front of the boat, the "death dive" which is now in progress may result in the destruction of the boat and the Democratic crew!

Reports are that Obama has issued an Executive order that the boat both weigh less and become more buoyant, but in any case, if destruction occurs, it would be George Bush's fault.

At last contact the Democratic crew was firing all rear torpedo tubes in an effort to lighten the front of the boat. Unfortunately, the crew still demands to occupy the front of the boat and produce more crap.

A rapidly gathered group of scientific advisers have been dismissed after making the report "hot air may make balloons fly but it won't keep this boat from sinking!"

no photo
Sun 11/17/13 05:59 AM
Edited by alleoops on Sun 11/17/13 06:04 AM
Now, hold on folks. Obama has done some things.

He has shown that using cocaine and marijuana have no harm full effects.
That Kenya is part of Hawaii.
He visited all 57 states. Teaching us all that there are also 57 Islamic states.
The use of different names and social security numbers will help get you any US college.
Obama has exposed the game of golf to many that can't afford to play the game.
After exposing ones self acting stupidly. Sitting down to a beer will settle and fix all.
That if he had a son, for some reason he would look like Trevon Martin.
Using a fake southern accent to stir racism works every time.
He has shown that the Constitution has no use and circumventing it is better and much easier way to get what you want.
Getting bills passed and appointments are much easier to do when congress is not in session.
Putting the blame on past administrations or shifting blame to other things are acceptable reasons to hide his own failures.
That tax payers money means nothing when it come to presidential trips or family vacations.
Unemployment numbers don't go up if you don't count everyone.
Guns kill, people don't and flies land on liars.
Finally, he has proven that consistent lying is good and will not get one in trouble.

I'm sure that there are many more. These are just a few that I could think of right off. Feel free add to them.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 11/17/13 04:22 PM

No sure...but I think he might have broken record for most rounds of golf played...does that count??huh

Actually he has. He hit the 150th game as President a couple weeks ago.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 11/17/13 04:34 PM

no president accomplishes or fails at anything single handed, because we have a government of hundreds,,

but , positives that have happened under his presidency:

increased fuel efficiency standards
sanctions on iran
troops out of Afghanistan
kicked the banks out of student loans
ghaddafis forty year rule over Libya ended
mubaraks thirty year rule over Egypt ended
big three automakers gained market share for first time in 20 years
Osama bin laden gone
health care reform passed
fair sentencing act for citizens to track gov funds
ended purchase of unused military f-22s

just a few things,, not that this thread is for any genuine attempt to do more than continue to 'downplay' any possible positives that have occurred since his first election,, and give each other more pats on the back for agreeing he is the anti Christ/worst person to ever be in office,,,,,etc,,,

Ummmmmm, the Egypt mess isn't anything to brag about, neither is cutting down our military.

Only an Obama cheerleader would say that.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/17/13 05:04 PM

Now, hold on folks. Obama has done some things.

He has shown that using cocaine and marijuana have no harm full effects.
That Kenya is part of Hawaii.
He visited all 57 states. Teaching us all that there are also 57 Islamic states.
The use of different names and social security numbers will help get you any US college.
Obama has exposed the game of golf to many that can't afford to play the game.
After exposing ones self acting stupidly. Sitting down to a beer will settle and fix all.
That if he had a son, for some reason he would look like Trevon Martin.
Using a fake southern accent to stir racism works every time.
He has shown that the Constitution has no use and circumventing it is better and much easier way to get what you want.
Getting bills passed and appointments are much easier to do when congress is not in session.
Putting the blame on past administrations or shifting blame to other things are acceptable reasons to hide his own failures.
That tax payers money means nothing when it come to presidential trips or family vacations.
Unemployment numbers don't go up if you don't count everyone.
Guns kill, people don't and flies land on liars.
Finally, he has proven that consistent lying is good and will not get one in trouble.

I'm sure that there are many more. These are just a few that I could think of right off. Feel free add to them.

Gee, I didn't realize that you, too, drink the birther kool-aid. whoa

TJN's photo
Sun 11/17/13 05:19 PM
Edited by TJN on Sun 11/17/13 05:19 PM

With Obamacare the insurance companies will LOSE billions and Obama will "bail-out" or buy the companies creating a government run "national healthcare" system.

The end justifies the means.
The end game is single payer.
When the ACA fails you will hear the only way to fix it is a single payer system