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Topic: Were are all the Texas People - part 40
lonelyman3036's photo
Sat 04/12/14 07:26 PM
Hello DB!

lonelyman3036's photo
Sat 04/12/14 07:27 PM
I went to the emergency room I was in pain and feeling weak. Well I have some kind of infection and they've admitted me to the hospital and I will be in the hospital for a few days.

Husker5347's photo
Sat 04/12/14 09:24 PM
Welcome DB. Nice to see a new face.

Lonely. I hope u feel better and are home soon.

lonelyman3036's photo
Sat 04/12/14 10:04 PM
Thanks pretty Miss Husker.

vivian2981's photo
Sun 04/13/14 06:15 AM
Welcome DBflowerforyou
Wes..get out of that hospital..dont you know you could get sick in there??

metalwing's photo
Sun 04/13/14 08:11 AM
I found a tee shirt I got for eating a five pound hamburger!

no photo
Sun 04/13/14 08:26 AM

I found a tee shirt I got for eating a five pound hamburger!

Pig!laugh laugh

Husker5347's photo
Sun 04/13/14 08:39 AM

I found a tee shirt I got for eating a five pound hamburger!

Pig!laugh laugh

That's probably what is on the tee shirt. Hrofl rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/13/14 10:18 AM

Did you tell her about Ese's pink hat???

Lmao forgot about that .....

I mean somethings just have to be experienced...laugh laugh laugh


OMG ...... will not drink that much tequila at one time again lol:laughing: :laughing: drinks

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/13/14 10:19 AM

Did you tell her about Ese's pink hat???

Lmao forgot about that .....

I mean somethings just have to be experienced...laugh laugh laugh

Do you tell her how sweet my kisses were?

Another thing she will need to experience :banana:

Husker5347's photo
Sun 04/13/14 12:39 PM

Did you tell her about Ese's pink hat???

Lmao forgot about that .....

I mean somethings just have to be experienced...laugh laugh laugh

Do you tell her how sweet my kisses were?

Another thing she will need to experience :banana:

Looks like I have a lot of experiences to look forward to. :tongue:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/13/14 03:52 PM

Did you tell her about Ese's pink hat???

Lmao forgot about that .....

I mean somethings just have to be experienced...laugh laugh laugh

Do you tell her how sweet my kisses were?

Another thing she will need to experience :banana:

Looks like I have a lot of experiences to look forward to. :tongue:

Hummm huh right down to our dolphin T-shirts lmao there is a picture somewhere with us wearing those. Lmao the guy at the motel could not keep his eyes off my dolphin's lmao...

oldsage's photo
Sun 04/13/14 05:52 PM

Did you tell her about Ese's pink hat???

Lmao forgot about that .....

I mean somethings just have to be experienced...laugh laugh laugh

Do you tell her how sweet my kisses were?

Another thing she will need to experience :banana:

Looks like I have a lot of experiences to look forward to. :tongue:

Hummm huh right down to our dolphin T-shirts lmao there is a picture somewhere with us wearing those. Lmao the guy at the motel could not keep his eyes off my dolphin's lmao...

ANY RED BLOODED man has a problem keeping their eyes off your "dophins". That's a fact, JACK
bigsmile pitchfork drool :thumbsup: surprised waving

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/13/14 06:05 PM
laugh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: @ Don.....

vivian2981's photo
Sun 04/13/14 06:41 PM
laugh laugh laugh now THAT was funny !!

oldsage's photo
Sun 04/13/14 07:10 PM

laugh laugh laugh now THAT was funny !!


TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/13/14 07:55 PM
Well tomorrow starts another week.... The last few for me has been pretty busy... hopefully I can get some stuff around the house done this week....

Hope you all have a great week ahead..... :thumbsup:

lonelyman3036's photo
Sun 04/13/14 08:21 PM

Welcome DBflowerforyou
Wes..get out of that hospital..dont you know you could get sick in there??

Especialy @ UMC!

Silveradogal's photo
Sun 04/13/14 08:42 PM
Hey Kristi!! Havn't been here in a long time. Just thought I would come an bug ya!!! laugh

vivian2981's photo
Mon 04/14/14 05:25 AM

laugh laugh laugh now THAT was funny !!


Sorry Don..we must have posted at the same time...I was talking about the man at the motel...the look on his face was priceless ! laugh

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