Topic: msconfig
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Sun 09/02/07 09:38 PM
For some reason my Windows Vista computer will no longer run msconfig from the run menu . There is no error when I type it in and hit enter nothing happens . How else can I get to the configuration screen ? I know theres another way just not the way to do it . Thanks .

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 09:59 PM

try searching it

Jtevans's photo
Sun 09/02/07 10:51 PM
have you tried sysconfig ?

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Mon 09/03/07 12:30 AM
Sorry don't remember the gui method, am not on vista right now. But I think you can run "cmd" to get a terminal, then run your "msconfig" command from the term so at least you can see the error message, and maybe fix it so it will run.

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Mon 09/03/07 01:34 AM
Ok well I used cmd and when I did msconfig at the prompt it actually opened with no errors or anything so im not sure why it wont come up through run but whatever works . Thanks!

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Mon 09/03/07 01:43 AM

(insert obligatory linux plug)

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Mon 09/03/07 05:10 AM
Now there's something for us to boycott...."Microcrap"laugh laugh