Topic: my profile.
Dean's photo
Thu 11/07/13 06:33 PM
Ladies could you help me with my profile/ I want to know what you think of it and if I need to make any changes?!

tonilynn87's photo
Thu 11/07/13 06:43 PM
some upclose and personal pics of u actually smiling would be good lol.... and more info? but what do I know im new at this too, and need help with my own

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 11/07/13 07:32 PM
Welcome to Mingle.

Zoom in on the lead shot and crop. The unmade bed in the background is not putting your best foot forward.

Smile always your face value.

Many people think wearing a hat in doors is bad luck and or bad manners so might want to think about that in the introduction photo.

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:11 PM
You might want to take out the part where you basically demand that whoever you email writes you back. Makes you sound pushy and as if you're "owed" a response just because you took the time to write.

If a woman is interested in you, she'll respond, if she's not, she won't; nothing you can do about that but say "next" and move on.

Good luck to you.

Dean's photo
Fri 11/08/13 05:50 PM
thanks that was kinda bad lol

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/08/13 06:18 PM
Improvements helped. Nice time of year to take pics outdoors and in stores or local sites for seasonal pics. Doesn't require more than a dollar store camera printed on disc to make easy download to your computer.

Bet you are as cute as your kid if you trim up the face hair a bit. Have nice features that get lost a little under the hat and in shadows.

Props to a fellow Georgia peach.