Topic: Forgiveness
thulibabe's photo
Mon 11/04/13 07:53 AM
What is forgiveness?

To me, i think is letting go the grudge or pain that might have been caused by the person next to you. I think being free of all the hatred, but what happens when some grins and say i forgive you then next time you have a disagreement, reminds you of all the things she/he forgave you on. Then what is it?

navygirl's photo
Mon 11/04/13 07:56 AM
Just because one forgives; doesn't mean one will forget. I forgave my ex-boyfriend for hitting me but I will never forget what he did to me and would never take him back as there was no guarantee that he would not do that again. So, maybe that is why when people get into a disagreement; they might think the person may repeat their actions.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 11/04/13 08:08 AM
I believe forgiveness is what one does to clean the soul in order to move on...Letting go of the hate and learning that things happen for a reason but one must be able to forgive to move on... It does not mean to forget the past but to learn from it and move on...

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 11/04/13 08:22 AM
For a long time I thought forgiveness was something sissie's did because it was just a way out for being too weak to say no or stand on your own two feet. Seen a lot of people knuckle under and forgive a bully. Then I ran into a few people who actually, over time, forgave people for mistakes that were not malicious but truly excruciating and saw the peace it brought to their lives so I rethought the concept. Generally forgiveness is not excusing anything but accepting human frailties and trying to move on. A lot of it is seeing that anger and pain gives the person who has wronged them their energy over to compound the loss and that seemed kind of futile. Believing in Karma helps but if you get stuck in waiting for vengeance to roll around it isn't really forgiveness. Forgiveness is a lot harder than that. Most of the time it is not a one shot deal since grief tends to have cycles and you forgive someone the loss is remembered and you have to forgive again; sometimes for years. This is particularly true in the loss of a loved one, a function of ones body, or what they believe their dignity rests in.

no photo
Mon 11/04/13 08:57 AM
We are all here in this reality for a reason and we all come from the same place and will go back to the same place.

We are all here to play a part in this game of life. Would you hate yout fellow actor after the curtains go down for the evil part he played?

To forgive one is to forgive yourself as we are all part of ONE

no photo
Mon 11/04/13 09:02 AM
Forgiveness is to let go and realize that nobody is perfect. Its so much healthier on your mind, body and soul.

Forgiveness releases your body of negative energy which is very damaging