Topic: A Word for Liberal Media | |
What the Bible says about the Liberal Media By Cindi on Oct 25, 2013 in Videos . YouTube Description: Why does the mainstream media ignore the problems with Obamacare? It was forced down our throats and continues to hurt our country, but we don’t hear anything about it. Listen to Zo answer this question and give his solution. |
mainstream media not obsessing over it to the exclusion of all the other news that continues to happen , is not the same as 'ignoring' it,,,,
on nbc news,, 124000 results for obamacare on cbs news 2197 results for obamacare on cnn 2405 results for obamacare and the list goes on and on how many different ways or times can media repeat that there were website glitches and some people may lose coverage or pay more...? |
some people may lose coverage or pay more...? That is what Nanci Peelosi was hiding when she said we have to pass it in order to find out whats in it, they knew its a POS law and went ahead and too the insurance lobbies money anyway. So much for democrats being for the working man. |
mainstream media not obsessing over it to the exclusion of all the other news that continues to happen , is not the same as 'ignoring' it,,,, on nbc news,, 124000 results for obamacare on cbs news 2197 results for obamacare on cnn 2405 results for obamacare and the list goes on and on how many different ways or times can media repeat that there were website glitches and some people may lose coverage or pay more...? Glitches + forced mandates & deadlines = stress. Whose responsibility is it to make this a smooth transition? After the website glitches are smoothed there will still be unrest and inconformity of our American citizens. Perhaps you are seeing perplexity from layered stress. Or lawful resistance. |
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Sat 10/26/13 06:55 PM
Meh...liberal media/conservative media/socialist media/fascist media/commie media...
Only the names are changed to protect the guilty...It's ALL propaganda designed to confuse & bamboozle you so you won't see the guy robbing you blind and killing your friends around the world in YOUR NAME. If you wanna believe anything, believe the whistleblowers...They are risking their lives to tell you the unvarnished truth! Listen to the whistleblowers... The only ones they are traitors to is the murderous crooks they used to work for. ...and they are now under siege: Probably because of revelations like this: ...fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel IF you keep the pressure up, they will find the spying uneconomical & ineffective anyway: |
mainstream media not obsessing over it to the exclusion of all the other news that continues to happen , is not the same as 'ignoring' it,,,, on nbc news,, 124000 results for obamacare on cbs news 2197 results for obamacare on cnn 2405 results for obamacare and the list goes on and on how many different ways or times can media repeat that there were website glitches and some people may lose coverage or pay more...? Glitches + forced mandates & deadlines = stress. Whose responsibility is it to make this a smooth transition? After the website glitches are smoothed there will still be unrest and inconformity of our American citizens. Perhaps you are seeing perplexity from layered stress. Or lawful resistance. education relieves stress,, its ones own responsibility to educate themselves about their options with the reform unrest and conformity seem to be fueled by commentators opinions and scare tactics,, much more so tan by imperfections in the reform,,, imho |
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Sun 10/27/13 10:29 AM
Here is what educating myself revealed. My current insurance policy is being canceled at the end of the year. I like it but I can't keep it....BROKEN PROMISE!! Current policy and comparably priced new policy. Current policy 1000/10% deductible, no co-pay or co-insurance for major medical, any tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI, emergency room or hospital stays. New policy 1500/20% deductible. 20% copay for all tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI after deductible is met. 250 copay plus 20% co-insurance for emergency room , 500 copay plus 20% for hospital stays until deductible and out of pocket cap of 4500 is met. |
Here is what educating myself revealed. My current insurance policy is being canceled at the end of the year. I like it but I can't keep it....BROKEN PROMISE!! Current policy and comparably priced new policy. Current policy 1000/10% deductible, no co-pay or co-insurance for major medical, any tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI, emergency room or hospital stays. New policy 1500/20% deductible. 20% copay for all tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI after deductible is met. 250 copay plus 20% co-insurance for emergency room , 500 copay plus 20% for hospital stays until deductible and out of pocket cap of 4500 is met. Insurance is fraud...You are naturally insured by your natural estate held in breach of trust by the de facto trustee/executor who doesn't want you to know..."he" is busily robbing your private estate and making you pay extra for "insurance" you already have so an insurance corporation can profit at your expense. |
what? Money is not a 'natural' resource, and healthcare costs money
maintaining facilities, having personnel, having equipment and medication ,,, are not 'natural' states,,,, |
what? Money is not a 'natural' resource, and healthcare costs money maintaining facilities, having personnel, having equipment and medication ,,, are not 'natural' states,,,, Neither is govt mandated health care....sorry I disagree with you this time. The ACA is a joke.... |
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Sun 10/27/13 11:53 AM
what? Money is not a 'natural' resource, and healthcare costs money maintaining facilities, having personnel, having equipment and medication ,,, are not 'natural' states,,,, Neither is govt mandated health care....sorry I disagree with you this time. The ACA is a joke.... of course, nothing about healthcare is natural, unless one is healthy once one needs help, unless they live an organic life, they will need resources which cost money to manufacture and use,,, we will see once all the fearmongering is done,the difference it makes I see the difference in what hospitals WANT to charge the uninsured vs what the insurance companies pay,, its quite a difference in the past it has been excused by insurance as a necessary difference to cover the costs incurred by not being insured,, now that excuse will be somewhat less valid,,, people who couldn't get healthcare (Because they actually needed it) will and homes will not have to be lost and lives turned upside down as often when someone becomes ill or is hurt the costs on the exchange are affordable,,,with the cap at 9.5 percent of income, and a max of 6500 out of pocket at the most for even the wealthiest of americans as I said, mine at work is currently 15.56 percent of my income,, for millions like me , they will see similar savings not EVERYONE,, but enough that I think the paranoia will pass and people will adjust to their savings,,,, we do disagree, reform is needed, not a joke, it just doesn't go far enough because we don't have a culture which feels responsible towards others,, just ourselves |
I think the howling will really begin once the penalties kick in. As far as the liberal media goes, though, you have to read between the lines and be educated, as you said to see the truth.
Here is what educating myself revealed. My current insurance policy is being canceled at the end of the year. I like it but I can't keep it....BROKEN PROMISE!! Current policy and comparably priced new policy. Current policy 1000/10% deductible, no co-pay or co-insurance for major medical, any tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI, emergency room or hospital stays. New policy 1500/20% deductible. 20% copay for all tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI after deductible is met. 250 copay plus 20% co-insurance for emergency room , 500 copay plus 20% for hospital stays until deductible and out of pocket cap of 4500 is met. Insurance is fraud...You are naturally insured by your natural estate held in breach of trust by the de facto trustee/executor who doesn't want you to know..."he" is busily robbing your private estate and making you pay extra for "insurance" you already have so an insurance corporation can profit at your expense. |
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Sun 10/27/13 08:50 PM
Here is what educating myself revealed. My current insurance policy is being canceled at the end of the year. I like it but I can't keep it....BROKEN PROMISE!! Current policy and comparably priced new policy. Current policy 1000/10% deductible, no co-pay or co-insurance for major medical, any tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI, emergency room or hospital stays. New policy 1500/20% deductible. 20% copay for all tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI after deductible is met. 250 copay plus 20% co-insurance for emergency room , 500 copay plus 20% for hospital stays until deductible and out of pocket cap of 4500 is met. Insurance is fraud...You are naturally insured by your natural estate held in breach of trust by the de facto trustee/executor who doesn't want you to know..."he" is busily robbing your private estate and making you pay extra for "insurance" you already have so an insurance corporation can profit at your expense. It doesn't grow on trees, you carry it with you every day of your life. Your natural estate is everything you own naturally...your body, the labour it has done, and of course the expected credit value of all your future labour. This is all ENTIRELY YOUR PROPERTY that government has NO RIGHT to possess...not a penny! Of course you need services like roads, hospitals, electricity and so forth, so you LEND some of your credit for the government to spend into the economy to provide those services, then you earn your credit back because the dollars printed were backed by you in the first place...Then the dollars go back to the central (data) bank where your credit is debited and your account is credited with the equivalent dollars you earned. This system is SO productive that they had to bomb Libya before it grew too much and united Africa behind the gold Dinar. They also had to go to war with Japan, because after adopting it in 1934, it was quickly growing to become a global economic power. Same with Germany, which was originally financed by the banksters as a bulwark against Stalin, who they didn't trust not to nationalize the USSR central bank they owned...Of course the plans had to change pretty rapidly when Hitler did what they were afraid Stalin would do. After kicking out the banks in the mid thirties, Germany went in the space of a few years from an impoverished and ruined nation, to one capable of taking on the rest of the planet in a war...Whatever else you might say about Hitler, he was no dummy...That's why the alliances had to be rearranged...The banks didn't want the rest of the world to see what a proper economic system not under a bank's thumb could do. Of course the US is no stranger to such a system...Lincoln did it with the greenback to finance the civil war, so that he didn't have to saddle the american people with Rothschild's 30+% interest...naturally he had to be taken out for that, much the same as JFK's executive order fact, there is little doubt in the mind of anyone who looks into it, just who's been killing or trying to kill any president or congressman who crosses their private banking system. One of the biggest cons going (which fools most economists) is that a nation's wealth is based on the equity value of its natural resources (trees, minerals, etc. etc.), when in fact none of that has so much a nickel in value until some labour has been worked into the only "natural resources" a country can claim as assets is its human beings...the people. If you are claimed as a valuable asset, doesn't that make you property??...a slave...chattel? The ONLY way you can not be claimed as property is if you own yourself if all that money is really yours...why do you let the international banks rob you of it thru usury & phony taxes??? One of the biggest bankster jokes is making their money work for them...It is quite literally true...The peasants do the labour, and the capital hogging banks & corporations hogging all the capital, don't cut the people in for an equity would cut their profits to give some of the people some of the money they earned... The modern-day labourer, if he doesn't have a major equity portfolio is purely no different than a tenant farmer...the only difference is that the plantation he works on is now a corporation he works for, and the landlord/shareholder, who basically is an economic parasite who does does nothing to earn it, profits from your labour. |