Topic: Gender Equality | |
employing a causal outlook, it has been the attempt by women to husband men by having him believe he's stronger thus should be the provider that has given man real power. the battle for recognition(female lib.) should have been fought right at the beginning just as the amazons did. truly the females of old knew their place; enjoy protection and eat the ****, but the modern woman thinks she's smart; wants equality yet is unwilling to relinquish protection, just as esau failed to realise that eating "the porridge" loses him the "birthright". it is therefore expedient if we wish to avoid error to consider it in our calculations that actions must have consequences is a pillar of nature. Can someone please translate the above-quoted statement into plain English? generally speaking, women have attracted men by allowing them to believe they are the stronger and therefore more capable of providing, which has helped men feel secure from the beginning, if women wanted 'equality' in this sense, they should have went all out in proving their equal 'strength', physically...(they can open their own doors, protect themselves from danger, they are as responsible for being hit back when they hit a man as another man would be, etc)) old school females appreciated and enjoyed the man providing and protecting outside the home while they nurtured and protected at home the modern woman seems to want 'equality' in the privileges, but still wanting to enjoy inequality in expectation and responsibility,, it is wise to realize that with privilege comes responsibility, with choice, consequence,, ,,,that's just my personal paraphrase though,,,lol |
"know our place?" Hmmm..if my grand ![]() No such thing as "gender". Females were once males in the wombs. Once the penis falls off, its female. Quit this sexist ****. I have to disagree. Medically all pregnancies begin as female. If the XY gene is present at 8 weeks a male begins to be formed. One of the big changes is how logic is processed. A woman's senses come thought the emotion center before being processed. The response goes back through her emotion center. This is why women tend to be more emotional than men. |
Some women are old school and others want to support their self. Who cares. Working is cool but raising a family is hard some can stay home. And some must have dual working parents to make ends meet, I do agree some men want a woman's place in the kitchen because of self esteem issues and control problems. But if a woman happy being a housewife they are no less than a woman working the corporate ladder. Matter of personal choice.
generally speaking, women have attracted men by allowing them to believe they are the stronger and therefore more capable of providing, which has helped men feel secure
During the American Civil War nearly 2 million men were in the armies of the north and south. On record (US war department) are letters by wives pleading for husbands to come home because the wives could not handle planting with a horse and one blade plow, cut down trees for fire, etc. With technology women claim to do everything a man can. Take that technology away and it's a whole different world. In fact, before the American Civil War there were two functions in most families. Work in the house or work the farm by hand. I've never read where women wanted to work the farm by hand. They were not forced to work in the house: it was not easy but less physically taxing and women accepted this willingly. Feminists try to spin this but studying history gives a more realistic view. the modern woman seems to want 'equality' in the privileges, but still wanting to enjoy inequality in expectation and responsibility,,
Radical feminists want equality until it doesn't benefit them. Then they appeal to Chivalry. They want all of the benefits and none of the draw backs of either. Let the men get all of the draw backs. |
Firstly, from you question "who says we must procreate",
if I am to make an inference from that, I'll say you do not think procreation is important for the maintenance of the human race, because that's why. then I'll be compelled to ask you what happens if everyone holds the same opinion? On your second question however, the major aspects in which I think equality exists between men and women is smartness. I don't think any school of thought has ever conclusively determined the superiority of one sex group over the other if you'll agree with me. |
Its safer to go back to how nature wants it done.Anything to the contrary is all part of the great rebellion initiated by the enemy to thwart the original purpose of the creator
Its safer to go back to how nature wants it done.Anything to the contrary is all part of the great rebellion initiated by the enemy to thwart the original purpose of the creator That you must break your back with your daily chores? If you feel like tilling your Field with a forked stick,and carry your water half a mile for Irrigation,go right ahead,since nature must have intended for Man to do it that way,but don't expect Humanity to follow that idea! ![]() |
Its safer to go back to how nature wants it done.Anything to the contrary is all part of the great rebellion initiated by the enemy to thwart the original purpose of the creator Right ... And you claim you know the original purpose of the creator? You have got his email and befriended him on FB? I think not. Technically speaking this would be 'hearsay'. |
Its safer to go back to how nature wants it done.Anything to the contrary is all part of the great rebellion initiated by the enemy to thwart the original purpose of the creator Right ... And you claim you know the original purpose of the creator? You have got his email and befriended him on FB? I think not. Technically speaking this would be 'hearsay'. ![]() |
Really funny, but I think what Uche9aa is referring to is specifically the role of man and woman as implied by nature. Fire on Uche9aa.
While the wage gap has been cited one way or another, we must look at the context of it. I'm not great with words, but the person in this video should suffice.
a person's role in life is up to the individual to decide irrespective of their gender or what anyone else thinks. the lines that define gender roles have become obscure and despite the confusion that has caused, I think it is a good thing.
besides the state of being confused merely indicates that you are learning... there are a lot of great female executives and a number of excellent stay at homes dads. false "expectations" based on nothing but the authority of "tradition" should not prevent either from being successful strength comes in more than one form and is a personal trait rather than a male trait |
That equality can be helpful in future