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Topic: why do older men tent to date younger girls
Dodo_David's photo
Fri 06/06/14 11:20 AM

Q- Why do older men date younger women?
A- Because we can

^^^ This. laugh

lol that's bout the size of it >.<. The real question is, do people really look at age specifically in their looking for a special someone? Why would anyone put specific restrictions as such when looking for love? Love comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Yeah, but compatibility can be influenced by age.

For example, a young guy - such as a guy in his 20s - may not be compatible with a woman who is in her 40s. indifferent

Oh definitely. A younger person more then likely "USUALLY" won't have the same goals/plans for life as say an older person. But more in the context of this thread, this bit of age difference really won't make a difference at all lol. We're talking 7 years, that's sibling difference. That's not even technically an "older" person in this sense.

When people talk about older men dating younger women, they are usually referring to a man of one generation dating a woman of a different generation.

TawtStrat's photo
Fri 06/06/14 12:02 PM

Q- Why do older men date younger women?
A- Because we can

^^^ This. laugh

lol that's bout the size of it >.<. The real question is, do people really look at age specifically in their looking for a special someone? Why would anyone put specific restrictions as such when looking for love? Love comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Yeah, but compatibility can be influenced by age.

For example, a young guy - such as a guy in his 20s - may not be compatible with a woman who is in her 40s. indifferent

Oh definitely. A younger person more then likely "USUALLY" won't have the same goals/plans for life as say an older person. But more in the context of this thread, this bit of age difference really won't make a difference at all lol. We're talking 7 years, that's sibling difference. That's not even technically an "older" person in this sense.

When people talk about older men dating younger women, they are usually referring to a man of one generation dating a woman of a different generation.

Yeah, probably. I tend to think of "younger women" being just what most people would call "young" women though, as opposed to middle aged or old. Maybe I'm thinking about it in those terms now because I'm forty five myself, or maybe I always thought about it like that. If it's relative to my age though, I'm thinking twenties and thirties and I suppose that I would have thought of thirty year old women as "older" when I was twenty because they were.

Saying that, I was with a woman that was in her forties that was seven years older than me when I was in my thirties and I definetely thought of her as an older woman, both in the sense that she wasn't a spring chicken and that she was older than me. Also, she was older than women that I had been with before, so it was a case of going against my previous preferences and "settling" for someone that didn't match my preconceived ideas about what I wanted.

I suppose that it didn't feel so much like there was a generation gap with her and we could talk about what it was like in the "olden days" when we were growing up and we had that in common but if I met some foreign woman my age we would have little of that cultural background stuff in common and I would have more in common then with a girl in her twenties or thirties from my own culture. To a certain extent I think that it's more lifestyle and interests that matter. There are certain things that I think of as being for old farts that lots of middle aged women are into and if a younger woman had those interests I might find her a bit boring. Most of the television that I watch, for instance, is aimed at a younger audience and it's "youth culture".

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 06/06/14 02:56 PM

I think it's because people love who they love...:heart:

what "whats love got to do got to do with it"slaphead
we are talking about dating at best aren't we. I stand by what I said and
I think its just a higher avaliblity for the looks he my be looking for,
I would think many men would not want to fall in love with her if shes too young.

OK, just call me slap head, short for dumbazz, right?laugh ..Yeah, I suppose we are talking about dating, but some of us only date when we feel there is strong potential for love to develop ...That would be me:smile: ....I stopped dating for dating's sake about the same time I graduated from high school...I am sure there are all sorts of reasons older men date younger women and many of them have been stated here...What I meant when I said "it's because peeps love who they love" is this...For me, attraction to the opposite sex comes in many shapes and sizes meaning it's not determined by rigid guidelines...Exposure is really the determining factor...If I am exposed to someone younger or older long enough to get to know them as a person, I might develop chemistry with them IN SPITE OF THEIR AGE....flowerforyou

I agree,
Sure...habit dictates form...If you spend long enough been mentality stimulated by another man with limited contact in stale or strained times with the one you love then feelings can easily shift
to another.Then your form will follow your function. :laughing:
Exposer, pressure and finely time will bring mountains down.
We are just mere castles of sand and Jimmy said it best....
"And so castles made of sand.. slip into the sea...EEventually"

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