Topic: 1 Million Truckers to Protest Obama
willing2's photo
Sat 09/21/13 06:58 AM
Have read the article and see many IMPORTANT reasons for a strike.

no photo
Sat 09/21/13 07:16 AM
Personally, I think Obama is a "real" problem in the U.S.....and one of our biggest....

no photo
Sat 09/21/13 07:17 AM

I can see OTR truckers going on strike in protest over something that threatens their jobs. I don't see them going on strike in order to support someone who has Obama Derangement Syndrome.

The only "Derangement" that I see is in Obama himself. He is a constant and persistent LIAR.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/21/13 08:01 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.
and...................what are they?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 09/21/13 08:31 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 09/21/13 08:32 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.

Obozo and this administration are the reasons for most of the problems facing the US.

Or maybe you think a dozen scandals which all point directly at the WH is acceptable?

Like Nixon said "If the President does it, it's not illegal"? You feel he is above the law or his Constitutional authority?

You feel it is ok for the POTUS to kill American citizens without trial or due process?

To declare war on other countries who have not attacked us?

To kill innocent women and children in foreign lands, and arming our enemies while standing on the graves of children in the US to take away the unalienable rights of law abiding citizens in his own (questionable) country?

To use the dept's of gov't to attack those who oppose him or his policies?

To cover up and restrict access to his own records while having the NSA spy on the actions and records of EVERY other American?

To knowingly lie to the people on incidents like Benghazi, cover up or further delay investigations before an election?

To use the IRS to his own ends to target the parties of opposition against him?

To swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution as he has lawyers do everything in their power to alter or invalidate it?

Shall I continue or are facts simply falling on deaf ears and blind eyes here?

no photo
Sat 09/21/13 08:36 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.
and...................what are they?

Well, first off, get the alcohol out of our gas!rant

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:29 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 09/21/13 11:30 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.

Obozo and this administration are the reasons for most of the problems facing the US.

Or maybe you think a dozen scandals which all point directly at the WH is acceptable?

Like Nixon said "If the President does it, it's not illegal"? You feel he is above the law or his Constitutional authority?

You feel it is ok for the POTUS to kill American citizens without trial or due process?

To declare war on other countries who have not attacked us?

To kill innocent women and children in foreign lands, and arming our enemies while standing on the graves of children in the US to take away the unalienable rights of law abiding citizens in his own (questionable) country?

To use the dept's of gov't to attack those who oppose him or his policies?

To cover up and restrict access to his own records while having the NSA spy on the actions and records of EVERY other American?

To knowingly lie to the people on incidents like Benghazi, cover up or further delay investigations before an election?

To use the IRS to his own ends to target the parties of opposition against him?

To swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution as he has lawyers do everything in their power to alter or invalidate it?

Shall I continue or are facts simply falling on deaf ears and blind eyes here?

wish there were some 'facts' presented in these threads, as opposed to the same tired, unproven and empty allegations

and I know, ,my stubbornness to believe something merely because someone chose to type it on a computer is proof of how little I know,,,,

don't bother with the insults,,

I do know the government is made of over four hundred individuals in dc, not just 1 in the white house

and so far, those people have done exactly what they wanted to , with that 1 person only interfering or objecting twice so far

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:42 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.
and...................what are they?

It is definately not Obama! When people realize that, they will be on their way to correcting the problems.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:44 AM

People need to focus on the real problems in the US, not Obama.

Obozo and this administration are the reasons for most of the problems facing the US.

Or maybe you think a dozen scandals which all point directly at the WH is acceptable?

Like Nixon said "If the President does it, it's not illegal"? You feel he is above the law or his Constitutional authority?

You feel it is ok for the POTUS to kill American citizens without trial or due process?

To declare war on other countries who have not attacked us?

To kill innocent women and children in foreign lands, and arming our enemies while standing on the graves of children in the US to take away the unalienable rights of law abiding citizens in his own (questionable) country?

To use the dept's of gov't to attack those who oppose him or his policies?

To cover up and restrict access to his own records while having the NSA spy on the actions and records of EVERY other American?

To knowingly lie to the people on incidents like Benghazi, cover up or further delay investigations before an election?

To use the IRS to his own ends to target the parties of opposition against him?

To swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution as he has lawyers do everything in their power to alter or invalidate it?

Shall I continue or are facts simply falling on deaf ears and blind eyes here?

wish there were some 'facts' presented in these threads, as opposed to the same tired, unproven and empty allegations

and I know, ,my stubbornness to believe something merely because someone chose to type it on a computer is proof of how little I know,,,,

don't bother with the insults,,

I do know the government is made of over four hundred individuals in dc, not just 1 in the white house

and so far, those people have done exactly what they wanted to , with that 1 person only interfering or objecting twice so far

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:52 AM
one issue is the deficit,,

to clarify

deficit vs debt : deficit is the difference between the bills due and the money to pay them

if you have 1500 of bills this month but only have 1000 to pay,, you have a 500 deficit

the debt is the COLLECTIVE amount of everything due

if you purchase a home valued at 100000,you are paying the debt down(sometimes) when you make the payment( if you aren't paying interest rates),,, so, if you pay 1000 a month,, on time,, after the first two months,, you may have no DEFICIT,, but you still have a debt of 1000000

,,NOW,, when we have a growing deficit that is a problem, however our deficit has been dECREASING since 2009

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:55 AM
another point, our government doesn't have an abundance of accounting majors in it, which has been the case since well BEFORE OBama

for I nstance, the debt has grown 70 percent under OBama, but even under Reagan (the alleged super president) it grew 300 percent

GYs41's photo
Sat 09/21/13 11:58 AM

Have you listened to every political speech given in the past 20 years? Our wonderul leaders rely basically on misinformation (often outright lies), innuendo, ambiguity, threats, fear tactics, and personal attacks. Why should members of a political forum be any different?

Forget facts and let everyone offer statements based on personal bias: left, right, center, or outer space. At least that's what I've seen here so far.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/21/13 12:03 PM
another point, dependence upon oil,

another point, shortness of actual 'jobs' (not the min wage type) That people can survive upon, focus on money making has outsourced jobs to where people live off of much less and accept cheaper pay, automation also eliminates people,,,,, the drive for bigger profits, cuts into the interest in keeping people working

another point, educational achievement, becoming more of a necessity in qualifiying for a living wage job,, is becoming more unattainable with the rising costs,,,,

GYs41's photo
Sat 09/21/13 01:36 PM
Great. I agree completely. Identifying "points" is far superior to presenting factual data. Anyone can present factual data and skew the data. Points, on the other hand, are very hard to dismiss.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/21/13 01:56 PM

another point, dependence upon oil,

another point, shortness of actual 'jobs' (not the min wage type) That people can survive upon, focus on money making has outsourced jobs to where people live off of much less and accept cheaper pay, automation also eliminates people,,,,, the drive for bigger profits, cuts into the interest in keeping people working

another point, educational achievement, becoming more of a necessity in qualifiying for a living wage job,, is becoming more unattainable with the rising costs,,,,

why are People trying to make a Career of a Minimum-Wage Job?huh

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/21/13 02:28 PM

another point, dependence upon oil,

another point, shortness of actual 'jobs' (not the min wage type) That people can survive upon, focus on money making has outsourced jobs to where people live off of much less and accept cheaper pay, automation also eliminates people,,,,, the drive for bigger profits, cuts into the interest in keeping people working

another point, educational achievement, becoming more of a necessity in qualifiying for a living wage job,, is becoming more unattainable with the rising costs,,,,

why are People trying to make a Career of a Minimum-Wage Job?huh

people ARENT, people get stuck where they are because the opportunities are slim,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/21/13 04:21 PM

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 09/21/13 04:54 PM

1 Million Truckers Protest Now Joined By Canadian Counterparts

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/21/13 05:13 PM

Personally, I think Obama is a "real" problem in the U.S.....and one of our biggest....

No one could say it better!:thumbsup:

GYs41's photo
Sat 09/21/13 07:12 PM
Everyone is certainly entitled to his or her opinion, but before we get too far into blaming obama for everything, let's look at all the problems he inherited when he took office:

1. He had to deal with the failed Fast and Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels with those weapons killing our border agents and countless Mexican civilians.

2. He had to deal with the tragic and yet unexplained death of Americans in Benghazi because of a failure of the State Department.

3. He had to deal with the revelation that the NSA was spying on American citizens in direct violation of Executive Order 12333 and all Intelligence Oversight laws (and the Fourth Amendment).

4. He had to deal with the IRS scandal and an IRS director who pleads "the fifth" and refuses to provide details of the travesty.

5. He had to deal with a complete failure to handle the Syrian civil war and our in-one-time, out-one-time, in-again, out-again policy and Putin's snub at the US.

6. He had to deal with a collapsing economy that he promised to fix in three years. (The video of this promise from FIVE years ago can be found on YouTube, I'm sure.)

7. He had to deal with American voters who bought the concept of "hope and change."

Yes, I'd say that poor obama is terribly misjudged and wrongfully maligned. Think of all these things and how he really had NOTHING to do with any of them but is now being criticized (very unjustly) for failing to fix them.

If you know a Trucker (American or Canadian) please inform them of these critical facts.