Topic: one true love
pandora39's photo
Sat 09/07/13 06:11 PM
Your love is for what I ache and long,, it feels so right although its wrong,, you smile at me and my heart you melt,,a love like this before I've never felt,,you hold out your arms for me alone,, I step inside and I know I'm home,, you gently stroke my cheek and I get lost in your gentle stare,,, I can't seem to look away you've captured me then and there,, you bring your lips to mine and my heart it skips a beat,, I tremble top to bottom and almost pass out with our heat,,but then I feel them press gently on to mine,, and the passionate long deep kisses we share are heavenly divine,, lost in that moment lost in that kiss,, right or wrong goes out the window and creeping doubts they get dismissed,, something just takes over our souls connect as one,, lost in your arms lost in your love at the passion we shared made the woman in me shone,,I've never felt it before,, nor will I again,, this sheer forfillment and pure content,,you made my soul sing like a dove,, you were my one and only true love.

sparkyae5's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:03 PM
wow,,awesome.....:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

pandora39's photo
Sun 09/08/13 03:28 AM
Awww thankyou

pkh's photo
Sun 09/08/13 06:30 AM

pandora39's photo
Sun 09/08/13 06:47 AM
Ahh thankyou so much

Annyjo's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:34 AM
beautiful x

pandora39's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:35 AM
thankyou xx

puppylove066's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:40 AM
this pom is awesome.....thank you - I hope you do not mind but I am sharing this with my friend...thank you and keep up this awesome work! :-)

pandora39's photo
Sun 09/08/13 12:40 PM
Awww thank you so much, thats such a lovely compliment, to share my poem with a friend, thankyou x