Topic: Near death experiences
no photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:45 PM

Being a nurse, I come in contact with patients once in a while, whose
spirits have passed from their bodies and experienced
different things and then returned into their bodies. Whenever
I come across a person who died and was brought back by a medical team,
I always ask them if they can remember anything about the experience.
Some see a friend or loved one standing at their bedside, beconing them
to come with them into the light. The figure is always described as
beautiful and filled with light, wearing bright white clothing. Others
actually go
into the tunnel of light and pass into a beautiful, peaceful
place, from which they do not want to return. These people are
always told at this point that they have to return, it is not their time
yet and they are told the reason why. One young man
who suffered a brainstem stroke, went into the light and was allowed to
see all the good he would do and all the people who would benefit from
his returning to his body and recovering from his illness. I spoke with
2 different people who died and were brought back, who described very
similar experiences of
falling down into total darkness. They could hear the far off screams
and moans of the damned. As they fell down further, they knew very
clearly what had brought them to that point and
what they could have done differently to avoid it. Suddenly they were
snatched upward, back into their bodies as they were
All of these peoples lives were changed for the good, from these
near death experiences.
I experienced the light myself, once when I had a very high fever. It
was very pleasant and beautiful.
Have you or anyone you know ever had any of these experiences?

Ontario's photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:47 PM
Yeah... but most of them drink all day and sleep at the beach!

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:49 PM
i have came right at that edge of death but god kept me around longer.I
seen not light but he dam sure gave me the will to live and change the
crowled i was hanging with.

Morena350's photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:52 PM

beautyinthechaos's photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:53 PM
I fell through a frozen lake when i was 15 out with my friends in Ohio.
I had to be hospitalized for hypothermia. I had alot of people praying
for me, scary shit.

KoolDude79's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:03 AM
My near death experience was about seven years ago. I need to have
spinal surgery for a fucking staph infection on my spine. If I didn't
have it done, I would be dead. It took six months to learn how to walk
again too.

she_reeves's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:04 AM
Yes I did. I was thrown 75 feet from motorcycle going into 4 gear, I'm
told that that is about 50-55 mph.My brother hit a colvert or barditch
pipe, broke the bike in half, I was catripolted into the air, like a
flippin bird.Except my landing was deadly. I clapsed my left lung and
broke my hips,back,and pelvic bones.I remember asking my husband to take
go care for the kids and to let them nver forget that the mother loved
them very much,every thing went dark.I wake up in the hosital,I was told
that my husband saved my life-breathing 4 me.He would not give up. He
made a promise to be 6 years before that he want never let me go,that
encluded death.He was not ready for us to part.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:09 AM
If you're frightened of dying you'll
see devils tearing you apart. If
you've made your peace then they're
angels freeing you from the world.

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:14 AM
Beauty, Im so glad that you are ok. Do you have any lasting effects
from the hypothermia? Did you see the light at any time
during this injury? You are a very pretty young lady. God has
very important things for you to do during your life! Dont ever take it
for granted.

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:16 AM
She Reeves,
All you saw was darkness when you were injured? No other experiences?

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:17 AM
I have seen death,and been at it's door,
but I do not fear it,
as I know that I still have work to be done,
and th'good lord is not ready for me, yet...
I have been to far away places,that otherwise,
I would have never gone,close to the edge,
and an angel led me back to this world,
to feel love,embrace life,with passion,
and all of my heart and soul...
I am still alone,so my work is unfinished.

beautyinthechaos's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:26 AM
Thank you, and no i dont have any lasting effects except for i wont ever
ice skate again. And i have nightmares butthats better than being blind
or something drastic

beautyinthechaos's photo
Sat 10/21/06 12:26 AM
Thank you, and no i dont have any lasting effects except for i wont ever
ice skate again. And i have nightmares butthats better than being blind
or something drastic

gterry05's photo
Sat 10/21/06 01:00 AM
Ok, I have never had any near death experiences. But I have had some
strange things happen. I was driving late one night and was changing the
cd when I looked up I had found my way off the road and was traveling
about 55mph through a fence, the post were flying everwhere and instead
of breaking I pushed the gas (freaked out), the post were flying at my
windsheild when this one post it seemed like slow motion come tumbling
through the air right for my windshield I closed my eyes and CRASH glass
was everywhere, my car came to a stop (must have found the break). I got
out and looked at my car right where I sat was a hole in the front
windshield I was like how the hell did that not hit my head? It was 3
inches above the sterring wheel. I looked in the car for the post and
guys there was a hole going out the back of my windshield where the post
flew straight through the front and out the back right where my head

Ok,One more for you....I was lying in bed and felt really strange, "just
this errie feeling". I know this sounds crazy but I felt like I was
being watched this strong feeling that I wasn't alone and what ever was
there didn't feel right it was a heavy dark feeling and every part of
me said get up and get out of bed..... Ok, now I know what I am about to
tell you is really crazy but it is very true.. I wasn't asleep dreaming
I was wide awake!! Anyways~ I raised up to get out of bed and I promise
you something big and real DARK feeling jumped from above me( I think IT
was above me) into my bed as i was leaving it almost like it jumped for
me and missed!! I flipped out got my stuff (hotel), and got out!! I am
not kidding my bed dipped in i felt it!!I feel like it was tring to get
in me!! I know it sounds crazy but its a true story!!

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 10:15 AM
Thankyou for sharing those stories. I believe every bit of it.
I dont think youre crazy at all. I think that you are more sensitive to
these things than most people. You are special!
Im glad that you were smart enough to get out and away from it.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/22/06 12:13 AM
And what is death but another transition in life. You go back to the
elements and reamerge as another life or suppoting other life.

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 10/22/06 08:04 AM
i had a car land on my roof when i was in a junkcar race(it was my
brothers car as a matter of fact)it was really scary seeing his drive
train coming at us and my copilot put his head between his legs fast as
you can could imagine i was just awed in amazement neither of were hurt
thank god and we kept on racing after my bro did a burnout off the part is we got it on video my siter in law was out in the
stands watching with my son and she said her heart just dropped out of
her chest...but its funny watching the video im really shocked we didnt
get hurt