Topic: MLK | |
MLK - 50th Anniversary - Watch ABC News' live streaming coverage of today's special events! |
MLK - 50th Anniversary - Watch ABC News' live streaming coverage of today's special events! awesome,,, I expect some inspirational moments,,, |
Not just Prez Obama but Clinton and Carter are to speak too
So. Was kings dream to go home ready to agitate?
Code for kill whitey. Jackson has perverted his dream. |
So. Was kings dream to go home ready to agitate? Code for kill whitey. Jackson has perverted his dream. lol, yeah, the freedomfighters didn't 'agitate' anyone ![]() people being agitated just means people are agitated, it doesn't mean anyone has done anything to them |
Edited by
Wed 08/28/13 11:01 AM
So. Was kings dream to go home ready to agitate? Code for kill whitey. Jackson has perverted his dream. Have some positive words will YOU. |
So. Was kings dream to go home ready to agitate? Code for kill whitey. Jackson has perverted his dream. Have some positive words will YOU. Always! For the Usurpers? Has to be a Cold Day in Heck if I do! |
50 years ago, many places in the United States had laws called Jim Crow laws that were unfair to black Americans. Some of those laws made it hard for them to vote in elections, or get good jobs, or even eat in the same restaurants as white people. Martin Luther King Jr. spent his life working to change those laws and help black Americans get the same civil rights as white Americans.
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. He was the son of a Baptist minister, and he was an excellent student. In college, he learned about a man named Mahatma Gandhi who lived in the country of India. In India, Gandhi had helped change unfair laws by teaching people to protest without violence. King thought he could change unfair laws in the United States the same way. In 1954, King became the minister of a church in Montgomery, Alabama. In Montgomery, when people would ride the bus, black people had to sit in back and let white people sit in front. One of the first things King did was to organize a protest against the bus company. He began to organize other non-violent protests, and soon he was a leader in the civil rights movement. For many years, Martin Luther King went around the South and other parts of the United States giving speeches about civil rights and leading protests against unfair laws. In 1963, he led a march in Washington D.C. with over 200,000 people. It was here that he gave his famous "I have a dream" speech in which he said that people should not be judged by the color of their skin. In 1964, Martin Luther King was with President Lyndon Johnson when the President signed the Civil Rights Act, a new law which threw out all the old, unfair laws. That same year, King won the Nobel Peace Prize, a very important honor, for all his hard work in peacefully changing the unfair laws. Martin Luther King was a man of peace, but there were many people who hated him and did not want the unfair laws to change. King had been threatened and attacked many times over the years. In 1968, he was killed by a man with a gun in Memphis, Tennessee. Today, we honor the memory of Martin Luther King every year with a holiday in January. |
ty for that Toddy,,,,lovely
Lets do some of his quotes...There are so many great ones to choose from
![]() "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King, Jr. |
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Wed 08/28/13 11:27 AM
Someone let me know if Carter gives an extra big, toothy grin when he stands next to Barry.
Positive being, Carter finally losing his title of worst president. Now. Yes, King tried to unite folks. Not all he did or stood for was of benefit to all people. Too bad demon possession took Jackson and he has dismantled all the Good stuff King represented. There. You're welcome. |
Edited by
Wed 08/28/13 11:38 AM
Too bad demon possession took Jackson and he has dismantled all the Good stuff King represented. He did not dismantle all MLK did, no facts prove that. ![]() Topic is on MLK. |
Too bad demon possession took Jackson and he has dismantled all the Good stuff King represented. There. You're welcome. He did not dismantle all MLK did, no facts prove that. Topic is on MLK. ![]() I was just adding to the poster who mentioned a few more speakers. Gonna ream him fer going off topic? Jackson, I assume, will be a leading speaker. I would imagine sharptongue will speak as well Both are bigoted crooks. Jackson, media ho. Put King blood on shirt for attention. |
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr “Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. |
King wasn't/isn't a god.
I can imagine, when his old lady caught him cheating, he would have used the old standby phrases: "She didn't mean anything to me. I didn't do her on purpose. It was an accident. " ![]() |
“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. |
ty for that Toddy,,,,lovely You're welcome! He was Awesome! |
Watched all 3 presidents speak.
ty for that Toddy,,,,lovely You're welcome! He was Awesome! no doubt, ur kind of awesome too,,, ![]() |
early morning, April 4
shot rings out in the Memphis sky free at last, they took your life they could not take your pride in the name of love what more in the name of love? |