Do you believe in love or is it all lust??
Personally I hate how so many of us (both males and females) make decisions on people they are interested in solely on bodies looks etc,whether its a a guy looking for a girl with a tight tummy and huge chest or a girl looking only for guys with muscles on top of muscles with a giant you know what.are these things all that matter you you??looks definately play a part in things as they should we all need atleast some physical attraction but Does personality and the heart count for anything to you?? Id love to hear from people on this matter females especially as im a guy who is looking for girls that dig the personality within. ![]() |
nice topic spark. I like it. first tell me why all people see display of profiles in search ? what I think look is most common and basic thing which we use in our search and everyone wants a good looking partner. and after that we start talking, dating whatever. so I don't think so looks work in conversation part, because if you want respect than you have to give respect first. in my opinion god has made everyone beautiful. everyone has unique quality and everyone get his/her partner when times comes. so looks play an important role but not all while choosing a partner.
I agree with Sandy.
Looks do play a part, you won't feel attracted to someone that's in some way off-putting to you. And 'off-putting' is different to everyone, thank god for that! For instance, you seem to believe every woman wants a bodybuilder, muscle over muscle. I find an overly muscular man (like a bodybuilder) off-putting. Sure I like a muscular man, but not over the top. A giant you know what is not usually the first thing you find out about, is it? Try to not get discouraged by this shallow type of reactions. There's all sorts of ppl out there, fakes, shallow and serious ones. I guess it's a matter of selection and not giving up. And maybe you're going for the "wrong" type of girl yourself? |
Its the attitude that matters to me... looks are secondary...
It's simple. People want what they want. Some older gentlemen with money look to have a "trophy wife". Some guys with muscles tend to get with women who share there same love of bodybuilding or working out. Smart women look for a guy with nice looks and smarts. Some people (men and women with low self esteem) look for sexual relationships with just about anyone to fill whatever void they have. Bottom truly is complicated but every person can find happiness.
I don't know, to be honest. I never really studied how my relationships started. I just went with what felt right. If he doesn't make my heart leap when I think about him, then he isn't the right one for me. I like to build a companionship with a guy first.
I pose this question to all when we look at someone are we seeing them for who they are or are we seeing them as who we think they should be
Like most might say, attraction plays a big part in the beginning and that because you can't just off and say you love someone you just met and haven't had the chance to kind of get to know. It's over time is when things come together, but that's not always the case because even though one might want to get to know the other, the other may interest in something else. So this is where the lust comes in and that is usually when things first start out.