Topic: How am I doing?
bucsbacker's photo
Thu 08/15/13 09:23 AM
I've never been good at writing a blurb so any tips on what I have done would help. Thanks.

Mortman's photo
Thu 08/15/13 04:36 PM
Edited by Mortman on Thu 08/15/13 04:36 PM
I think you blurb is fine. The only problem I saw was that you said you're a "Southern gal that's tired" where you should have typed "Southern gal who's tired". I guess you could tell us a bit more about yourself, but there's still a lot of character in what you've already got. Good for you!

You did leave out your interests, and your photos are both sideways, which is one of my pet peeves. You need to either learn how to rotate pictures or turn the camera right-side up when taking them. You seem really nice and even sideways, I can see that you're pretty. You should be OK.

Good luck!

bucsbacker's photo
Thu 08/15/13 08:30 PM
Thanks for the tips! It' so hard to try to describe yourself in a paragraph to try to attract someone's attention. I don't know why the pics transferred sideways since they were both taken correctly and both show right side up in the file. Oh well, I tried & thanks for the compliment!