What if you are involved with someone of a different race that is far away from you, what next? Can it still work? Would you expect a commitment and seriousness from it?
Having dealt with so many scammers on the internet it hard for me to take most stuff online serious. I would have to be really sure that the person I was talking to wasn't a faker. But I don't know that I would expect commitment till we met face to face and got to know each other.
I don't see why not. I've always been an equal opportunist, if that's the right term. lol. I once dated a kettle. You could always tell when it was about to boil over.
i also dated a toaster. Things got very heated. |
I actually do not think race matters. I have
taught my children that color is not important, what is important is how you feel about that person. It is true, racism still exist in America! We actually found that out with the Zimmerman case. A lot of people are totally against white people dating black people where I live. In my small town, it would never happen, you would have to move to a bigger place or you would be the talk of the town. Plus the Police Officer's would hassle you like crazy. Can love survive on the internet? If you only live a small distance, then I would say yes. If you live 9000 miles apart, then I would say NO. I tried it, it is not for me! I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do. Make sure that you are not holding these feelings because you can not have this person. Sometimes we hang on to feelings when we know that person is unreachable, I have done this. It is a heart breaker...something that you have to let go even when you don't want to. |
There is a man I know. I am white he is Black. He has a strong faith in God. He is talented...he can draw the most amazing pictures. He sings and plays musical instruments. Has had the same job doe 15 years. He boxes and teaches youth boxing. A role model in my town. Very funny and handsome. Could I date outside my race....YEAP!
It depends on many things. Just dating is easy. Having children deserves a little more thought depending upon when you are.
I don't see why not. I've always been an equal opportunist, if that's the right term. lol. I once dated a kettle. You could always tell when it was about to boil over. i also dated a toaster. Things got very heated. Funniest thing I ever saw was the head line on a small town tabloid that read "Alien raped my toaster." Ever since then when someone corrects me on the sex of something. I say "Fine, it's a toaster." |
I actually do not think race matters. I have taught my children that color is not important, what is important is how you feel about that person. It is true, racism still exist in America! We actually found that out with the Zimmerman case. A lot of people are totally against white people dating black people where I live. In my small town, it would never happen, you would have to move to a bigger place or you would be the talk of the town. Plus the Police Officer's would hassle you like crazy. Can love survive on the internet? If you only live a small distance, then I would say yes. If you live 9000 miles apart, then I would say NO. I tried it, it is not for me! I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do. Make sure that you are not holding these feelings because you can not have this person. Sometimes we hang on to feelings when we know that person is unreachable, I have done this. It is a heart breaker...something that you have to let go even when you don't want to. |
There is a man I know. I am white he is Black. He has a strong faith in God. He is talented...he can draw the most amazing pictures. He sings and plays musical instruments. Has had the same job doe 15 years. He boxes and teaches youth boxing. A role model in my town. Very funny and handsome. Could I date outside my race....YEAP! Goodluck. |
I actually do not think race matters. I have taught my children that color is not important, what is important is how you feel about that person. It is true, racism still exist in America! We actually found that out with the Zimmerman case. A lot of people are totally against white people dating black people where I live. In my small town, it would never happen, you would have to move to a bigger place or you would be the talk of the town. Plus the Police Officer's would hassle you like crazy. Can love survive on the internet? If you only live a small distance, then I would say yes. If you live 9000 miles apart, then I would say NO. I tried it, it is not for me! I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do. Make sure that you are not holding these feelings because you can not have this person. Sometimes we hang on to feelings when we know that person is unreachable, I have done this. It is a heart breaker...something that you have to let go even when you don't want to. What was so funny about what I wrote JANNEHO? |
Yeah, I'm cool with it.
I married three white women and one Apache-Mexican. |
Most people are completely unaware that there are approxmemtly 27 million men , woman @ children caught in slavery today . The fact is there are more people caught in some type of slavey . In Indonesia there are over a 100.000. Children trapped in sex slavery . Why would a person consider writing about a subject that is so over rated . My last 3 girl friends were black . It not the color of the but the depth of the heart .
Believe me love sees no race...So race isn't any trouble to me could be in love with any race at all as long as the chemistry is at work...
What if you are involved with someone of a different race that is far away from you, what next? Can it still work? Would you expect a commitment and seriousness from it? Far away.?? Nope. That doesn't work. |
I have dated outside of my race, and I feel it can work. However, long distances relationships rarely work out any race.