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Topic: SO CONFUSSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thu 10/19/06 10:53 PM
I need help, my man of four years decided one day that he wanted to be
with his little girls mom, no reason why he just up and lfet. But now
he's coming by and calling every day saying he loves me and misses me.
What do I do????

hunman12's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:55 PM
is he honest or did she turn him out

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:59 PM
I really don't know thats why im so cofussed

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:03 PM
i wouldn't take them back if i was in your shoes but i'm not. something
about not giving areason and just leaving don't sit right with me.

hunman12's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:05 PM
you could probly do better

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:07 PM
I know huh thats what i said thanks I was leaning towards not any ways

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:07 PM
i know i can do better and i am

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:12 PM
honest opinion??? tell him to go fuck himself..he bailed on you, didn't
seem to give a damn about your feelings or the 4 years together...if he
really loved you he never would'a left in the 1st place...sounds to me
like it didn't work out with her...again... and now he's got
regrets...til the next time he does something like that again. I mean
really..what's next? He's gonna bump into his high school sweetheart and
tell you he's gotta be with her next??
I also like how he put it.."he wants to be with his little girl's
mom"...bullshit..he wanted to get back with someone he obviously wasn't
over yet. You notice he didn't just say he wanted to be with his little
Tell him he blew it BIG time and move onnnnnnnnn

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:20 PM
yeah ur right thanks

gaillygail39's photo
Fri 10/20/06 12:25 AM
the reason they called it him so you leave where they are . if he left
you once he do it again. leave him alone let his ball drag the ground.
because he doesnt have any respect for you . there is someone out for

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/20/06 12:31 AM
I'm with Animal on this one...DITCH THE LOSER.

I know it hurts and I know it's not easy...but it is the BEST thing to
do. And screw whatever lameass excuse he gives you. Obviously, this
guy can't see a good thing when he's got it...and now it's his problem
that he's retarded enough to think that you'll buy into his bullshit and
take his sorry ass back.

lovetochat's photo
Fri 10/20/06 05:32 AM
DONT FALL FOR IT!!! If he really "loved you he would have never left in
the first place. And the little I'll never do it agina, he will maybe
behind your back or in fornt of you, but he'll do it. You don't need to
get hurt anymore.

Chuckee's photo
Fri 10/20/06 05:40 AM
Take him back with the UNDERSTANDING that from that point on, you will
be the one that he will ALWAYS be COMMING BACK TO. Not the one he will
completely commit to, the one he will be COMMING BACK TO. We all have
choices on what role we want to take on in a relationship, so, do you
want to be the one he stays with becuase of his love and respect for
you, OR because, when hes finished doing whatever it is hes doing, or
for whatever reason things didnt work out quite the way he planned , he
COMES BACK TO YOU? Just MY thoughts on the subject.

TheShadow's photo
Fri 10/20/06 06:18 AM
So what we all can see is that he left you and now that things didn't
work out with the one that he just got up and left you for. Let me think
about this one............Ok I got it. IL leave the one that I have been
with for 4 years to try something new. Damn that didn't work. Humm bet
the one that I just left will talk me back. Ok what wrong with this pic?

KAL's photo
Fri 10/20/06 06:20 AM
Tie the dog to a tree and walk away. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 07:52 AM
If i was in your shoes, i'd tell her to hike & get lost
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obvoiusly, he wasn't worried about you when he left
you, so why should you give a damn about him
????????????????????????????? I went out w/a girl in high school that
cheated on me behind my back. When i found out, i told her to screw
herself & kiss my ass goodbye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It only took 2
seconds to make that decision, talk about a no brainer. That's what i
would do i were you. Best of luck to ya , hopefully you'll find somebody
10 times better than that jackass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:03 AM
fuck that loser girl you know he only wanted one thing

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:27 AM
just a hustle!!!

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:37 AM
yeah yellow bone best thing you can do is get over it

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:08 AM
Humm, I had one that did that after 12 years then 2 weeks later came
back begging to come back said he was wrong on his choice and wanted me
back, this went on and on matter of fact here it is almost 4 yrs later
and still ask me again.

Hummm, what did I do, told him he made his choice and could stay in the
loveless relantionship he got his self into. That he had burned the love
I had for him and it was not my problem it was his and he would have to
deal with his choices not me.

But then if you do go back I wish you all the luck very few
relantionships that I know that have went back after something like that
have lasted. In order for it to its 100% given both ways and both really
want to make it work. Really your choice girl and what you really want.

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