Topic: Funniest Pranks You've Pulled
1Cynderella's photo
Tue 05/14/13 12:51 PM
Entertain us. tongue2

Share a funny prank you've pulled. :angel:

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 05/14/13 01:42 PM

Entertain us. tongue2

Share a funny prank you've pulled. :angel:

Only if I am granted immunity from prosecution ...err... Never mind. :angel:

1Cynderella's photo
Tue 05/14/13 01:57 PM

Entertain us. tongue2

Share a funny prank you've pulled. :angel:

Only if I am granted immunity from prosecution ...err... Never mind. :angel:
I don't have the authority to make any such promisses. :tongue:

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 05/14/13 02:04 PM

Entertain us. tongue2

Share a funny prank you've pulled. :angel:

Only if I am granted immunity from prosecution ...err... Never mind. :angel:
I don't have the authority to make any such promisses. :tongue:

In that case, I will have to wait until the statutes of limitations run out.

Wait. Did I just say that out loud?

1Cynderella's photo
Tue 05/14/13 02:07 PM

Entertain us. tongue2

Share a funny prank you've pulled. :angel:

Only if I am granted immunity from prosecution ...err... Never mind. :angel:
I don't have the authority to make any such promisses. :tongue:

In that case, I will have to wait until the statutes of limitations run out.

Wait. Did I just say that out loud?

ornery laugh

HonestE's photo
Tue 05/14/13 03:39 PM
Edited by HonestE on Tue 05/14/13 03:42 PM
i once pulled a prank on my sis, she was being mean to me as a kid
one day (taking things that were mine an so forth). SO what i did was i took my hockey pads after playing a huge hockey game that lasted 3 hours i played hockey at (the time) an while she slept i put all my pads, skate, etc in her room. And to rub it in i tied her door with a yarn rope i made in class (which was going over how things were made from the 1800s) an tied her door to the bathroom door.
When she woke up she caught a wif of the pads an got mad and tried to go to my room to punish me. but as the yarn rope was to strong no matter how hard she pulled. eventually she yelled for my dad who was amazed to find out that he could not untie the rope an ended up cutting it with a knife. An then when my sis was free she tried to get into the room, but i cleverly timed it so it be right when my brother and i were sleeping. so she could not come after me.

so what did you guy's think?

Oh an it took 2 months of constant spraying to get the smell out.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 05/14/13 04:12 PM
so what did you guy's think?

That what you did to your sister was really stinky. indifferent

1Cynderella's photo
Tue 05/14/13 04:17 PM

so what did you guy's think?

That what you did to your sister was really stinky. indifferent

I agree...phew! noway

HonestE's photo
Wed 05/15/13 06:47 PM
Edited by HonestE on Wed 05/15/13 06:53 PM
in my defense she did tie me to a tree and left me out in the woods for a few hours -_-

Oh an it helped her in the long run. Lets say her students are angry with me because my sis is now 5 steps ahead of them prank wise

1Cynderella's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:17 PM

in my defense she did tie me to a tree and left me out in the woods for a few hours -_-

Oh an it helped her in the long run. Lets say her students are angry with me because my sis is now 5 steps ahead of them prank wise
Well then, she's lucky you didn't super glue them to her. :wink:

HonestE's photo
Thu 05/16/13 05:17 PM
LOL i almost did that to but i did not due to the fact i knew i would get in trouble then LOL

soufiehere's photo
Thu 05/16/13 05:26 PM
Not really a prank, but SO worthwhile..

On the way to church one morning (high school age)
my horrid, soulless stepmother said to me,
"How does my makeup look, I was in a hurry.."
I glanced at her and saw she had only one eyebrow.
Keeping a straight face, I said, "looks good to me."

Mon, did I catch it later when all the church
ladies went out of their way to point it out.

I had to wear my innocent look all day.
Well worth it.

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 05/16/13 07:18 PM

Not really a prank, but SO worthwhile..

On the way to church one morning (high school age)
my horrid, soulless stepmother said to me,
"How does my makeup look, I was in a hurry.."
I glanced at her and saw she had only one eyebrow.
Keeping a straight face, I said, "looks good to me."

Mon, did I catch it later when all the church
ladies went out of their way to point it out.

I had to wear my innocent look all day.
Well worth it.

noway Lucky for you, it was God's day off. :tongue:

soufiehere's photo
Thu 05/16/13 08:41 PM

Not really a prank, but SO worthwhile..

On the way to church one morning (high school age)
my horrid, soulless stepmother said to me,
"How does my makeup look, I was in a hurry.."
I glanced at her and saw she had only one eyebrow.
Keeping a straight face, I said, "looks good to me."

Mon, did I catch it later when all the church
ladies went out of their way to point it out.

I had to wear my innocent look all day.
Well worth it.

noway Lucky for you, it was God's day off. :tongue:

hahaha nah He knew her too I think He was in on it :-)

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 09:17 PM
I seldom do this kind of thing but one day the opportunity and the situation just CRIED out for a good prank (jesus forgive me now)

I was doing laundry in the basement of my old apartment building 3 or 4 years ago (where I lived before I moved to Columbus). Across from the laundry room lived this guy (J) & his brother. they were nice to me and we were acquaintances. My friend had a good heart but some of his family and friends were ....suspect (good a word as any).

The day I was doing laundry J had other family pull up in this car and park it right up next to the building under my bedroom window and just outside the laundry room (I lived above the laundry room)

The car was leaking gas so bad it was just running outta the tank and you could smell it. it was a dangerous situation, but they were all drunk and yowelling and wresting...etc. So I figured if I said anything about the car, they'd get mad at me and/or ignore me


their OTHER friend who was also my friend (D) was talking to me in the laundry room while these dudes were whooping it up

so annoying. I wanted that car out of there and for them to STFU for crisssakes it was a sunday, and D pretty much agreed with me


so I told D that I had already called the fire dept and reported the car & license plate BECAUSE I KNEW that D would go straight to J and tell him (guys are gossips)....which is exactly what happened

D went straight to J and told him that I called the fire dept & that they were on the way. never saw such bedlam....they believed D (prolly 'cos they were drunk)...

J's cousin or uncle or whatever he was came running out of J's Apartment yelling that he had to get the car outta here right now before the cops came blah blah blah.....and left in a BIG hurry

best part...I just stood there folding clothes the whole time. the only thing I had to do was tell D that I called the fire dept...hilarious

to this day they do not know I pranked them.

I think D figured it out, but I said not a word....WIN...:angel:

uk1971's photo
Fri 05/17/13 01:12 AM
Edited by uk1971 on Fri 05/17/13 01:26 AM
A friend had just married and was on honeymoon.
I was looking after his pet cockatiel and going to his house every other day to clean, feed and water it.
Foolishly, he had left his house keys with me for this purpose devil
In the days before he returned I, and several other close friends and colleagues inflated dozens of kids party balloons and filled every room of his house with them.
EVERY room was filled wall to wall and from floor to ceiling!
As each room was filled we locked the door and placed the key in a random balloon, devil devil
As they was not due home until the early hours of the morning after the 'Honeymoon' :wink: devil devil devil long flight and car journey, we knew they would be tired.
SO we put the key to the bedroom in the very first balloon of the first room we had filled, (The final room they would gain access to).
In the bathroom we also randomly filled balloons with water. Oh AND a key to a room. devil devil devil

We must have spent around €3000 at least on balloons.
That's a LOT of balloons LOL (Worth it) devil

On their return, because of the late hour, (2.45am approximately) they retrieved the house key from their letter box.
The language emanating from the house on their initial door opening deteriorated from simple cursing to the vilest obscenities one can imagine.
Banging (Ooops.....Popping) could be heard for at least two hours as they searched for the various room keys.
As the bedroom key was the last to be found, (In the utility room at the back of the house), needless to say, the banging went on for some considerable time. PLUS the final insult of the bedroom key being first wrapped safely in a condom, and THEN in a balloon was the final act in the prank.

RESULT? One hell of a funny look from the garbage collector when they collected five bags of deflated rubber balloons.

Needless to say, neither I or any colleagues been asked to house sit since.
STILL waiting for recriminatory reactions. lol

devil bigsmile :banana:

HonestE's photo
Sun 05/26/13 11:11 AM
Ok i once pulled this one joke on a group oh senior highschool kids that were being mean to this one freshmen to this college prep school in my city. since i go to college in the same building as they do i over here them tormenting this girl. They walk away and she was crying, so i walked to her and i said dont cry just watch from the window and you will fall over laughing. She looks at me and aks "who are you?"
I grin and say "batman" and i run outside. i grabbed my bike, and head off. i find the group that mad fun of the poor girl, walkind down the one hill. right on target for where the girl that was being made fun of is looking out, with a look of confusion on her face. What i then do, i position myself on top of the hill and then moved down the hill as quickly and quietly as i could. Until i was right behind them.
At that exact moment, i screamed the loudest and eviliest i could. Just rambling nonsense. The group virtually jumped a full foot into the air, and the girl above fell over laughing, and i zoomed away, yelling "haha if you bully again expect me lol"

Alexy7's photo
Mon 07/22/13 04:39 AM
You are a kind person for doing that and I would really like to get to know you if is okey? As friends if that is okey with you ofcourse ^^

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 07/23/13 12:42 PM
My brother had a great prank pulled on him, he lives with 2 female roomates, he passed out drunk, so one of them decided to have a little fun...Took some mayonnaise, ketchup, and vinegar(for the smell) and mixed it together, then dipped a tampon in this mixture and woke him up by slapping it against his face! upon seeing what it was, an immediate dash for the restroom, to empty whatever stomach contents remained lol!.

EdwardCB's photo
Tue 07/30/13 01:11 AM
This is back in the day of high school. There was this old guy down the street who took a lot of pride in his gardens and had a lot of garden nomes that he cherished. You couldn't walk on his lawn without him chasing you off. So we decided to kidnap his most prized nome that was right near his front door. We left a ransom letter that said "if u want to see your nome again you will deliver $20 in a brown paper bag and place it in the picnic area in the park down the road then we will contact you with the drop off site for the nome. A couple days later we went there and found a paper bag containing 20 $1 Monopoly money notes. Lol. The nome was returned safely the day after.