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Topic: I Think Secretly All Women Do It...
1Cynderella's photo
Fri 04/26/13 02:04 PM

Let's try this: ALL women secretly do admit to themselves that they are NOT from Venus and that all men are NOT from Mars, but that ALL of us are from Earth and the real problem is that not all women can deal with that; it's a tacit but shocking Truth and not some modern and convenient 'Pop Psych' placebo that lets them escape the stark reality
of life. The more Madison Avenue tells you that were are irreparably 'different' and misunderstood, the more assume it is true and both are then placed into a needless and negative conflict where none should rationally exist.
My question has always been why does Madison Ave. magazines do this which perpetuates a conflict between males and females; is it simply a tool for profits from the sale of their 'socially significant' influence or is there really an agenda to so change and alter society through some bizarre form of behavior modification that ultimately destabilizes all relationships between the sexes. If one is familiar at all with the history of all the Madison Ave. publications beginning around 1914 to now, it is and has been constant abuse and denigration of both sexes going from one extreme to the other; 'Goddess to whore;
'Adonis' to wimp and all shades in between. Look back on the history of how women have been used and misused in ads and men also with tons of articles that are more denigrating than praise for all our respective differences. Anyone who has worked in the magazine advertising knows how ads depict males and females in a state of conflict, from mistrust; distrust to outright physical abuse always using sex as the luring bate to look and read their latest 'provocative topics' which just further any conflict. Photos of airbrushed models and products are loaded with subliminal images depicting all manner of sexual sadism and death and every four letter word you can imagine. Art directors are told what must be inserted as are the photo dept.'s Those words and images are not meant to produce healthy relationships with the opposite sex ; they are meant to only further produce total chaos and disparaging images/ ideas of all of us to each of us including how we see ourselves filled with 'inadequacies' and self guilt as we fail in repeated relationships in which we seek solace with the miserable excuse that 'nobody understands me'.....The advertising and publishing world really opened my eyes and the view was sickening and totally perverse.
Ok, that is what and how I see about things done in 'secret'.
Single women do more fashion shopping and wear more perfume. It's in their best interest to keep ladies single.
They know how to manipulate the masses to feed on what their sponsors are selling and depend on their magazine for advise.

It's like in the sex advice columns in those magazines...I don't think men really like it when you do that. If you do...you will be single again very shortly....and need new shoes.laugh

Single women aren't the only targets for the various forms of vilification that magazines have; many are for the ones euphemistically labeled as 'home makers',ie. married/ divorced with children. Those range from the Cosmo to Red book, using overt and cleverly disguised articles that only promote distrust to outright hostility against males while at the same time suggesting how lacking they all are in sexual techniques and what they must do to correct this 'puritanical vestige' that is oh, so 'out of date'.
Look at all the negative images of sex and death painted into ice cubes for all liquor ads it is always males torturing females or killing them. (Ice cubes can't be photographed, so an artist has to paint and draw them , then insert all the various images and symbols; even on crackers and margarine...there is no end to this just as there are no laws in North America against this insertion of 'subliminal images'. Many in Europe are now forbidden to use these subliminal 'persuasive techniques' to sell products of the sponsors of these magazines.
One early women's magazine that spoke out of the permeating negative images of women and all females in general by a continuing marginalization of women was Spare Rib, from England, seeking 'liberation for women' in 1972. Yet it still continues; marginalization by demeaning, insulting and depraved sexual imagery of women from the old style 'Police Gazette and 'girlie' type of mags for males with an extremely limited intelligence. For those with a bit more, they have the 'playboy' types with emphasis on the term 'boy' as opposed to man, but all at a reading level equal to 4th grade, just like 95% of newspapers...Ever get the feeling that this so called 'war of the sexes' was started by and maintained by Madison Avenue and Hollywood ? Everyone is more preoccupied with 'getting a piece' instead of making peace with each other...both hedonistic and combative for the continuing assault on all of society.
So the voices in my head ARE real! noway rofl JKbiggrin

Seriously though, talk about stalking! surprised

I agree with your theory though. I do not think men are from Mars and I am from Venus. But I make no secrets about it. I say it all the time. On the deepest levels we are all really the same. Every one of us wants to be loved, valued and to be useful in a significant way...whether we admit it or not, it's what I believe.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 04/26/13 02:31 PM

Question? Why are these women want jerks threads always started by men?

If that were true we would all be dating as there is no shortage of jerks.

laugh laugh :thumbsup:

BettyB's photo
Fri 04/26/13 05:23 PM

Question? Why are these women want jerks threads always started by men?

If that were true we would all be dating as there is no shortage of jerks.

laugh laugh :thumbsup:

Next we will be hearing all women want scammers laugh

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 04/26/13 08:40 PM
Women just want someone who knows what women want ... Ummm

jacktrades's photo
Fri 04/26/13 09:21 PM
I think when you find the right woman that jerk thing goes right out the window.

gracey14's photo
Sat 04/27/13 06:40 AM
if you weren't raised to respect women than your a jerk even before you starting dating!

Jtevans's photo
Sat 04/27/13 06:59 AM
well on the bright side,atleast i admit i like boobs smokin drinker

indianadave4's photo
Sat 04/27/13 08:35 PM
I think most women want a gentleman who isn't boring. Unfortunately many nice guys are boring and are afraid of women: not sure why.

On the other hand jerks act like nice guys to get women to trust them. Their warped personalities tend to have characteristics that attract women so many women can't initially see that they are jerks.

The rest of available men get to pay the price for how jerks treat women: they don't trust any of us which really turns off men.

In the end it seems men and women don't trust each other.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 04/27/13 09:21 PM
Let's try this: ALL women secretly do admit to themselves that they are NOT from Venus and that all men are NOT from Mars, but that ALL of us are from Earth . . .

Hey, speak for yourself. :angry:

GLrider's photo
Sun 04/28/13 05:53 AM
Ok, I'll stick my neck out here, and proclaim that I'm the described nice guy. Put me with an attractive lady, and I'll run around like an excited hound dog that has someone that will pay attencion to it. I'll say please and thank you, wait patiently, open doors, ask where you'd like to go, and remember the time when you first farted in front of me. Yes, I can be boring.
Having admitted that, whom would you like to have around you? A jerk that only is out for himself, and cares nothing about you, beyond the fact that you make great arm candy. Or, a guy that racks his brains, and attempts to make an honest effort to make himself exciting in your eyes?

Inquiring minds want to know.

krupa's photo
Sun 04/28/13 10:15 AM
Ok...but would you run around like an excited hound for an unattractive lady?

Think about it.....

If the answer is "no" ......You may not be as "nice" as you think.

It works both ways....a woman who only wants men who are more handsome than me...MUST be a b!-ch.

no photo
Sun 04/28/13 10:32 AM
I agree with this nice guy turning into jerk theory. I have found that most "jerks" are themselves from the gecko- but guys who believe they are nice guys are still jerks that just dont understand how they are jerks because they were romantic in the beginning- they just feel as if they got comfortable. There are the handful of truly nice guys- but the ones I knew all turned into "playas" or they have long term relationships. always [as in jumpers].

no photo
Sun 04/28/13 10:59 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/28/13 11:02 AM
Jerk is in the eye of the beholder.

When I was young and (in heat) all I cared about was how good he was in the sack and if he could ring my chimes.

Now that I am (a grown up) older, I like nice mature guys. They don't have to be good in the sack.

laugh laugh

Like men who put up with a woman who is a beeyitch if he is getting good sex, a woman might put up with a jerk as long as he can ring her chimes.

jacktrades's photo
Sun 04/28/13 11:09 AM

if you weren't raised to respect women than your a jerk even before you starting dating!


no photo
Sun 04/28/13 01:42 PM

if you weren't raised to respect women than your a jerk even before you starting dating!


Respect human beings!

Aliens.... not so much.:tongue:

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 04/28/13 02:32 PM

They say they want a nice guy, but they would rather date a jerk... or are still dating a jerk, or has dated 3 jerks in a row.

Stop going after women that date jerks?

I don't really have a problem getting dates...I scare 'em to high hell and don't usually get a second date, but I can usually get a first date.


TawtStrat's photo
Sun 04/28/13 07:05 PM
Edited by TawtStrat on Sun 04/28/13 07:06 PM
I think that what can happen is that when a couple first get together the guy will try to be a "nice guy" both because that's what the lady wants and because at the start of a relationship everything is nice anyway but it isn't serious yet. Then when it starts to get serious there are almost certainly going to be problems and things that you need to sort out but what's likely to happen is that she will say that she doesn't need you "giving her grief" and being a jerk because she "had enough of that from her ex". The ex possibly started out the same way with her but then he started criticising and arguing and turned into a jerk.

andrewzooms's photo
Sun 04/28/13 07:14 PM

Self proclaimed "nice guys" don't always turn out to be nice guys. I have to wonder why some guys are obsessed with wanting to be nice guys.

I concur. How about these guys be more of an interesting guy, instead of worrying about being nice.

GLrider's photo
Mon 04/29/13 04:20 PM

Ok...but would you run around like an excited hound for an unattractive lady?

Think about it.....

If the answer is "no" ......You may not be as "nice" as you think.

It works both ways....a woman who only wants men who are more handsome than me...MUST be a b!-ch.

To the contrary,I spent 21 years doing just that. And then one day I came home to find something besides goldielocks in my bed, and immediatly ceased being a nice guy.

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