Topic: Fat americans
Marie55's photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:00 PM
Have you had blood work to check your thyroid to make sure it is functioning correctly and there are no other metabolic problems going on??? Also, need to look at what you are eating. I messed myself up by not eating enough calories, was down to 240 calories a day for months, and my metabolism shut down, and held on to every calorie I ate, I quit losing, doctor said it was like my body thought I was in a POW camp, no food coming in, so it was holding on to each calorie I took in, then when I started eating more it held on to those calories too. I wonder if by eating only once a day you are doing that to your metabolism. You need to break your meals into 3 smaller ones a day, so your body knows it will get fed and not hold on to the calories like it is starving. I suspect that doing this, plus working on getting your metabolism going a little higher, may actually take a little more exercise, even with the farm work, but that might do the trick. Just my thoughts, I know how bad I screwed up mine with my starvation diet.

no photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:02 PM
It's healthier to eat several small, healthy meals per day to keep your metabolism going. If you eat just one meal a day, your body goes into starvation mode because it thinks it's not going to be getting fed. Increased activity, and eating 5-6 small, healthy meals with a protein, carb and veggie is the way to go. It's ok to give yourself a cheat day and treat yourself once a week. You have to have something to look forward to and be able to treat yourself or else you will end up bingeing because you will feel deprived.

no photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:14 PM
I hate docotrs, so haven't gone the blood work route, but the breaking up the meals does sound like an option to try, the one meal a day is more convienance then attempt at diet. As for the more execrcise, im not sure how much more i can add, when i'm not walking, or running carts down the hall, or chasing large animals down the corridors, or fighting to put them in pens, Im chasing and catching the baby animals. I am going to try breaking up meals and taking food into work for a bit and seeing if that helps, thank you :)

no photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:17 PM
You're welcome. It keeps you from feeling really hungry and will give you more energy. Just try to eat something every 2-3 hours (i.e.-cottage cheese and a piece of fruit or a chicken breast with brown rice and steamed veggies). Also, it helps if you eat your meals on smaller plates so you can control your portions.

Marie55's photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:18 PM
I would bet the breaking up the meals is all it takes, smaller meals, higher protein, lower carbs, less starch. Your body will adjust to getting food on a schedule, smaller amounts, but on a schedule and your metabolism will start to normalize and I would bet you will start to lose weight, doesn't sound like you need to add exercise, just breaking up the meals may do the trick. Good luck.

no photo
Thu 08/30/07 09:21 PM
Exactly. You seem to be pretty active as it is. Just remember to keep it healthy and give yourself an occasional treat. Moderation is key.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 08/31/07 02:35 AM
so if its not FOOD we need DRUGS? HAHAHA!!
Lets just face it! America ROCKS...we may be FAT but we ARE INDEED MUCH PRETTIER than YOU! nananananana~~~!!!!mad

Dayv's photo
Fri 08/31/07 04:03 AM
This FAT American has less than 5% body fat, so Go home!!!!:angry: grumble

southern_bee's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:56 AM
interestingly enough,i was watching a show on why americans are so fat..

the portions have gotten bigger over the years so we eat more and more and more

so we get bigger and lazy and we eat more cuz its easy and its easier to reach for a sweet snack then go for a work

no photo
Fri 08/31/07 10:26 AM
Exactly. Our portions here are huge and we have so much junky food over here.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 08/31/07 12:15 PM
I must say though cat is right.Poor people eat a high starch diet because we eat lots of pasta,potatoes and such because they fill you up and your not hungry.We eat fruit and such but the cost of food around here is just plain ridiculous..This is why you have lots of sickness and such in the very poor and elderly poor because the diets are for **** as far as nutrients.

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 12:39 PM
lets have some kool aid pie and talk about it some more

flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 01:55 PM
Lack of knowledge of how the food companies lie to us. They mislead us ++. Lack of reliable nutrition education and loss of cooking skills. Kids controlling their parents. Parents feeling guilty for different reasons and giving in on their kids demands. Too much steroid use in sports making it desirable to take short cuts to get that six pack body. Family meals no longer valued. Sports for fun no longer valued. Only high performance and the best of the best is valued in sport, which is discouraging to ordinary kids who wants to play for fun. Remote control society. Dangerous to be outside playing, risk to be kidnapped issues. High cost to join sport teams. To expensive for the ordinary family. Lack of understanding why we need to eat healthy and be active for good health. Healthy food too expensive and junk food too cheap. etc...

no photo
Thu 09/06/07 08:11 PM
yup, to everything that liz said!

Saphron's photo
Thu 09/06/07 08:46 PM
Actually I have a family history of being fat and I can eat as much or as healthy as a skinny person and I still get fat. My parents were big, grand parents and great grandparents too. I don't smoke or drink alcholic beverages and try to have a healthy diet.

Marie55's photo
Fri 09/07/07 01:12 AM
Genetics are a hard lifetime battle, I deal with the same issue in my family. Keep up the healthy diet and good luck. Take care.

thumper95's photo
Fri 09/07/07 02:13 AM
look. im a 295 lbs man that stands 6'4. i play for a semi pro team in football. and i am in better shape than people half my size. dont have high blood pressure or anything like that. i eat right, but i cant get rid of some of this excess i have. for the most part i am solid. but it pisses me off when someone calls me fat. i used to weigh 360 lbs, and i lost it my way. i use what people say against me to feed my hunger to get better and better. if thats such a bad thing, then call me the devil.

71huskers's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:57 PM
As Eric from,South Park say's, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned."

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:54 PM
me i'm just short for my weight lol

misery1983's photo
Sun 09/09/07 06:01 PM
hell i live on fast food literally and im 5 8 and cant pass 160 excercise is good