Topic: Assault Weapons Ban Dropped
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:29 PM

willing2's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:44 PM
I cannot say I am happy with any bill that has to do with fkin' with our rights to bear arms.

Reid is a snake in the grass and what he will propose is a big bite and will lead to bans.

Tell 'em ta' fck off and leave our weapons alone. Period.

We don't need their stinkin' babysitting.

The libs might. I can smell their diapers from here.

ShortNSweet2's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:09 PM
The American people just need to keep having their voices heard and standing their ground for their rights - NEVER giving in to this gun stuff! I'm saying this and I don't even own a gun but I believe in our rights!

LRed73's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:42 PM
I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

metalwing's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:47 PM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

No. Common sense would say "If you want to change an item included in the Bill of Rights, amend it in accordance with the Constitution". But, you see, they won't do that because it won't pass the States. So they try to pass illegal legislation to get around the Constitution.

willing2's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:06 PM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

It's a damn good thang Canadians have no say in what rights Americans were granted.

Canada is a bigoted sheite hole.

no photo
Tue 03/19/13 10:18 PM

I cannot say I am happy with any bill that has to do with fkin' with our rights to bear arms.

Reid is a snake in the grass and what he will propose is a big bite and will lead to bans.

Tell 'em ta' fck off and leave our weapons alone. Period.

We don't need their stinkin' babysitting.

The libs might. I can smell their diapers from here.

Let's Vote for a Law Banning Politicos from having Weapons, or an Armed Escort if they Vote for Gun Control.

Just Think of All Those Weak-Willed Security Types That Escortes the Politicos Who Are on the Edge of Mass Shootings Because they Carry Guns All Day Long; It's Only a Matter of Time Before One of Them Gives in to Their Gun and Starts Shooting.

karmafury's photo
Wed 03/20/13 02:09 AM
Edited by karmafury on Wed 03/20/13 02:40 AM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

It's a damn good thang Canadians have no say in what rights Americans were granted.

Canada is a bigoted sheite hole.

Hmmm Too bad American policies / problems affect so many. Maybe there would be less problems elsewhere.

As for "bigoted sheite hole" or "Again.
Good thang Cannookies don't have a say in the US.
Fck Canada and their stanky anti-gunners. ".... now doesn't that sound so Non-bigoted and intelligent.

As to the OP

"These measures include bills to strengthen federal penalties for trafficking and straw purchases, improve school safety and require background checks for nearly every firearm purchase."

This brings it closer to Canadian model while still not infringing on rights. Since it would affect only those that have a history of problems be they criminal or mental.

Background checks work

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 03/20/13 03:11 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 03/20/13 03:17 AM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

It's a damn good thang Canadians have no say in what rights Americans were granted.

Canada is a bigoted sheite hole.

Hmmm Too bad American policies / problems affect so many. Maybe there would be less problems elsewhere.

As for "bigoted sheite hole" or "Again.
Good thang Cannookies don't have a say in the US.
Fck Canada and their stanky anti-gunners. ".... now doesn't that sound so Non-bigoted and intelligent.

As to the OP

"These measures include bills to strengthen federal penalties for trafficking and straw purchases, improve school safety and require background checks for nearly every firearm purchase."

This brings it closer to Canadian model while still not infringing on rights. Since it would affect only those that have a history of problems be they criminal or mental.

Background checks work

yep,Criminals and Loonies will subject themselves to a Background-Check!
In which Universe?

Enforce all those Statutes on the Books,and you'll be far ahead!
It's actually dumb to pile Legislation upon Legislation that no one enforces!
But Politicians get more Credit by constantly create new absurd Laws,that when they call for the ones existing now to be enforced!
They drown the Public in Laws,just to be seen they are doing something,that's what gets them reelected again and again,no matter what Duds they really are!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 03/20/13 03:20 AM
Most likely enough provisions are contained in the other Bills so an outright Ban of so-called Assaultweapons becomes moot!

Put a Barrelshroud or a Bayonet-Lug on a semiautomatic Rifle,and those Idiots call it an Assaultrifle!
Dumber 'n Poop!

willing2's photo
Wed 03/20/13 06:09 AM
Compare this inch by inch crap to gas prices.

The price was at 1.75. They went and called it a crisis and raised it to 2.75.

People got outraged. So, they lowered it to 2.25. Folks were happy to pay that. Why? When the price could have been put back the way it was.

They have played that game for a few years now and everyone is happy to be paying 3.50 a gallon.

That's how Gov gonna' play it. Be wary. Anyone being treated for depression or seeing a shrink from dealing with a divorce or unruly kid could be pegged as a nut-case. Owe back child support, unstable job history, unemployed, bad credit rating. These folks could all be considered as potential dangers to society and denied registration.

Here in Tx. if you owe back support, you can't get a hunting license. So, I've heard.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 03/20/13 06:39 AM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.
a Screwdriver is dangerous in the right hands!

JoeKnowbody's photo
Wed 03/20/13 06:47 AM
What slimey obama and his cronies don't understand is the answer is to educate. Not go after the working class tax payer. Were not the ones commiting crimes.

metalwing's photo
Wed 03/20/13 07:22 AM

What slimey obama and his cronies don't understand is the answer is to educate. Not go after the working class tax payer. Were not the ones commiting crimes.

That's correct, but the problem then drops to the school system which isn't educating, and the teaching system which isn't teaching and the teacher's union which is preventing change. The problems are systemic at every level.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 03/20/13 07:39 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 03/20/13 07:41 AM
Michael Moore apoplectic!

laugh laugh laugh

An emotional Michael Moore berated Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. last night for the decision not to include Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban in the Democratic gun control bill.

The liberal filmmaker was a guest of CNN’s Piers Morgan last night, criticizing the senior Democrat with rhetoric usually reserved for former President George W. Bush.

“This is just going to keep going on and on and on, until people rise up,” Moore insisted. “Until people take Harry Reid by the collar and say, ‘Who the hell do you think you are, this is our country Harry Reid.’

“He should be ashamed of himself,” Morgan agreed.

Moore asserted that Reid would act differently “if a man with an assault weapon killed Harry Reid’s grandchildren,” berating the Senate leader for being a coward.

Moore told viewers to email the Senate Majority leader at, which turned out to be the wrong email address, prompting Moore to call for angry tweets to Sen. Reid’s twitter account.

“If you don’t take the time to send him an e-mail, don’t complain about it after the next shooting because the next shooting is going to happen.” Moore said angrily.

Morgan agreed, pointing out that Reid had been “cowed” by the National Rifle Association.

“I feel angry about this day. I think it’s a day that’s shaming America, shaming the Senate,” he concluded.

Moore added that he would host a “virtual discussion” online for Americans on Saturday and watch his anti-gun movie “Bowling for Columbine.”

“I’m tired of sitting around,” he insisted. “I’m not going to sit around. I haven’t sat around. I’ve dealt with this issue since Columbine.”

Two little Poop-Bags,both having Security!

What Vermin!

Two rare Bungholes!

Idiot is going to blow a Gasket if he keeps going like this!rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Wed 03/20/13 09:17 AM
Gee i remember when a Cowboy could walk in to the local hardware store
And walk out with a shiny new pistol and all the ammo he needed
No one questioned what he needed them for
Because people were not so free to judge or quick to try and take away his RIGHTS !
Glad to see the ban dropped like a sack of S hit off the back of a hay truck !

{Mooning the politicians}


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 03/20/13 11:49 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Wed 03/20/13 11:52 PM

I'm disappointed that common sense legislation cannot be enacted in order to reduce the instances of military-type assault weapons from getting into the hands of current and future criminals. I find this tragic. Obviously I support the rights of law-abiding gun owners to maintain their fire arms, but restrictions have to be made for such dangerous weaponry.

It's a damn good thang Canadians have no say in what rights Americans were granted.

Canada is a bigoted sheite hole.

No argument there...except there IS an argument there. As "looney" as it sounds, I am both in agreement and in dispute with your assertion.

The problem and the solution to this paradoxical statement lies in the fact that Canada and the United States are pretty much the same thing. To avoid adding complexity, I will only speak of Canada, but you should be able to simply substitute your country's name to know that it's the same story there as here.

There are TWO Canada's. One of them is a great nation of wonderful people who love and support one another in a true spirit of brotherhood. The other is a soulless corporation, which instead of serving its people, serves the interests of a few, human-trafficking, psychopathic parasites who feed on the wealth of the good Canada's production like vampire bats trying to suck the Canadians dry. These are the people who run the business of Canada and they are running it into the ground as they slowly suck out the lifeblood of the nation.

The problem is most Canadians don't know that, and they see criticism of the government as criticism of their once-great and now dying nation...and so they will defend to the end, the very people who are destroying it.

There are TWO Canadas...just as there are two USA's.