Topic: Your Best and Worst Characteristics?
pennyg281's photo
Fri 03/15/13 10:24 AM
My best would be thu im very monkeiemental and accept people for who they are. My worst is that Im a softie . . I will easily let others have their way because its easier than arguing.

HeadnHeart's photo
Fri 03/15/13 10:30 AM
Best, may be that I am very determined about whatever I go after...

Worst may be, when I am down, I tend to isolate and over think, so I can come back to reality quickly...

pyxxie13's photo
Fri 03/15/13 12:04 PM
I go out of my way to please others.

My is close to impossible to say my brother.

no photo
Fri 03/15/13 04:15 PM
Best is, I never worry about things, ever!!

Worst is nothing worth worrying about...

They ain't flaws, they're me!!

ruth74's photo
Fri 03/15/13 07:23 PM
I'm wondering if what I say are my best and worst would be the same as what family and friends would say? Hmmmm....

Had to think about this for a little while, and I think my best and worst are the same.
I'm loving and kind...but too much so at times I think.

no photo
Fri 03/15/13 07:50 PM

The best? Uh, I can walk amongst you and seem like I'm relatively normal until you get to know me.

The worst? Huh, I don't really like walking amongst you.

You can really switch them as well, neato.

how 'bout riding shotgun in a '75 Ford truck among us? would that work?

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/15/13 09:54 PM
Best: Personality trait would probably be that wheather you agree or not I will have an idea what I think about most things and tell honestly straight out what it is.

Worst: See above.

PrintsCharming's photo
Fri 03/22/13 05:02 PM
100 % Superman

0 % Clark Kent

MiaKelly's photo
Sat 03/23/13 05:40 AM
My best would be that I am very thoughtful and considerate my worst would be sometimes I over analyze things a bit.

clareheart's photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:57 AM
flowerforyou the good;kind,adventurous,slightly arty. The bad;impatient with slow people.can get bored with routine.
The ugly; to many

ladyliz1417's photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:07 AM
I think my best is my sense of humor. I love to love and make ppl laugh. laugh My worst is probably I'm picky and impatient.whoa

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:53 AM

Not talking about the physical here, but what's inside. In terms of personality, what would you say is your most favorable characteristic? How about your biggest flaw?

My most favorable: Adaptability, I think.

Biggest flaw: Uh... I can be a bit pedantic at times. oops embarassed :angel:

Who wants to go next?

best quality, thinking beyond my immediate wants to the big picture

worst quality, difficulty feeling a 'need' for others/preference for my own company,,,lol

afriQueen22's photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:59 AM
I tend to be a bit blasé about life. This can be good or bad, depending on the mood I'm in, so I count this as both my best and worst characteristic.
In a good mood, it's all about seizing the day and chasing rainbows, letting tomorrow take care of itself whilst I focus on being happy today. It's open fields and soundtracks from the Sound of Music.
On a bad day, it's blatant recklessness and a general I-don't-care attitude about life. Live. Die. It's all the same to me. Walking alone to places unknown at night. Getting into stranger's cars. Fighting the urge to run, and keep running. It doesn't matter where to. The belief that tomorrow will take care of itself remains; meaning I don't have to think about the consequences today.

PrintsCharming's photo
Fri 04/05/13 02:17 PM
My best characteristic : I'll smear your lipstick.

My worst characteristic: I'll smear your mascara.

gettinback2good's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:31 AM
My best characteristics are also my worst. I am not complaining, just telling how it is...
I am totally and at times brutally honest (if I lie, guarantee I will tell on myself within the hour) and sometimes people get angry or hurt or else they don't want or need to hear about the truth.
I am a generous giver and most people take and take, yet I rarely receive.
I am very mentally and emotionally strong, so I always end up being everyone's rock, confidante and go to, but there's really only one person I can unload and lean on, which I very rarely do because I know what it's like and don't want to be a burden.
I will give the shirt off my back for anyone who needs it, which sometimes leaves me with less than what I need and at times gets me duped and/or taken advantage of.
Then there are the real flaws like procrastination, always being at least 5 minutes late no matter what, lack of patience, never being able to just bite my tongue and let it go and always having to have the final word in an argument.
I'm sure there's many more, but I've been sitting here doing this instead of getting chores done for as long as I can. lol

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:40 AM
best attribute: Patience,,,takes alot to make me give up or move on or get frustrated

worst attribute: dismissiveness,, once Im done, Im done,,,,

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:28 PM

Best-i dont know
Worst- mostly negative hehe(what do you expect)
My attitude towards person differs from what the person shows to me. I am moody.

Your best might be that cute giggle that we are coming to love about you.

Really!? You can hear it?

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 10:19 PM

Best-i dont know
Worst- mostly negative hehe(what do you expect)
My attitude towards person differs from what the person shows to me. I am moody.

Your best might be that cute giggle that we are coming to love about you.

Really!? You can hear it?

Yes i do-even as far away as iam!!!
Your best; You are a very sweet person!
Worst; You are a very sweet person!!
Thats why am taking you on as my baby sister!!!

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 10:25 PM

best attribute: Patience,,,takes alot to make me give up or move on or get frustrated

worst attribute: dismissiveness,, once Im done, Im done,,,,

I like that - I think those are attributes I share also :)

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 10:31 PM
My best; am far too kind for my own good! Am very good at decision making,and best decisions at that!

My worst; ok,let me admit-i can be a very persuasive dictator(ask all 5 of my sisters,yep,yet am the last born!)