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Topic: Zee's Pub! - part 2
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Wed 04/24/13 03:50 AM

slaphead I must need another cup of caffeine cuz I don't understand alien.. yet noway

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 03:53 AM

[Meanwhile, in a room in the back of Zee's Pub . . .]

surprised WAIT.. don't FLUSH.. that's NOT CATNIP

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 04:00 AM

good morning zero insomnia sucks..........I think I'll just stay up and perv the posts, have a great day

I agree.. it does suck..

have a better day drinker

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 04:00 AM
DAVE.. we're in the NEWS

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 04:07 AM

I get the feeling the drapes will be toast when Tubbs is sprung.. noway

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 04:53 AM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Wed 04/24/13 04:53 AM
QUICK.. call 9-1-1.. it's an overdose kitty..

Kahurangi's photo
Wed 04/24/13 06:08 AM
Edited by Kahurangi on Wed 04/24/13 06:17 AM
The feline just looks like it can do with a good feed of munchies is all :wink:

Hey Z..D, G, I, and anyone else i missed...ooo say those letters out really fast....and may the force be with you :-)

Actually i just had a thought that what and how we write now, will more than likely be heiroglyphics to the reader years or even aeons from now...hmmmmm...ancient pub heiroglyphics...interesting.

But before i get away with the twaddle....I'm curious about the flora on the flipside, sooooo..i was wondering if y'all would do a favour the next time your out and aboat somewhere in the wilderness gathering twigs in your hair....wellllll...for those of you who have twig magnets for hair anyhoo. Take note of where there is a split in the land where you are, perhaps it is a highway or roadworks bulldozing or building a highway, anywhere where there seems to have been a split in the land or through a forest. If and when you do, can you let me know what species of tree is most prominent where the split is please??

@ Gep...he hasn't written a book as such, more of a handbook to those who are drawn to rongoa, because the knowledge he has stored in his head is a taonga (treasure), which i believe is accessible to those who can understand and respect it. Sorry if i'm being 'whatever'....but that's how it is.

This link may help to explain though...


no photo
Wed 04/24/13 05:14 PM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Wed 04/24/13 05:17 PM
munchies, I believe, have passed.. I'm thinkin junk food hangover at this point... laugh

that IS a thought.. just like we think Shakespeare talked funny.. although they may think he's a rapper or something in a few hundred years laugh

laugh you are too funny girly.. laugh I'll aboat you one day in the not too distant future laugh laugh laugh and yes.. I've noticed EVERY one of'em laugh have to add.. even the insinuation with the boat pic.. and don't act all innocent like.. either :tongue: laugh

in answer to your query about the trees.. we have Fir, Cedar and Maple at one split.. Fir, Birch and Oak at another.. and today it was only dead leaves.. there was a few left on an old oak and of COURSE my hair wanted'em bigsmile

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 04/24/13 05:34 PM

QUICK.. call 9-1-1.. it's an overdose kitty..

huh Call 9-1-1 for a cat? whoa

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 04/24/13 08:50 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Wed 04/24/13 08:51 PM

Hey, Zee!

I brought you a souvenir from my trip to Europe.

Here it is:

It's a case of wine.

Oh, don't worry about the chain attached to it.
I had to add a security device to the case to keep it from being stolen.
The other end of the chain is in LUV2's Bar.
The other end is attached to an anchor that no single individual person can lift.
Just go over to LUV2's Bar and ask someone to help you move the anchor to your pub.

Sorry; I can't help you with the anchor. I'm running away...err...running an errand away from LUV2's Bar.

geppetto55's photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:32 PM

good morning zero insomnia sucks..........I think I'll just stay up and perv the posts, have a great day

Too many Oxy pads laid on or did you forget a spot of punctuation Sonny Jim?

geppetto55's photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:54 PM

man! you must smoke some frikken good stuff, you be trippen? I get a headache just trying to decipher your posts

sorry iba ~ I just lost an hour of explanation for ya cuz Windows decided to update 'n reboot. Nice picking though. Twas only that made real sense. no worries of your intention, twas written as reply to one. Canopies large and small apply so you understand.

yea okay ghetto, I think it's a waller day of a kep just keep the mantra and have a flinger ya?

Sorry you've no entity I'd feel I'd be responding to iba.

You do know ifn you don't allow your breath follow through, blood may pool in your heart.

ovdeudda~ your tendons are tight. As start, quit huggin' yer pilla/blanket with wrists curled..keep wrists straight and concentrate on that new relax.
Well..it may last a week or so ifn ya heed.
Try not calling your boyfriend so late nite. I would think chilly saliva soaked sleeve ends would keep anyone awake.

geppetto55's photo
Thu 04/25/13 12:55 AM

The feline just looks like it can do with a good feed of munchies is all :wink:

Hey Z..D, G, I, and anyone else i missed...ooo say those letters out really fast....and may the force be with you :-)

Actually i just had a thought that what and how we write now, will more than likely be heiroglyphics to the reader years or even aeons from now...hmmmmm...ancient pub heiroglyphics...interesting.

But before i get away with the twaddle....I'm curious about the flora on the flipside, sooooo..i was wondering if y'all would do a favour the next time your out and aboat somewhere in the wilderness gathering twigs in your hair....wellllll...for those of you who have twig magnets for hair anyhoo. Take note of where there is a split in the land where you are, perhaps it is a highway or roadworks bulldozing or building a highway, anywhere where there seems to have been a split in the land or through a forest. If and when you do, can you let me know what species of tree is most prominent where the split is please??

@ Gep...he hasn't written a book as such, more of a handbook to those who are drawn to rongoa, because the knowledge he has stored in his head is a taonga (treasure), which i believe is accessible to those who can understand and respect it. Sorry if i'm being 'whatever'....but that's how it is.

This link may help to explain though...


Thanks for the knuckle rub there Kahurangi~ Knowing I should have clicked that there link straight away tonight, but dint. yes, dat footy ball squirted right on out betwixt me legs 'n behind where they like it.
^^^At edge of baseball field of very lush green grass abutted to small forest, all, I near say prehistoric ground fertile earth lore took place. hmm, someone cut down an in the way elm tree years back...lore being cut down an elm, Morel mushrooms will raise their fragile to be harvested. And it did in spades one year. Next being 1/3rd but leaning towards hardwood vs scrub tree growth, but still along transition.
Thanks K, and I'll read that tomorrow. ~It's so blooming fertile where I live I wonder if your request of knowledge is different scale.
Never a "whatever" in the box I've seen K.

~~may a waddle of penguins waddle your fancy 1day. Some get lost? (-:

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 04:42 AM

Hey, Zee!

I brought you a souvenir from my trip to Europe.

Here it is:

It's a case of wine.

Oh, don't worry about the chain attached to it.
I had to add a security device to the case to keep it from being stolen.
The other end of the chain is in LUV2's Bar.
The other end is attached to an anchor that no single individual person can lift.
Just go over to LUV2's Bar and ask someone to help you move the anchor to your pub.

Sorry; I can't help you with the anchor. I'm running away...err...running an errand away from LUV2's Bar.

really? ma bad.. I thought it got delivered here by mistake so took it back to your bar.. besides.. I prefer not serving wine.. THIS is what happened the LAST time I had wine in the bar.. ohwell

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 05:58 AM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Thu 04/25/13 05:58 AM

good morning zero insomnia sucks..........I think I'll just stay up and perv the posts, have a great day

Too many Oxy pads laid on or did you forget a spot of punctuation Sonny Jim?

toss him out boys!

g-man, you're not respecting the rules so I'll have to ask you to please leave my establishment and refrain from posting in the Pub again.. thank you!

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 06:02 AM
good mornin peeps.. yawn been a longgggggggg day.. drinker

need more caffeine

stupid hydro keeps going out on me.. grumble making it hard to work sad
oh well.. the weeks ALmost over.. thank GAWD

geppetto55's photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:30 AM
3. be Respectable to EVERYone at ALL time..

Zee why in the world didn't you just say you didn't like me in the first place?
Dis'd then scolded multiple for reply has been such a joy. (X rated music, vids? I thought it funny, if not controversial posts to bring peeps in)
Golly, Bri wondered the whole time why you didn't stick up for me.
S'pose forgot how "in good fun" pile on the rabbit was.

No worries Zee ~ no matter what I do, speak or sit with folded hands they find me. Ina bus, ina bar, ina county lockup..la la. :)

Perhaps you should add anudder rule: No being a real, honest as nothing to hide person.

I tried to care, 'n bids you well~ brokenheart flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 02:53 PM
*zee comes back from Luv's bar.. checks her camera footage for Dave's delivery of the wine case.. notes the time stamp and smiles.. asks Tiny to secure the room as she saves a copy in the 'cloud' so Dave can't erase it* bigsmile

Tiny.. NO one gets into my office.. *zee closes her office door and leaves Tiny inside to guard it*

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 02:59 PM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Thu 04/25/13 03:00 PM
*zee thinks to herself.. Dave should NOT underestimate some humans* bigsmile

*zee does the moonwalk*

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 04/25/13 07:05 PM

[Unbeknown to Zee and her security guard Tiny, a rather small spy has been watching the two of them from behind some furniture in Zee's office.

Without being seen by the humans, the spy scampers out of Zee's office before Zee shuts its door. In his hands, the spy carries what looks like an ink pen.

A short time later, the spy arrives at Dodo_David's secret lair, at which time the spy gives the "ink pen" to the Melmacian.

But wait! It isn't an ink pen. Instead, it is a . . .

. . . miniature spy camera.

Dodo_David plugs the spy camera into his computer and reviews everything that was recorded by the spy camera while it was in Zee's office.

As it turns out, the spy camera recorded everything that Zee did on her office computer.

Dodo_David notices that Zee placed something in a computer "cloud" that she accessed. He then hacks into Zee's "cloud" account by repeating her every move as recorded by the spy camera.

It is then that Dodo_David discovers the camera footage that Zee placed in the cloud. "Clever human," he thinks, "but not clever enough." He deletes the camera footage from the cloud, and then he logs out of Zee's account.

Afterwards, Dodo_David gives the spy a bag of peanuts and then gives the spy another assignment. The spy scampers out of Dodo_David's secret lair.]

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