Topic: Banker-bashing Iran style: four fraudsters sentenced to deat
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Sun 02/24/13 01:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/24/13 01:36 PM
This is an example:

"mightymoe, I think you have illegal weapons in your house. I think I will send some of my henchmen over and you better give them unrestricted access to search your home.... or else.!!

I believe you have bad intentions, so you need to prove to me that you don't and that you don't have illegal weapons in your house. Or any weapons you do have need to be inspected. "

(That's pretty much what they are saying to Iran.)

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Sun 02/24/13 01:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/24/13 01:51 PM
And yes, Iran should trust America and Israel because after all, America and Israel have never lied to anyone or broken any treaties with anyone, and our politicians never lie about their intentions.

Iran should trust America like the Native Americans trusted America. Iran should trust America like Saddam trusted America.

Iran should trust America because after all they (the CIA) assisted in the overthrow of a democratically elected government and its head of government Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953,

The coup saw the transition of Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi from a constitutional monarch to an authoritarian one who relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power until his own overthrow in February 1979.

Yes Iran should trust the west because Despite Mosaddegh's popular support, Britain was unwilling to negotiate its single most valuable foreign asset, and instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically.

Yep, no reason for Iran not to trust the global elite. They have been so trust worthy in the past. ...


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 02/24/13 04:52 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sun 02/24/13 04:53 PM

they are not asking to prove a negative, they want uncontrolled access to there facilities, and iran has not complied even a little

Iran has bent over backwards to meet its NPT obligations, and it has met them. This can't be said of the nuclear weapon states pressuring it; they are not helping Iran one bit with its nuclear development program (which they are required to do under the NPT).

Giving hostile countries uncontrolled access to their entire country and its facilities would be utterly ridiculous and WOULD entail proving a negative. Imagine the neighbourhood didn't like you and accused you of being a drug dealer, telling you that the only thing that would allay their suspicions was to give them free access to your house to inspect every corner of it. It wouldn't be proof to simply walk around in it for a quick gander; they might miss something. They would literally have to tear out your walls & plumbing, jackhammer your basement & dig up your yard to be absolutely sure. Would you stand for that?...You'd have to if you wanted to prove to them there were no drugs at your place.

if you really believe iran has "bent over backwards" trying to appease the NPT inspectors, then there is no point in continuing here... all you have to do is look it up, and you will see...

Look it up where? I've read the IAEA reports that show Iran in compliance, The CIA intelligence assessment that shows they are not working on a nuclear weapons program, the unlawful assassinations of Iranian scientists & other provocations, etc....What have you read that your view differs so from mine? Where should I look things up to see where your views come from?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 02/24/13 06:51 PM
Well, instead of the argument from authority fallacy, how about you post the links?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 02/24/13 07:07 PM

Whatever else we might say about Iran, at least they are hanging the banksters instead of just talking about it while handing over their hard-earned money.

No wonder the "West" hates Iran; "the West" is just a euphemism for the western banking empire...Here's to hoping that Islam wins the "clash of civilizations"...I have the feeling that after putting up with the banks, an Islamic tyranny would be a breath of fresh air.

i don't hate Iran, I kind of admire their fortitude in these matters... but this just shows another reason for them to not have nukes...

Meh...Are we their mommy to tell them what they can or can't have? They are a sovereign nation and ought to be as free as anyone else to do as they please. They're pretty peaceful (They haven't started a war in 200 years.) and don't appear in the least interested in having nuclear weapons. From what I understand, they want to produce their own nuclear power & medical isotopes (which steps on some very powerful power interests).

IMO, NOBODY should have nukes...especially "the West"...We've used them already and threaten to use them again every time some other country has something we want & won't give it to us. IMO, we are just the international schoolyard bully, extorting lunch money out of smaller nations.

Since none of the western countries seems to have the balls to nuke the banks, it would be kinda nice if Iran DID have nuclear weapons and the anti-islamic will to use them. I suspect that if it targeted a few central banks the whole world would give them a standing ovation.

drinker As the late, great Murray Rothbard said, "The State is a gang of thieves writ large."

mightymoe's photo
Sun 02/24/13 07:24 PM

they are not asking to prove a negative, they want uncontrolled access to there facilities, and iran has not complied even a little

Iran has bent over backwards to meet its NPT obligations, and it has met them. This can't be said of the nuclear weapon states pressuring it; they are not helping Iran one bit with its nuclear development program (which they are required to do under the NPT).

Giving hostile countries uncontrolled access to their entire country and its facilities would be utterly ridiculous and WOULD entail proving a negative. Imagine the neighbourhood didn't like you and accused you of being a drug dealer, telling you that the only thing that would allay their suspicions was to give them free access to your house to inspect every corner of it. It wouldn't be proof to simply walk around in it for a quick gander; they might miss something. They would literally have to tear out your walls & plumbing, jackhammer your basement & dig up your yard to be absolutely sure. Would you stand for that?...You'd have to if you wanted to prove to them there were no drugs at your place.

if you really believe iran has "bent over backwards" trying to appease the NPT inspectors, then there is no point in continuing here... all you have to do is look it up, and you will see...

Look it up where? I've read the IAEA reports that show Iran in compliance, The CIA intelligence assessment that shows they are not working on a nuclear weapons program, the unlawful assassinations of Iranian scientists & other provocations, etc....What have you read that your view differs so from mine? Where should I look things up to see where your views come from?

better check your figures again... did you forget about iraq? Before we took iraq out, we were helping them in a war with iran.. do you people just post stuff that sounds good to you or do you bother to check anything before you type?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 02/24/13 07:31 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sun 02/24/13 07:37 PM

Well, instead of the argument from authority fallacy, how about you post the links?

Getting my info from the appropriate agencies instead of the MSM is an "argument from authority fallacy"?...That's rich, especially when you consider that I was only stating my opinion based on what I've read. As far as posting links I never bookmarked and read ages ago, I think you guys are as capable of using a search engine as I am, and can look it up for yourselves if you're curious, which I suspect you aren't; it appears to me you would rather parrot & support the current anti-Iran propaganda than try to make an objective finding on the matter.

Still, I suppose I should post something...How about Iran's pointing out the IAEA's use of negative innuendo in their more recent reports?:

Before we took iraq out, we were helping them in a war with iran.

So? What's Iraq got to do with the topic at hand?

do you people just post stuff that sounds good to you or do you bother to check anything before you type?

Specifically, what are you referring to?...or did you just post that because it sounded good to you? You really ought to have checked before you typed it, because it isn't clear to anyone what it's in reference to.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 02/24/13 09:38 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 02/24/13 09:45 PM
Getting my info from the appropriate agencies instead of the MSM is an "argument from authority fallacy"?...

No, using accredited sources is admirable and unusual for Mingle.

Clearly, you misunderstood.

But thanks for the courtesy of the link, an interesting letter giving the Iranian perspective.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 01:01 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 02/25/13 01:02 AM
if you're curious, which I suspect you aren't; it appears to me you would rather parrot & support the current anti-Iran propaganda than try to make an objective finding on the matter.

Well, your preconceptions are erroneous, but nonetheless, noted.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/25/13 06:10 AM
I am still discompooperated and flabbergasted the way People who live in free Countries admire those 13th-Century Tribalist places like Iran,or some of those other oppressive Cleric-run so called "Republics" and Oligarchies!shocked surprised

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 02/25/13 09:24 AM

I am still discompooperated and flabbergasted the way People who live in free Countries admire those 13th-Century Tribalist places like Iran,or some of those other oppressive Cleric-run so called "Republics" and Oligarchies!shocked surprised

The Monarchy of Britain is pretty much the same kind of theocracy as Iran, except instead of a bunch of Muslim Imams being head of state, it is a single person who defends the faith of Christianity...same old ****, different pile. All they did was candy-coat the theocracy.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/25/13 09:25 AM

I am still discompooperated and flabbergasted the way People who live in free Countries admire those 13th-Century Tribalist places like Iran,or some of those other oppressive Cleric-run so called "Republics" and Oligarchies!shocked surprised

The Monarchy of Britain is pretty much the same kind of theocracy as Iran, except instead of a bunch of Muslim Imams being head of state, it is a single person who defends the faith of Christianity...same old ****, different pile. All they did was candy-coat the theocracy.
please allow me.....laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 09:58 AM

Well, instead of the argument from authority fallacy, how about you post the links?

Getting my info from the appropriate agencies instead of the MSM is an "argument from authority fallacy"?...That's rich, especially when you consider that I was only stating my opinion based on what I've read. As far as posting links I never bookmarked and read ages ago, I think you guys are as capable of using a search engine as I am, and can look it up for yourselves if you're curious, which I suspect you aren't; it appears to me you would rather parrot & support the current anti-Iran propaganda than try to make an objective finding on the matter.

Still, I suppose I should post something...How about Iran's pointing out the IAEA's use of negative innuendo in their more recent reports?:

Before we took iraq out, we were helping them in a war with iran.

So? What's Iraq got to do with the topic at hand?

do you people just post stuff that sounds good to you or do you bother to check anything before you type?

Specifically, what are you referring to?...or did you just post that because it sounded good to you? You really ought to have checked before you typed it, because it isn't clear to anyone what it's in reference to.

your the one saying how nice and peaceful they are... get your facts straight

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 02/25/13 10:21 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 02/25/13 10:28 AM

your the one saying how nice and peaceful they are... get your facts straight

Where did I say that?...Are you sure you've got your facts straight? :laughing:

You appear to be caught up in the "We're the good guys, they're the bad guys" propaganda drivel that's peddled in the media these days.

News flash: As far as governments go, there are no "good guys", only slightly differing degrees of bad guys.

To Iran's credit, they haven't started a war in 200 years; How long has it been in your country?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 10:32 AM

your the one saying how nice and peaceful they are... get your facts straight

Where did I say that?...Are you sure you've got your facts straight? :laughing:

You appear to be caught up in the "We're the good guys, they're the bad guys" propaganda drivel that's peddled in the media these days.

News flash: As far as governments go, there are no "good guys", only slightly differing degrees of bad guys.

To Iran's credit, they haven't started a war in 200 years; How long has it been in your country?

really? and they weren't in a with iraq and Israel? it doesn't matter who started what, fact is this is one of the few times they aren't in a war...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 10:36 AM

This is an example:

"mightymoe, I think you have illegal weapons in your house. I think I will send some of my henchmen over and you better give them unrestricted access to search your home.... or else.!!

I believe you have bad intentions, so you need to prove to me that you don't and that you don't have illegal weapons in your house. Or any weapons you do have need to be inspected. "

(That's pretty much what they are saying to Iran.)

they proved themselves they have bad intentions, and all the world knows it but you... and if they did think i had illegal weapons in my house, they will search it, for the good of the people around me... do you think i should have illegal weapons and not be searched?

no photo
Mon 02/25/13 11:08 AM

This is an example:

"mightymoe, I think you have illegal weapons in your house. I think I will send some of my henchmen over and you better give them unrestricted access to search your home.... or else.!!

I believe you have bad intentions, so you need to prove to me that you don't and that you don't have illegal weapons in your house. Or any weapons you do have need to be inspected. "

(That's pretty much what they are saying to Iran.)

they proved themselves they have bad intentions, and all the world knows it but you... and if they did think i had illegal weapons in my house, they will search it, for the good of the people around me... do you think i should have illegal weapons and not be searched?

You have a right to bear arms. There are no "illegal" weapons.

The legislation they are passing is illegal. They are criminals. We should not have to obey tyrannic criminals.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 11:29 AM

This is an example:

"mightymoe, I think you have illegal weapons in your house. I think I will send some of my henchmen over and you better give them unrestricted access to search your home.... or else.!!

I believe you have bad intentions, so you need to prove to me that you don't and that you don't have illegal weapons in your house. Or any weapons you do have need to be inspected. "

(That's pretty much what they are saying to Iran.)

they proved themselves they have bad intentions, and all the world knows it but you... and if they did think i had illegal weapons in my house, they will search it, for the good of the people around me... do you think i should have illegal weapons and not be searched?

You have a right to bear arms. There are no "illegal" weapons.

The legislation they are passing is illegal. They are criminals. We should not have to obey tyrannic criminals.

right to "bear arms" doesn't mean anything thats made... i'm not sure where you people come up with this crap at... does the term "for the good of the people" mean anything to you? so, by your standards, i should be able to walk down the street with an RPG launcher with me?...

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 12:16 PM
You appear to be caught up in the "We're the good guys, they're the bad guys" propaganda drivel that's peddled in the media these days.

Like this strawman argument?

The Monarchy of Britain is pretty much the same kind of theocracy as Iran, except instead of a bunch of Muslim Imams being head of state, it is a single person who defends the faith of Christianity...same old ****, different pile. All they did was candy-coat the theocracy.

The lack of power in the position of the crown makes this analogy somewhat specious.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/25/13 01:23 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 02/25/13 01:26 PM

This is an example:

"mightymoe, I think you have illegal weapons in your house. I think I will send some of my henchmen over and you better give them unrestricted access to search your home.... or else.!!

I believe you have bad intentions, so you need to prove to me that you don't and that you don't have illegal weapons in your house. Or any weapons you do have need to be inspected. "

(That's pretty much what they are saying to Iran.)

they proved themselves they have bad intentions, and all the world knows it but you... and if they did think i had illegal weapons in my house, they will search it, for the good of the people around me... do you think i should have illegal weapons and not be searched?

You have a right to bear arms. There are no "illegal" weapons.

The legislation they are passing is illegal. They are criminals. We should not have to obey tyrannic criminals.

right to "bear arms" doesn't mean anything thats made... i'm not sure where you people come up with this crap at... does the term "for the good of the people" mean anything to you? so, by your standards, i should be able to walk down the street with an RPG launcher with me?...
actually YES,but WOE if you use it in an Inconsistent Manner!

Still doesn't mean we ought to let Countries like NK or the Iran have any Nukes,moreover since they signed a Treaty pledging not to develop any,yet all the Evidence points to the contrary.