Topic: give youth a chance ?
brim16's photo
Wed 02/06/13 01:01 AM
I'm not.going to say the usual comments about drug taking losers won't have work I have had it all houses. I've been there done that but I now find myself living in the same conditions as a lot of them and let's face it I wouldn't swop my teen years for todays teens the majority of the kids I've seen have give up already living on food parcels and hustling just to live drink drugs xbox is all they want each day why I asked myself truth is there is very little work out there I take there point but its not an excuse so I say to them don't expect your life to change unless you are prepared to change yourself what do you think

no photo
Wed 02/06/13 03:09 AM
Of course give youth chances. If they mess up give them another chance. Your parents gave you chances. Plus you don't know the basis of the home life. Kids go through alot at home with their parents. Some parents could be drug addicts, sex addicts, abuse addicts, or don't care about their kid, e.t.c. If its not the home life maybe its the friends they keep. I know raising a kid going down the wrong path is frustrating. But don't give up on them. Help them.

brim16's photo
Wed 02/06/13 03:30 AM
Exactly I feel for them I've heard some t horror stories as you have described everyone has a story to tell someone should listen their cries for help

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 02/06/13 05:07 PM
Life is tough, always has been, always will be.

That's no excuse to give up.

And whining about how tough life is ain't going to help.

boscolly2000's photo
Wed 02/06/13 08:27 PM
Any youth that is not useful is useless,so let your generation feel your impact and be useful to yourself

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 02/07/13 01:50 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 02/07/13 01:52 PM
Many Teens get an education, work steady jobs and have a good life, all over the US. Not sure where you live, but there are Teens that do positive things in life.

brim16's photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:03 PM
I live in northeast England the majority of young people are positive but we are creating an underclass of youth and my point is we should be listening to these kids and developing a positive environment not alienating them my eyes have been opened to there perception of life and it seems no one seems to care there are schemes available but not enough sadly you have kids having kids what chance do they have this government are all for the haves not the have nots this is the next generation we are talking about so please help theses kids now or it will only get worse and thank you for your comment

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 03:45 AM
You can't help them because they won't listen. They just become angry and say it's their life to live as they see fit. Each generation insists on making their own mistakes.

brim16's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:10 AM
In the most I believe in what you say if a kid only knows what he's been shown in life who's fault there's or there upbringing that's the point of this forum I'm trying to understand why they give up so early in life and its not the majority of kids but respect for your comment

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:58 AM

In the most I believe in what you say if a kid only knows what he's been shown in life who's fault there's or there upbringing that's the point of this forum I'm trying to understand why they give up so early in life and its not the majority of kids but respect for your comment

When I was young, I remember a lot of others that fell through the cracks. Some wound up in prison. Some over dosed. Some killed themselves. But, most came to terms with the world and did alright. In other words, they grew up.

The problem may be we shelter kids too much. We adults hide all our little trespasses from them like cheating on taxes or not returning the extra change we were given by mistake and when they discover it they see adults as hypocritical. They realize they were lied to about a lot more than Santa and the Easter bunny and become bitter about it.

I have no clue if I'm right about this or not. It's just a thought.

brim16's photo
Sat 02/09/13 10:41 AM
I agree with you in most of what you are saying its just kids here think they are from your wonderful country and try to emulate the bad guys its a situation.that.will end in tears we need to get a grip before its to late and thank you my friend for your comment