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Topic: So what is the meaning of life?
creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/09/13 08:10 PM

no photo
Sat 02/09/13 08:17 PM
waving waving

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 08:23 PM
I'm morally opposed to emoticons.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 02/10/13 12:56 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 02/10/13 01:06 AM

Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite

Martian bacteria arrived on Earth on a meteorite which smashed into the Antarctic 13,000 years ago, Nasa scientists believe.

Their fossilised remains have been found in the rock, which was blasted out of Mars 16 million years ago as the solar system was forming.

The meteorite, called Allen Hills 84001, made headlines in 1996 after fossils were found in it. Scientists believed they were bacteria from Earth that contaminated the rock while it lay in the frozen wastes.
But a Nasa report now says there is strong evidence they originated on Mars, according to The Sun.

Dr Emily Baldwin, deputy editor of the UK's Astronomy Now magazine, said: "Many scientists argued that what looked like fossils in the meteorite were really caused by the explosive event, such as an asteroid impact, that blasted the rock out of Mars in the first place.

"But the Nasa team is now saying they have proved that they could not have been produced by the blast itself.


It is not a forgone conclusion that Allan Hills 840001 is evidence of extra-terrestrial life. Many argue that 840001 was contaminated by terrestrial minerals and organisms.

Although recent tests have swung the opinion of some toward the hypothesis, it cannot be confirmed conclusively at this point.


No-one is saying that there cannot be extra-terrestrial life, just that there is no conclusive proof to confirm the possibility.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 02/10/13 01:05 AM

Meaning is an artifact of drawing correlations. All examples of meaning will involve it. That is because meaning does not exist - cannot exist - without drawing correlations. One example to the contrary would negate this. Your unsupported contradictory opinion cannot.

1.'Lower' life forms existed prior to their more complex counterparts.
2.Meaning requires drawing correlations.
C1.Life existed before the ability to draw correlations.(from 1,2)
C2.Life does not require meaning.(from 2,C1)

Not much more can be said here. Either you see this, or you don't.

Exactly. We apply meaning through our own experience and environment. It is nothing more than a fabrication.

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 01:09 PM

I'm morally opposed to emoticons.

Why "morally?"

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:28 PM
Life means whatever each individual wishes it to mean for themselves. I can not attach meaning to your life and you can't attach meaning to mine.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:52 PM

I'm morally opposed to emoticons.

Why "morally?"

Because it's funnier.

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 09:33 PM

I think to care for perpetuate this thing called life gives quite sufficient meaning and to improve the quality a meaning also

Once again, it doesn't give a meaning. It's simply a explanation of why we strive to find a mate. It doesn't explain why life is here in the first place.

Do we attach a meaning to life to avoid facing the horror of our own mortality and insignificance?

Probably. However, so far as we know, Earth is the only place in the universe where life exists at all. I'd say that makes us pretty significant and worth perpetuating.

finding a mate is not really what I was thinking of as there are many ways to insure or pertuate life - except that at one time mating was necessary to perpetuate one's own species existence.

The only meaning life can have is that which we attach to it. Out side of that it is what it is - a bunch of life forms insuring the survival of their kind

all the rest is just icing on the cake, Mr Spock

why life is here in the first place is moot. (IMO)

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 10:34 PM
If the meaning of life is to pro-create, then really I should be void, as I can't give birth. So, I just feel slightly inadequate for that very reason.

XxHunterxX's photo
Mon 02/11/13 12:40 AM
Edited by XxHunterxX on Mon 02/11/13 12:45 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/11/13 01:25 AM
Goal-directed Action!
The Nature of it is up to the Individual to decide!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/11/13 01:27 AM
on the other hand!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 02/19/13 08:47 PM
The true meaning of life is the expression of conscious self awareness.

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