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Topic: ranting and the truth
HolyCrapItsJason's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:29 PM
To compare empathy and compassion with weakness is just dumb.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:29 PM
don't say strap on around here, gets ol' tophat all gushie over there...remember you want to keep the appearance of a man, don't blow it

Sun 08/12/07 03:30 PM
bigbay, you definatley won't be bored with this hot new show going on. Bob's gonna win an acadamy award for this one.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

HolyCrapItsJason's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:31 PM
Seriously, I've had enough of "he-men" who are really just overweight middle-aged guys who have to hit on 20-year-olds to feel good about themelves.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:31 PM
sweet; you got to be kidding me....just because you won't lower your priss little self to date me, doesn't mean others won't....you got to get a life here toots....i am not the only seperated person here and i doubt i will be the last either

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:32 PM
jason, again, i will not lower myself and play that game you want me to jump on...i have no use for little school girls that you date...i only date real women..abouve 35 please

HolyCrapItsJason's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:33 PM
Ah, barflies.

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:33 PM
NO BOB youre prob not but you ARE THE ONLY ONE here being an
A $ $

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:34 PM
maybe at your bar...if you think you are impressing the ladies with your banter with me, i think about three of them here will champion your cause...

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:34 PM
But now Bob I do wish you well on your mission and sure you wil find some that will give up a piece for you but then shall we say puppy dog when in the presence of a Women and all alone with her .

You see it seems that men that come out and have to prove there Manhood right off the bat is doing it all just for a show and the ATTENTION which you have gotten plenty of. You have surely set out to do what you wanted to.

Naw not gonna bash ya for ya got guts is all I can say and now must admire one that have that kinda of guts. For it is really true guts or ya NUTS AS HELL.

Either way have fun I got nothing against you but must say it has been a barrel of laughs enjoy laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile

no photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:34 PM
There is no woman out there at any age who would put up with you for any length of time. Get real.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:34 PM
This over 35 isn't a barfly thanx.I'm to busy fighting off the other BBW's at the all you can eat buffet at KFC.laugh

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:35 PM
i am only an a$$ if i don't don't follow your opinion...i have a real issue with that one toots

Sun 08/12/07 03:35 PM
Bob you are absolutly right. You are not the only separated man on here. And you and the rest of them are all PIECES of work. My ass isn not prissy either. I just have much respect for myself and would never in a million years lowere myself for a guy like you. You got some nerve. You don't want a real woman, probably wouldn't know what to do if you had one. YOu need to just call 1-800-find- me - a- hoe. Because a real woman would never date you. Dam, this is really getting good now. I have really touched some nerves. Come on Bob, your a big boy, can't take the pressure????????????????????

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:36 PM
sassy, that would bother me if i was interested in you and i am not, so don't worry about that comment

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:36 PM
go ahead ADMIT it BOB..
you like my SMILIN FACE and my shots at ya...
without them you d be home WAITING ON SOMEONE TO COOK your dinner

Fanta46's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:37 PM
Is that you spay?laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:37 PM
Thank God. I do not think I can get to your lower level. I have to much respect for myself.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:38 PM
it seems like you are the only one getting worked up sweets; i stillseem to work you up, since i just am not in your prissy league...sorry toots, we can't all be so worthy

Fanta46's photo
Sun 08/12/07 03:38 PM
Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are beautiful.

Aint that right BOB?

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