Topic: age, does it matter?
Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:20 PM
I usually set limits on my profile.

no photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:23 PM
5yrs younger than me and 10 yrs older than me

jacktrades's photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:24 PM
40 and above.

madmim's photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:35 PM
I don't think you can put an exact age on it...however if they're too young to get my musical or cultural references, and too old to keep up with me then....whatever that IS would be my limit.

madmim's photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:36 PM

I don't think you can put an exact age on it...however if they're too young to get my musical or cultural references, and too old to keep up with me then....whatever that IS would be my limit.

Oh yeah....and if I could physically have given birth to you, then you are TOO young (no matter what)....geez!

no photo
Wed 01/30/13 08:40 PM
I have my age preferences, yet there isn't a limit on who I date. It matters more to me that he has his act together.

no photo
Wed 01/30/13 09:19 PM
If I were dating...

For the youngest a mature 35 years old.

For oldest: If you are lucid and conscious... laugh

afriQueen22's photo
Thu 01/31/13 12:10 PM
All the men I've been with have been in their 40's, the oldest being 49. I find age sexy and appealing on a man. I also enjoy talking to them and listening to them, I crave knowledge so it makes sense to be with someone who has seen and knows so much.
Of course, not all older men are appealing. Some wear loneliness like a cloak, and you can't help feeling sorry for them (pity does not a good relationship make); and others, are too busy trying to act half their age, and that screams insecurity for me.
Nothing major against young guys, or guys my age, infact I know some really great ones. Dated a few too but I guess it's a matter of preference, I am in all ways (physically, mentally, emotionally) attracted to older men.

teebee79's photo
Thu 01/31/13 12:40 PM
30 and under is too young.....
65 and up is too old....

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 01/31/13 12:53 PM
18-80 blind crippled or crazy too

no photo
Thu 01/31/13 12:59 PM
Depends on how much money they have...



JulieMP's photo
Thu 01/31/13 01:18 PM
Yes it does matter unfortunately. People like to say it doesn't matter, but it does. The older of the two will get left behind, while the younger goes looking for someone new aka young.

I am talking about a significant age difference of 10 years or more...yet 50 and 60 will work out much better than 20 and 30.

It is best to stick with your own age, more in common, same maturity more or less, and your bodies will fall apart at the same time.

As a general rule not a definitive.

Solace84's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:07 PM
Can date younger or older lads with mature minds not maturity in number of years lived,cos can be 25 and still behave like 15 year old kid. Age just a number!

Solace84's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:13 PM really after money,brother. Good luck!

no photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:36 PM
hehehe Hi Solace my brother !
No....i am just kidding for sure
This is a good man right here ladies !
Someone friend him ok ?
Hope you have a nice day
And an AWESOME weekend ahead bro !
Proud to call you my friend


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:49 PM

I would like to think that age doesnt really matter,
but it does in most cases.
I prefer men older than me by maybe 3-5 years.
plus 10-12 is probably my highest limits.
dated boys my age,
and most of them either still looking around for whats better
or just not mature enough mentally.

Mental immaturity has something to do with it but not always.
I know of 'grown' men that are still shopping around for what's better.
It never ends with them 'males'. Lol.


Man hater!

Dang. U figured me out.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:52 PM

Lower Limit = (Your Age ÷ 2) + 7
Upper Limit = (Your Age x 2) - Lower Limit

Awesome. I didn't know there was a formula for this. Thanks!


Dodo_David's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:04 PM

5yrs younger than me and 10 yrs older than me

Oh good. I have a chance. bigsmile

TexasScoundrel's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:58 PM

what is the youngest that you would date and how old is too old?

My last girlfriend is 30 years younger than myself and I'm currently talking to a couple of 18 year olds on dating sites. We'll see if anything comes from it.

I don't think I'd date a woman older than her mid 30s.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 02/01/13 04:04 PM
My age range is 18-50. Maybe more, depending on the lady. drinker