Topic: A simple solution for gun control... | |
If you are scared of guns or feel we should not have guns here is the easiest answer for you Anti-Gunners out there who are on a crusade to get rid of weapon ownership...
EMIGRATE TO ENGLAND! I am sure they could use a few more worthless sheeple there. You people who fear guns so much seem to forget our freedom was won by guns and through the sacrifice of human life in an act of violence to separate us from tyrannical rule. You people also seem to forget that criminals cannot do what they want to us like they do in Mexico. Even organized crime here operate with rules to prevent themselves from becoming victims. they do not go around wholesale killing people herein America. THAT IS NOT THE CASE IN MEXICO! Likewise IGNORANCE IS NO ANSWER NO MATTER HOW YOU TEAR IT! This whole belief, "if you take the guns away crime will go down," is an utter lie and fallacy! Sadly New York is a shining example of a police state that does not work as much as it fails! Where else can you find FIFTY ARMED POLICE OFFICERS SHOOTING AT ONE CRIMINAL, not to mention the fact that they hit more civilians "accidentally" than any other police force. Even here in good old California our police are known to shoot people with their hands up in the air in surrender! So again if you want to live in some ideal utopia free of gun ownership please MOVE TO ENGLAND! Go ahead and find out how ineffective a police state really is. Hiding cameras all over the place is not prevention or deterrent. The threat of cutting across a person who will fight back and more than likely kill them doing so IS A DETERRENT! It is sad to think that such a small minority of people can assume globally that none of us short of police or military are responsible with weapons. We would NEVER have survived as a species had it not been for us making weapons to fend off predators let alone feed ourselves! I would thrill to see one of you Anti Gunners face down an 1100 pound Alaskan brown bear sans weapon! With your death would be one less stupid person on this world and one more happier bear! Here is one reason why I don't like Anti Gunners at all. If you have no spine to protect yourself you are utterly worthless! You are worthless to me. You are worthless to your community. You are worthless to everyone around you! I admit openly I have authority issues. Military service was not for me. I would have probably done something far worst than a Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket becasue I become combative when backed into a corner and likewise I have a ***** of a time with blind acceptance of any authority! Likewise I cannot fight a war the way our military chose to fight. To me you make war totally or don't make it at all! And look at what we got these days. That does not mean I will not do what I have to to protect my friends and family and my nation. For as much as I despise the French Government the people of France are very respectable. We OWE French Partisans for the victory over Germany during WWII! Without them we would have lost for sure! Their efforts led to a invasion gone bad actually succeeding becasue they tied up the Germans during the attack! They were just everyday people with guns screwing with Germans who invaded their country! But far too many Americans seem to conveniently forget it takes guns to protect our freedom. It takes guns to save us from our enemies. It takes guns to maintain a deterrent people can understand and respect. All the dogma in the world does not lend support to an ideal of selective ignorance. No a gun is not a fool proof defense as no defense is fool proof. No one had a chance against the duo who were Snipering people randomly on the east coast! Remember the D.C. shooter? NO ONE HAS A CHANCE AGAINST SOMETHING LIKE THAT! But one lucky person might have been able to spot these guys in the act and would have has an opportunity to put on in the backs of the shooters before notifying authorities! MORE LIVES MAY HAVE BEEN SAVED RATHER THAN WAITING FOR AUTHORITIES TO MANAGE TO FINALLY FIGURE OUT WHO IT WAS DOING THE KILLING! A slim chance is better than no chance at all and you Anti-Gunners want to take any and all chances of self defense away from the rest of us? ON a final note it is sissy laa laa bytchy little girly boys and girly girls and the UBER liberals who seem to run and hide behind some big strapping man with a gun when they are threatened but what if that big strapping man doesn't have a gun any more becasue you made it illegal and a bad man WITH a gun is threatening to harm you? Again most of you azzholes forget the police are minuets away when second count. And to blindly trust anyone let alone our government? Just how stupid can you be? On a scale of 1 being really smart and 10 being dumb as a post I would say I see a lot of 12s and even a couple of 20s out there. Your stupidity broke my meter! Stupidity Meters are expensive. Again if you hate guns so much and think police can protect you MOVE TO ENGLAND! Another viable Option is Australia! This way most of you uneducated dolts don't have to learn another language. You could move to Japan or China if you think you can learn another language! America would be a better place without you! Thank you... |
Edited by
Sat 01/19/13 10:20 AM
WEll, actually, England has a very low gun ownership and gun homicide rate, but it has a (classist) culture and infrastructure that isnt desirable to me
now Wales, on the other hand,, is much more desirable, less technology, less hustle and bustle, less paranoia, more 'calm',,,just my opinion but, I Agree, americans and guns go together like white and rice,,never gonna see them without it (They wrote it into their constitution,,lol) and its silly to think that disarming all americans is possible or probable or will stop ALL Crime in america, it will just lower GUN HOMICIDE,,obviously,,, having a gun is a personal choice, like renting a home or buying one or even (in some cases), just going homeless instead, I prefer renting, I prefer not to own a gun It doesnt bother me if others choose to own guns, my mom has always had one because she is petite and has no interest in fighting people bigger than her my brother owns a couple, but he trained with Navy Seals, so he knows his way around it AND appreciates the value of human life I only 'fear' guns being available to those who arent trained nor have a respect for life,,,,,those jack and jills who have watched too many movies and feel like they can be heros or who have impulse control or anger issues who are likely to see it as a venting tool,,, |
For G-d's sake don't mention Canada...Canada is already drowning in sheeple!
judging by the canadians I have met, that is another culture that I find desirable to live amongst
judging by the canadians I have met, that is another culture that I find desirable to live amongst Canadian culture consists of beer and hockey. It is now a third-world service economy that only vends the beer it used to brew and there are no openings for beer vendors at hockey games in Canada, so getting a work visa might be difficult. In addition, Canada's "Fearless Leader" is a marginally smarter clone of The shrub you last had for president down there, and anyone entering the country has to swear allegiance to him. Are you sure you want to? |
judging by the canadians I have met, that is another culture that I find desirable to live amongst Canadian culture consists of beer and hockey. It is now a third-world service economy that only vends the beer it used to brew and there are no openings for beer vendors at hockey games in Canada, so getting a work visa might be difficult. In addition, Canada's "Fearless Leader" is a marginally smarter clone of The shrub you last had for president down there, and anyone entering the country has to swear allegiance to him. Are you sure you want to? as I said, I enjoy the culture, I would have no problem living there (Even though I have no interest in beer or and swearing allegiance is another issue Im expected to do it to a 'flag' here, but not mandated(unless I become a political figure) Im not sure how Id feel about being MANDATED to pledge allegiance to a person I dont even know,,, |
judging by the canadians I have met, that is another culture that I find desirable to live amongst Canadian culture consists of beer and hockey. It is now a third-world service economy that only vends the beer it used to brew and there are no openings for beer vendors at hockey games in Canada, so getting a work visa might be difficult. In addition, Canada's "Fearless Leader" is a marginally smarter clone of The shrub you last had for president down there, and anyone entering the country has to swear allegiance to him. Are you sure you want to? as I said, I enjoy the culture, I would have no problem living there (Even though I have no interest in beer or and swearing allegiance is another issue Im expected to do it to a 'flag' here, but not mandated(unless I become a political figure) Im not sure how Id feel about being MANDATED to pledge allegiance to a person I dont even know,,, Im not sure how Id feel about being MANDATED to pledge allegiance to a person I dont even know Dos iss OK…Zee oass iss implied undt vill not be yooszd againszt you iff you do asz you are told. "Fearless Leader" vass elected by gun ownersz becuss he promiszd to abolish zee hated Liberal Gun Registry, vitch he called a great vaist uff ze publick money. After yearsz uff blaming hiss inaction on a minority guffernment, he finally gott hiss majority. He zen put ze gun registry abolition on ze "back burner" mit ze gun ownersz (who are now being herded for "processing" into campsz mit promises uff free beer undt hockey on HD cable TV)… I sink he szaidt sumzing aboutt not vanting drunken hockey fans (zee entire population uff Canada) owning gunss…especially since hiss dropp in ze popularity pollsz. |
WEll, actually, England has a very low gun ownership and gun homicide rate, but it has a (classist) culture and infrastructure that isnt desirable to me now Wales, on the other hand,, is much more desirable, less technology, less hustle and bustle, less paranoia, more 'calm',,,just my opinion but, I Agree, americans and guns go together like white and rice,,never gonna see them without it (They wrote it into their constitution,,lol) and its silly to think that disarming all americans is possible or probable or will stop ALL Crime in america, it will just lower GUN HOMICIDE,,obviously,,, having a gun is a personal choice, like renting a home or buying one or even (in some cases), just going homeless instead, I prefer renting, I prefer not to own a gun It doesnt bother me if others choose to own guns, my mom has always had one because she is petite and has no interest in fighting people bigger than her my brother owns a couple, but he trained with Navy Seals, so he knows his way around it AND appreciates the value of human life I only 'fear' guns being available to those who arent trained nor have a respect for life,,,,,those jack and jills who have watched too many movies and feel like they can be heros or who have impulse control or anger issues who are likely to see it as a venting tool,,, Here is the biggest flaw with the whole concept of getting rid of guns does away with a large percentage of homicide. Take any ten violent criminals. All of them career criminals and all of them with the morals of a feral dog. These men DO indeed exist and you are well aware of this as a fact. Our prison systems are full of men like these. The "Unredeemable." now on the street one has a gun because of gun control laws and the others are armed with knives and other various tools or even a baseball bat or steel pipe. homicides with these other weapons are not entered into the statistics or the base idea of crime reduction. Now back to guns for a moment. If a person is shot but does not die that does not count as a homicide. It is sub-classed as a gun crime and not as a VIOLENT CRIME. Just becasue I beat or stab someone and they are not killed does not mean the same thing in biased statistics as Gun Crime. With GUN CRIME all people shot whether they die or survive are lumped together while all OTHER violent crimes are treated differently. Why is it home invasion robberies are still so damn high in England and Australia? How about comparing that statistic population for population? maybe later. But for now the raw fact is a criminal will use anything at hand as a weapon but guns are just scarier. You are aware that at least here I can go to any hardware store and buy a Machete? It is a 20" long blade used to clear brush. It actually is the weapon of choice in Mexico and South America backing a gun. By all rights in my hands knowing how to use one I can sever a arm or a head EASILY especially if I put a REAL working edge on it. You take away a gun and now a Machete become a real tangible threat unless you got one too and know how to fight with it! (THANK YOU GOD FOR CRAZY FRIENDS WHO ARE INTO SWORDPLAY!) Who needs a fancy sword when I could kill damn near anyone wielding any other kind of blade since I understand fit form and function. Foils may seem GAY as a sword goes but for speed and the fact you poke holes in your enemy and the thin design makes it a natural for penetrating the rib cage in the hands of a competent swordsman a foil is lethal any my Machete badly matched to combat a "Gay" weapon like that unless I get creative and keep the tip of that thing from pointing at me! Note that I am using the word Gay to imply the sarcasm I have heard others express at the weapon... Look at how thin and gracile this weapon is... And yet even a cheap Machete looks so robust and Masculine! But then compare this to this over bloated expression of testosterone... And sadly this fellow is not even holding it correctly! The whole thing is a weapon conforms to fit form and function. Guns bear more intimidation value than swords becasue of range advantage and ease of use. You have to know how to wield a weapon. A gun is point and click! Now back to the ten felons... If the guy with a gun kills one person and wounds nine others in a week but the other nine are maiming and brutalizing people and of the nine of them one or maybe two people die but each of them are responsible for an even share of criminal activity in that week what makes the gun any worst than the other choices of weapons? Assuming (AT GREAT EXPENSE) each man is capable of ten crimes in a week and we have 100 victims, where 3 people in this hypothetical situation have died the ADVERTISED statistics make it sound like 13 people died. Why? They attribute GUN VIOLENCE as FATALITIES AND ADD ALL OTHER FATALITIES TO FUDGE THE NUMBERS! In this the real break down is; 3 dead, 97 people wounded, and then you break down the weapons used; 1 dead by gunshot, 2 dead by melee weapons, 9 wounded by guns, 89 people wounded by melee weapons. Granted this is simplified but it illustrates the lousy information we are being fed! That and Crimes are tabulated differently in America than in England! More people really are wounded by guns than killed. More people are killed by various other means than by wounding. Are you aware of a concept of a non-closing wound? A Phillips head screwdriver inflicts a particular wound that never can quite swell itself shut to keep a person from bleeding to death. These wounds are HARD to get to stop the person from bleeding out and time is way not on the victim's side for medical treatment. It is a slow death actually. People are unaware of just how dangerous this world really is becasue people use knowledge for twisted reasons motivated by personal gain with minimal effort. I think Samuel Colt summed it up well when he said, "God did not make man equal. My gun did!" Tyrants can not sleep knowing there are people who have just as much power as they do. Men who are stronger than us are no longer stronger than us when we can kill them just as easily as they can. One fact of England I am sure most English don't quite get, if England is a real Democracy, why does England still have a Queen (and soon to be King when the old lady steps down!) when you say you don't need one? Tradition? Figureheads? POPPYCOCK! They cannot give up the seat of power! They are still the #1 land owners in England. Supposedly the world NEEDS royalty in the royal family's mind as well as every other tyrant and power monger. Some of us want to be left out of the intrigue of their power games. I for one sure don't want to live under anyone's boot. BTW, why does England still refuse to give N Ireland back to the Irish? Been kind of curious about that one... |
I think Sheriff mack's solution is probably the best, though there is no reason it can't be implemented in parallel with yours.
Sheriff Mack: Constitutional Sheriffs Refusing to Infringe on Gun Rights IS the Solution |
MsH.... "its silly to think that disarming all americans is possible or probable or will stop ALL Crime in america, it will just lower GUN HOMICIDE,,obviously,,, " is a false statement! There was a ban placed on semi-autos before for 20 years until 2004 and (according to FBI and other statistics) had no affect what so ever on the amount of gun crimes committed one way or the other. The study showed it was the "human element" and not the guns, or the lack of, or access to, or type of, that drove the statistic. So in 2004 the Congress refused to reinstate the ban based on the findings. Laws don't prevent crime because criminals could care less about laws! |
Just because I come from England, it doesn't mean I act like how it's sometimes portrayed. I'm not one of those people who cares about having control over other countries. Doesn't it seem ironic that my country isn't very pleased with immigrant control, yet they aren't willing to give Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, their own permission to be what they are? I don't see why Irish, scottish, or welsh, should have to conform to the UK rules, as we are four separated sections. Just on the same land. I think it actually seems a bit racist. That isn't a nice thing to be part of, when you're not the type who cares to call people names just because they happen to be anything other than british. It paints me in a bad light, just because I happen to live in the UK. We are not all racist bullies. The ones who are, care too much, instead of getting a life. They will say they don't, yet throw racial slurs about as if they are void of any true emotion. It disgusts me. I prefer to have a live and let live mentally. Hooliganism really isn't my thing. It just looks degrading at best.
judging by the canadians I have met, that is another culture that I find desirable to live amongst I quite like it here and like any country we have ups and downs. |
Anti-gun Canadians live in cities where bears don't break into your house! pro-gun Canadians DO live where bears will eat you!
BTW, I am aware of Whales and Scotland likewise being held in the English "trust" (cough wheeze!). Sadly these areas have to fly the English Union Jack! But us silly yanks always put it up upside down! But hey, isn't it nice that you Canadians got America between you and Mexico. Imagine the problems you would have to deal with otherwise... |
Oops, I was referring to you asking about why England don't want Northern Ireland to be it's own country. Hope I didn't seem like I was taking it out on you. Sorry if it did. I was basically just pointing out that I wouldn't mind Northern Ireland, being an independent country, if that's what they truly want. The same with Scotland or Wales, too. I don't want people thinking that just because I happen to be british, that I lord it over others. As I think that's pretty lame behaviour. Anyway, other countries hopefully don't think the UK is superior to any other, because it isn't. I'm not one of those who is so far up their own a** that they get mistaken for a heamorrhoid. . In fact, we have a flag, but so what? So does EVERY OTHER country. I actually always feel slightly reluctant to admit that I'm from Britain, because I know what we come across as. I ain't as proud as some are about being from England. I just get on with it. There are a few gun crimes that take place in London, a few times every year. So while you may think the UK have no guns, well we have gun retailers. Not forgetting, the internet also sells whatever type of gun you might be after, so it's not totally free of guns exactly. I have always wanted to live in the US because it at least allows you to carry some sort of protection. Afterall, we naturally protect our family homes, so that's the only reason why I'd consider keeping a gun under my bed. Only if totally necessary. As in, an armed burgurlar scenario.
If you are scared of guns or feel we should not have guns here is the easiest answer for you Anti-Gunners out there who are on a crusade to get rid of weapon ownership... EMIGRATE TO ENGLAND! I am sure they could use a few more worthless sheeple there. You people who fear guns so much seem to forget our freedom was won by guns and through the sacrifice of human life in an act of violence to separate us from tyrannical rule. You people also seem to forget that criminals cannot do what they want to us like they do in Mexico. Even organized crime here operate with rules to prevent themselves from becoming victims. they do not go around wholesale killing people herein America. THAT IS NOT THE CASE IN MEXICO! Likewise IGNORANCE IS NO ANSWER NO MATTER HOW YOU TEAR IT! This whole belief, "if you take the guns away crime will go down," is an utter lie and fallacy! Sadly New York is a shining example of a police state that does not work as much as it fails! Where else can you find FIFTY ARMED POLICE OFFICERS SHOOTING AT ONE CRIMINAL, not to mention the fact that they hit more civilians "accidentally" than any other police force. Even here in good old California our police are known to shoot people with their hands up in the air in surrender! So again if you want to live in some ideal utopia free of gun ownership please MOVE TO ENGLAND! Go ahead and find out how ineffective a police state really is. Hiding cameras all over the place is not prevention or deterrent. The threat of cutting across a person who will fight back and more than likely kill them doing so IS A DETERRENT! It is sad to think that such a small minority of people can assume globally that none of us short of police or military are responsible with weapons. We would NEVER have survived as a species had it not been for us making weapons to fend off predators let alone feed ourselves! I would thrill to see one of you Anti Gunners face down an 1100 pound Alaskan brown bear sans weapon! With your death would be one less stupid person on this world and one more happier bear! Here is one reason why I don't like Anti Gunners at all. If you have no spine to protect yourself you are utterly worthless! You are worthless to me. You are worthless to your community. You are worthless to everyone around you! I admit openly I have authority issues. Military service was not for me. I would have probably done something far worst than a Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket becasue I become combative when backed into a corner and likewise I have a ***** of a time with blind acceptance of any authority! Likewise I cannot fight a war the way our military chose to fight. To me you make war totally or don't make it at all! And look at what we got these days. That does not mean I will not do what I have to to protect my friends and family and my nation. For as much as I despise the French Government the people of France are very respectable. We OWE French Partisans for the victory over Germany during WWII! Without them we would have lost for sure! Their efforts led to a invasion gone bad actually succeeding becasue they tied up the Germans during the attack! They were just everyday people with guns screwing with Germans who invaded their country! But far too many Americans seem to conveniently forget it takes guns to protect our freedom. It takes guns to save us from our enemies. It takes guns to maintain a deterrent people can understand and respect. All the dogma in the world does not lend support to an ideal of selective ignorance. No a gun is not a fool proof defense as no defense is fool proof. No one had a chance against the duo who were Snipering people randomly on the east coast! Remember the D.C. shooter? NO ONE HAS A CHANCE AGAINST SOMETHING LIKE THAT! But one lucky person might have been able to spot these guys in the act and would have has an opportunity to put on in the backs of the shooters before notifying authorities! MORE LIVES MAY HAVE BEEN SAVED RATHER THAN WAITING FOR AUTHORITIES TO MANAGE TO FINALLY FIGURE OUT WHO IT WAS DOING THE KILLING! A slim chance is better than no chance at all and you Anti-Gunners want to take any and all chances of self defense away from the rest of us? ON a final note it is sissy laa laa bytchy little girly boys and girly girls and the UBER liberals who seem to run and hide behind some big strapping man with a gun when they are threatened but what if that big strapping man doesn't have a gun any more becasue you made it illegal and a bad man WITH a gun is threatening to harm you? Again most of you azzholes forget the police are minuets away when second count. And to blindly trust anyone let alone our government? Just how stupid can you be? On a scale of 1 being really smart and 10 being dumb as a post I would say I see a lot of 12s and even a couple of 20s out there. Your stupidity broke my meter! Stupidity Meters are expensive. Again if you hate guns so much and think police can protect you MOVE TO ENGLAND! Another viable Option is Australia! This way most of you uneducated dolts don't have to learn another language. You could move to Japan or China if you think you can learn another language! America would be a better place without you! Thank you... A MEN ! |
Edited by
Sun 01/20/13 12:49 AM
Anti-gun Canadians live in cities where bears don't break into your house! pro-gun Canadians DO live where bears will eat you! BTW, I am aware of Whales and Scotland likewise being held in the English "trust" (cough wheeze!). Sadly these areas have to fly the English Union Jack! But us silly yanks always put it up upside down! But hey, isn't it nice that you Canadians got America between you and Mexico. Imagine the problems you would have to deal with otherwise... I think they did away with Long-Gun Registry! |
Laws against weapons do not make sense, the problem is created by idiots when they handle guns
Anti-gun Canadians live in cities where bears don't break into your house! pro-gun Canadians DO live where bears will eat you! BTW, I am aware of Whales and Scotland likewise being held in the English "trust" (cough wheeze!). Sadly these areas have to fly the English Union Jack! But us silly yanks always put it up upside down! But hey, isn't it nice that you Canadians got America between you and Mexico. Imagine the problems you would have to deal with otherwise... I think they did away with Long-Gun Registry! Not yet...It was a promise made by "Fearless Leader" that he sat on for years (blaming his minority government). When he finally got a majority in the last election, he got amnesia about his campaign promise!...The only reason he got elected was because the pro-gunners, even though they couldn't stand him, actually believed the lying piece of **** about abolishing the gun registry. Canada's gun laws are draconian, and standard Stalinist gun policy. Good thing most Canadians are totally illiterate and never read the memo that their guns are now horribly illegal, with possession punishable with prison time. If he ever tries to restrict the beer supply, he'll find out the hard way that Canadian citizens can lie about guns just as well as he can! |
Anti-gun Canadians live in cities where bears don't break into your house! pro-gun Canadians DO live where bears will eat you! BTW, I am aware of Whales and Scotland likewise being held in the English "trust" (cough wheeze!). Sadly these areas have to fly the English Union Jack! But us silly yanks always put it up upside down! But hey, isn't it nice that you Canadians got America between you and Mexico. Imagine the problems you would have to deal with otherwise... I think they did away with Long-Gun Registry! Not yet...It was a promise made by "Fearless Leader" that he sat on for years (blaming his minority government). When he finally got a majority in the last election, he got amnesia about his campaign promise!...The only reason he got elected was because the pro-gunners, even though they couldn't stand him, actually believed the lying piece of **** about abolishing the gun registry. Canada's gun laws are draconian, and standard Stalinist gun policy. Good thing most Canadians are totally illiterate and never read the memo that their guns are now horribly illegal, with possession punishable with prison time. If he ever tries to restrict the beer supply, he'll find out the hard way that Canadian citizens can lie about guns just as well as he can! Another TrueBlue Politician! |