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Topic: Where do You Like Living?
ashryn's photo
Mon 04/01/13 08:47 PM
i like small towns where everyone knows everyone...it just feels like home when you can walk into into any store and they know you by name or at least recognize enough to speak i love visiting places but home will always be somewhere small

no photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:17 PM

A different country...Any recommendations?

Oh,there's Madagascar....

no photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:19 PM

Cape Town :smile:

Amen to that!!

Its on my list....i looooooove it!!

no photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:24 PM

Ideal for me would be an uncharted, uninhabited island in the south pacific with wild life and fresh water.

What sort of 'wild life'? The type you have in a hot tub with those lovely Tahitian native girls and sip your coconut rum from the local coconuts all without needing to speak French...laugh Lots of empty islands around Tahiti.
Urban, suburban or rural...I've lived in all and they all have serious draw-backs. I love the urban areas because of the proximity of Jazz clubs, coffee-houses, little European delis, the cityscapes of architectures and all the ethnic neighborhoods and foods in their restaurants, but so many cities one has to basically live like they do in Jo'berg, South Africa in a heavily fortified fortress complete with razor wire, motion detectors and remote controlled mini-guns plus all sorts of other weapons to fight the invading hordes at any given moment. You and your home is under siege come sundown if not 24-7. That is not living; reminds me of a Charleston Heston movie something like Soylent Green and Last Man On Earth. No thanks. Subs? Right, just like in the movies. The stereotypes are all pretty accurate from my experiences. I sure as hell don't wish to live down the street from Mr. and Miss Bubba and their 6 retarded, over fed children selling dope on the school playground along with all the stuff they steal from all their neighbors...reminds me of a horror version of a Cheech and Chong movie. That leaves rural; well, if you have wheels and can basically bullet-proof it; set motion detectors around your property along with booby-traps and razor wire your perimeter; have some bouncing Betty anti-personnel mines around; lots of trip wires and fully automatic weapons 'just-case', hey, you can still have a pool, and sundeck and enjoy your sun and sumptuous Bar-B-Q's, as long as you live in some South American country such as Brazil, Argentina or Chile or Uruguay; Paraguay is too much into the dope trade to fully relax in and now has US special Forces based there...supposedly to help stop the drug trade that was put there by the Israelis and CIA agents back in the early 70's...of course they are;not good. I'd much prefer the usual 2 or 3 military coups once every 2 or 3 years anyday, been there and done that...they can be fun. People down there have a great sense of humour on that topic. Their attitude is to stay out of the way and have a siesta. :wink:

Am with you right there; Joburg is big and rich and very unsafe....you sleep with your ears to the ground...a no no for me!

no photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:53 PM
urban. i'm a very outward outgoing type of person, i love being in the center of where all the action is.

Traumer's photo
Tue 04/02/13 03:20 PM

Cape Town :smile:

Amen to that!!

Its on my list....i looooooove it!!

You're from Uganda; spent almost a month in Kampala back in "77. It was a wreck and dead lying all over the city. Idi Amin 'Dada' was in charge then...not nice at all...
Tried to email you but blocked...so is life. Ciao!

PrintsCharming's photo
Fri 04/05/13 02:29 PM
Have a residence for every season.

Winter - Bali
Spring - Paris
Summer - Barcelona
Fall - Caribbean

jemare's photo
Fri 04/05/13 10:34 PM
I'm definitely not a city type of person. I only go into Boston or New York if I have to attend something. But rural, like Montana or Wyoming, well it's too rural if your closest neighbor is ten miles away laugh So, give me the burbs anytime bigsmile

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:13 AM

Cape Town :smile:

Amen to that!!

Its on my list....i looooooove it!!

You're from Uganda; spent almost a month in Kampala back in "77. It was a wreck and dead lying all over the city. Idi Amin 'Dada' was in charge then...not nice at all...
Tried to email you but blocked...so is life. Ciao!

Blocked?? Aaaaayyyy man....let me check that out....

Mmmmmmm,those terrible days.....if you came back today,you'd not recognise a single thing-NOTHING!! Place has changed from dead to awake 24/7!!

Traumer's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:25 AM

Cape Town :smile:

Amen to that!!

Its on my list....i looooooove it!!

You're from Uganda; spent almost a month in Kampala back in "77. It was a wreck and dead lying all over the city. Idi Amin 'Dada' was in charge then...not nice at all...
Tried to email you but blocked...so is life. Ciao!

Blocked?? Aaaaayyyy man....let me check that out....

Mmmmmmm,those terrible days.....if you came back today,you'd not recognise a single thing-NOTHING!! Place has changed from dead to awake 24/7!!


Long overdue; irony is HARARE, Zimbabwe in general is now almost as bad, thanks to Mugabe...it never seems to end. All during the war, old Salisbury was wide awake 24-7, like Party Time!laugh

Imjustdandy's photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:55 PM
Rural. I live in the country and am surrounded by farms and ranches yet it's just 5 minutes to get to the little local grocery store. It is a 35 minute drive to work in Bend Oregon but worth the time and gas for the peaceful country living. From where I live I have an amazing view of the Cascade Mountain range and wide open spaces. There is also plenty of room for my critters ( horses and sheep ) and great places to ride. :)

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