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Topic: National Cathedral to Officiate Same-Sex Marriages
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Wed 01/09/13 08:30 AM
Good for such a prominent church for actually treating gay people as equals.

The wedding bells will chime in the 106-year-old Washington National Cathedral as Rev. Gary Hall affirmed that, effective immediately, same-sex weddings may be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Episcopal Church located in the northwest quadrant of Washington D.C.

The National Cathedral has welcomed hundreds of thousands of visitors and held both celebrations and funerals for U.S. presidents past.

In August 2012, the church approved the ceremonial use of a rite adapted from an existing blessing ceremony to acknowledge same-sex marriage. The Episcopal Church will be among the first to recognize marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples.

“For more than 30 years, the Episcopal Church has prayed and studied to discern the evidence of God’s blessing in the lives of same-sex couples,” Rev. Gary Hall of the National Cathedral said. “We enthusiastically affirm each person as a beloved child of God—and doing so means including the full participation of gays and lesbians in the life of this spiritual home for the nation.”

The District of Columbia and Maryland (as well as eight other states) have adopted the legality of civil marriage for same-sex couples. The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, whose Episcopal Diocese of Washington includes D.C. as well as four counties in Maryland, decided this December to follow suit expanding the sacrament of marriage to same-sex couples in her diocese as well.

But the decision to institute the same-sex rite at the Washington National Cathedral was ultimately made by Hall who serves as the Cathedral’s dean.

“In my 35 years of ordained ministry, some of the most personally inspiring work I have witnessed has been among gay and lesbian communities where I have served.”

Hall continued, “I consider it a great honor to lead this Cathedral as it takes another historic step toward greater equality—and I am pleased that this step follows the results made clear in this past November’s election, when three states voted to allow same-sex marriage.”

The same-sex weddings that will be conducted at the Cathedral will fulfill the same role as Christian marriages. Eligibility to marry in the National Cathedral follows the protocol of the Christian faith.

At least one of the members in the couple must have been baptized and the couple must be active, contributing members of the congregation unless otherwise specified by the dean.

TJN's photo
Wed 01/09/13 08:34 AM
Oh those evil Christians are at it again.

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Wed 01/09/13 08:42 AM
Good to see some Christians being open minded and treating gay people as equals.

Michael1309's photo
Wed 01/09/13 10:29 AM
the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 10:59 AM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.


being 'equal' doesnt mean being without sin

it is christian to treat sinners as EQUALLY human, because all humans have sinnned

it is not such a christian thing to aid and abet and support sinful behavior,,,

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 11:09 AM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.

Why not worry about your own sin, rather than others' sin?

Of course it's about being open minded. Just because you may disagree, it does not mean they should not be allowed to marry.

Michael1309's photo
Tue 01/15/13 04:59 AM
Of course i worry about my own sins everyday!! but i care about others thats what Gods gives you, love for everyone even your enemies to wanna save them!!

Well God gave us free will so they can get married but they will have to deal with the consequences, just like in biblical times!! Sin is Sin. we must know our enemy!! God Bless

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 01/15/13 05:11 AM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.
God personally told you,hmmmm?
Or was it one of those Childabusing Clerics who told you,so he could ease his own mind!
Come on,do a fast Forward into the 21th Century,instead being stuck in the Dark Ages!

Michael1309's photo
Tue 01/15/13 09:57 AM
Get it right son those child abusers are CATHOLICS not christian, if u actually do your own research you will find out they are pagans!! i forgive your ignorant comments because you are clearly decieved, but it says in black and white in the word of God so yes God did say that!! the facts are you cannot save your own soul and you are not God, remember you will have to give account of your mocking when you leave this world!!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 01/15/13 10:06 AM

Get it right son those child abusers are CATHOLICS not christian, if u actually do your own research you will find out they are pagans!! i forgive your ignorant comments because you are clearly decieved, but it says in black and white in the word of God so yes God did say that!! the facts are you cannot save your own soul and you are not God, remember you will have to give account of your mocking when you leave this world!!
Get off your High Horse,Son!
Don't need your "Religious" Instructions!
12th Century never really appealed to me!
And if you think those Childabusers only reside in the Catholic Church,you had better do your Research!

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:16 PM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.

Why not worry about your own sin, rather than others' sin?

Of course it's about being open minded. Just because you may disagree, it does not mean they should not be allowed to marry.

Hey Singme; nice article. Don't let the bible thumpers rain on your parade. I recall something about "though shalt not judge" but seems the bible thumpers do not practice what they preach. laugh

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:19 PM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.

Why not worry about your own sin, rather than others' sin?

Of course it's about being open minded. Just because you may disagree, it does not mean they should not be allowed to marry.

Hey Singme; nice article. Don't let the bible thumpers rain on your parade. I recall something about "though shalt not judge" but seems the bible thumpers do not practice what they preach. laugh

They seem to be the ones that judge the most.

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:27 PM
Edited by navygirl on Tue 01/15/13 12:27 PM

the word of God says that same sex relations are wrong and sinful therefore bringing more and more sin into your life!! so this church is clearly going against God therefore they are liars and are decieving the people, its not about being open minded these catholic churches are double minded.

Why not worry about your own sin, rather than others' sin?

Of course it's about being open minded. Just because you may disagree, it does not mean they should not be allowed to marry.

Hey Singme; nice article. Don't let the bible thumpers rain on your parade. I recall something about "though shalt not judge" but seems the bible thumpers do not practice what they preach. laugh

They seem to be the ones that judge the most.

Yep; this is why I am so glad to be an atheist. I thought several times of possibly returning to the church but when I see comments like these; there is no way I want part of a religion that openly condemns people in the name of their God. As Conrad puts it; they are truly living in the Dark ages.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:36 PM
it's sad that reading comprehension has gone the way of the dodo bird.

v. judged, judg·ing, judg·es
1. To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character.
a. Law To hear and decide on in a court of law; try: judge a case.
b. Obsolete To pass sentence on; condemn.
c. To act as one appointed to decide the winners of: judge an essay contest.
3. To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation.
4. Informal To have as an opinion or assumption; suppose: I judge you're right.
5. Bible To govern; rule. Used of an ancient Israelite leader.
1. To form an opinion or evaluation.
2. To act or decide as a judge.
1. One who judges, especially:
a. One who makes estimates as to worth, quality, or fitness: a good judge of used cars; a poor judge of character.
b. Abbr. J. Law A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law.
c. Law A bankruptcy referee.
d. One appointed to decide the winners of a contest or competition.
2. Bible
a. A leader of the Israelites during a period of about 400 years between the death of Joshua and the accession of Saul.
b. Judges (used with a sing. verb) Abbr. Judg. or Jgs or Jg See Table at Bible.

it's all about context

Judging Others

Lk. 6.3738, 4142
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Mk. 4.24
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

first you are instructed not to judge, then you are told that the measure you judge with will be used to judge you. then you are advised to remove what keeps you from judging another first, so that you can accurately judge someone else. confused yet? much as possible try not to put yourself in situations where you are called upon to make a difficult judgement

2.when you need to make a judgement, try to be as lenient as possible the end, if you see it looks like a duck, walk like a duck, hear it quack like a duck, call it a duck

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:58 PM

it's sad that reading comprehension has gone the way of the dodo bird.

Who was this directed toward, ese?

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:02 PM

it's sad that reading comprehension has gone the way of the dodo bird.

Who was this directed toward, ese?

the quote option is used to direct a comment directly at someone who has posted

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:09 PM

it's sad that reading comprehension has gone the way of the dodo bird.

Who was this directed toward, ese?

the quote option is used to direct a comment directly at someone who has posted

Choosing the passive aggressive route today, I see. laugh

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:26 PM
if the comment i posted struck a nerve with you, then feel free to get defensive, attack me, or whatever. the bottom line is, i commented because i felt that some people may not understand doctrine, especially if they have not researched. biblical interpretation is left up to the layman in some religions, while only elders or even just a select person is allowed to interpret in others

the word is a double edge sword. it cuts to the bone either in offense or defense. maybe if people used the word to edify one other instead of degrading each other, the world could be a better place

godspeed, bulldog

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:29 PM

if the comment i posted struck a nerve with you, then feel free to get defensive, attack me, or whatever. the bottom line is, i commented because i felt that some people may not understand doctrine, especially if they have not researched. biblical interpretation is left up to the layman in some religions, while only elders or even just a select person is allowed to interpret in others

the word is a double edge sword. it cuts to the bone either in offense or defense. maybe if people used the word to edify one other instead of degrading each other, the world could be a better place

godspeed, bulldog

Ese, I didn't attack you. I simply asked you who your post was directed at. You wouldn't say who. No need to be so defensive. If it bothers you that it was pointed out that someone was being awfully judgmental, well ok. If you feel you need to judge others based on your religion, then I guess that's what you need to do.

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:41 PM

if the comment i posted struck a nerve with you, then feel free to get defensive, attack me, or whatever. the bottom line is, i commented because i felt that some people may not understand doctrine, especially if they have not researched. biblical interpretation is left up to the layman in some religions, while only elders or even just a select person is allowed to interpret in others

the word is a double edge sword. it cuts to the bone either in offense or defense. maybe if people used the word to edify one other instead of degrading each other, the world could be a better place

godspeed, bulldog

Ese, I didn't attack you. I simply asked you who your post was directed at. You wouldn't say who. No need to be so defensive. If it bothers you that it was pointed out that someone was being awfully judgmental, well ok. If you feel you need to judge others based on your religion, then I guess that's what you need to do.

Wow; all you did is ask a simple question as to who this post was for? Of course you didn't attack him; seems a little over the top the way he responded. surprised

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