Topic: The Rejection | |
You always ask really good questions! I am with you and whoever said "not interested" - isn't that the right thing to do? Not replying should only be from being too busy with life to reply. In this case, you shouldn't be on here in the first place! I relate it to buying someone a drink; ask may I buy you a drink, and you say either <your poison> or no thank you. You wouldn't just stand there and ignore him/her, so why do it digitally... Exactly OK! This is my point! I never not say anything... no reason to be rude about it.. just be clear. |
From the data I have collected, seems that women get more email than guys do. I may have a few a week, whereas chicks could have twenty to thirty a day. I'm sure most of those emails to the ladies are mostly of the "Yo babee! Wat u doin? Wanna see my pecker" type. Still, it is an influx of messages and as such I am sure that most feel that trying to respond to all of them would be tiresome.
I know. I know. When you initiate the email, you really would like some sort of response back. But as Dubz stated, sometimes saying nothing IS saying everything. And hey.....most people hate rejecting others, even in an email. Lol. |
To me it doesn't matter if a get a "no thanks" message or nothing at all. But, I may view rejection differently than most. I don't think I'm ever rejected. How can she reject me? She doesn't even know me. She's just rejecting my approach, not me.
Ive been on a few dating sites testing the waters. All of which have been free (to a point) Ive gotten my share of responses...and Ive sent out a few kisses or winks ( actual emails..I hate kisses or winks) Im a pretty tough cookie..if you aren't interested..I can take it, a simple ." sorry, Im not interested" works for me! He is forgotten as soon as I hit the "NEXT" button. What bothers me are the ones who say nothing. I know I know...I should take the hint and move on! I guess Im a glutton for punishment! Does anyone else prefer a cordial "not interested" reply, rather than the sound of crickets? i prefer a thanks but no thanks email or even just an acknowledgement that they read it. Sorry but I was just raised to have manners and to say please, thank you and no thank you is ingrained in me. I know we have the site function here , but to me that is not the same thing. I have figured if I e-mail a person and they don't respond I leave them alone. Beyond the general manners response: Having been on social and dating sites for several years, what I have tried to understand that most women get slammed by emails. Some kind and sincere, others straight to the point, others are from straight scammers, and others extremely explicit. Somehow you have to make your e-mail stand out through all of that. Then you have to communicate with her in a manner that she appreciates and that varies woman to woman. What one meals by keeping it real, another one means something totally different. Then she has to have some level of interest in you to respond. It is also difficult sometimes when the only e-mails you get are from scammers, to weed out the sincere people who really like what you said o your profile or what you sent to them via e-mail and want to know more about you. Or even perhaps eventually meet you. Keep aiming for your goals and keep believing! |
Gee i thought the crickets were normal ?
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Believe it or not, some men on other sites didn't respond to my e-mails either! Gasp! It happens to the best of us. Rejection blows. I get tons of mail so it would be impossible to answer them all and I don't respond to men if only to reject them.
It's like when you don't hear back on an audition or an interview. They can't call everyone back with a polite rejection. No call means you blew it. ![]() |
It would be really bored not to get any messages. I had a been asked to meet inperson already, he lives with 100 miles and we maybe do it, but I feel I need to know him a bit more online.