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Topic: Do You Look Your Age?
Draygor's photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:26 AM

I feel I look a bit younger, but absolutely feel younger than I look.

What's your opinions about yourselves

I know people judge alot on how a person looks, so lets see if your own vision fits what everyone else see's

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:37 AM
i dunno.
i think it depends on what i'm wearing.
some people think i'm fifteen.
others think i am my age.
only one person said i looked older.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:39 AM

i dunno.
i think it depends on what i'm wearing.
some people think i'm fifteen.
others think i am my age.
only one person said i looked older.

I think you look younger than your age.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:40 AM
I don't know if I look my age or not, but I feel younger.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:44 AM

I think you look younger than your age.

forevaaa young.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:47 AM

I think you look younger than your age.

forevaaa young.


no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:53 AM
Hi, to the Poster yea you look younger. I don't know what the fascination is on looking younger. I live in Florida, so I am not afraid to admit that I am old. Not that picky on women looking younger, except for the gray hair :(. So a women that doesn't look young that would be open to dying her hair :). Reading tons and tons of post I find that women in their forties want young guys or guys that look young. So I can see your angle. I don't think anyone joins dating sites, so they can just scroll endlessly and being on forums. Weird thing about looking older is that occasionally I get messages from young girls that want their daddy. Kind of creepy but occasionally happens.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:55 AM

Weird thing about looking older is that occasionally I get messages from young girls that want their daddy.

i know someone you can forward those messages to.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 10:57 AM

Weird thing about looking older is that occasionally I get messages from young girls that want their daddy.

i know someone you can forward those messages to.

Tee hee.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 12/30/12 11:18 AM
I used to think I looked younger..then I saw, on here,
that everyone said that about themselves, even though
it went contrary to their pictures.

So, I am thinking, one always feels younger than one
looks, the body ages faster than the mind, maybe?

Because, after all, we are EXACTLY the age we look ya?

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 11:39 AM
I think I look my age. People sometimes think I am younger than my age, though.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 11:47 AM
I'm often told I do not look my age.. that I look younger.. may be it's an attestment to my attitude? being younger, feeling younger, staying connected with today's youth? the limited abuse to my body?

however.. age can be confused by what we do to our bodies as well.. too much alcohol, sun or cigarettes can wreak havoc on our skin to give the appearance of being far older than our years..

but really.. how "OLD" is someone suPPOSED to act at any given age? I've yet come across a reference guide that says: at age 12 you should be acting THIS way.. or at 20 you should be reacting THAT way.. the only guidelines we truly have are thru the experience of aging.. and most of the time we're generalizing as having seen many 2 yr olds acting out, we dubbed them "the terrible twos" etc.. but really.. GOD (or whoever/whatever created life) didn't pass out 'a guide to life and steps to the aging process' pamphlets at the beginning.. ohwell

mind you.. I really enjoy the 'toys r us' phase.. so figure I'll hang out here awhile longer bigsmile :banana:

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 11:51 AM
a thought just occurred to me.. perhaps people are perceived younger than their years simply because they "act" as someone from a younger 'crowd' so immediately we believe them to be younger cuz say.. they act like a 20 or 30 yr old typically would? hmm.. possible.. spock

3Rutez's photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:13 PM
30? Really? When did I get so old?

Really? Definitely don't look it.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:21 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 12/30/12 12:24 PM
I look Younger and feel Younger, well most of the time. Most people think I am Younger but I have No problem telling my age. Many men are self contious of their age only because they are online to attract the Young women. Most Younger women dont want a Old man. I know I didnt, when I was much Younger.laugh

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:29 PM
I think I do. I also think people are just saying it, when they tell me I look younger.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:38 PM

I think I do. I also think people are just saying it, when they tell me I look younger.

I think.. just because we see our own reflections and figure 'we look a certain way' doesn't necessarily mean that others are just being polite when they compliment our looks, etc.. they're just offering differing perceptions.. what makes each of us (in part) unique and where that saying "eye of the beholder" originated

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:52 PM
People routinely tell me I look fiftyish, I don't see where they get that from.

I think I'm 30!

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:54 PM

30? Really? When did I get so old?

Really? Definitely don't look it.

30 is old?

Draygor's photo
Sun 12/30/12 01:24 PM
Well I think there is a huge pattern with people feeling and looking younger than they are. Not many people will accept they look older or their age in most cases but not all. When I was in my teens, I always felt that 35 was ancient. lol But now that im near 45. im thinking its much better at 35 then 45. And if I lost say 20 to 30 pounds I may feel like im in my twentieslaugh

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