Topic: finish my sentence - part 26 | |
during this blizzard...
where we aren't allowed to drive because it's not safe...
...for drivers especially those drifting speedos who...
drive too fast and then they...
wake to find they are in a pumpkin carriage pulled by mice who have turned to horses on their way to...
a Bon Jovi concert...
...yeah,Bon Jovi,with those bass electric guitar...
made in Elbonia, that sounds like
a tropical typhoon....,
with so much noise that...
my ear plugs pop out...,
a place known as...
Mohegan Sun...
shines where ever you can find...
Your lucky charms
In every well stocked pantry in..
almost all of the food pantries in...
..all the places one can find food pantries on the go and...
..all the places one can find food pantries on the go and...
if there is no food in the pantry you can always....,