Topic: homeless
no photo
Thu 11/29/12 08:49 PM
now that i am back to homeless again,nobody wants you around, cant get a job becauce you smell bad no home no money woman see you and they run,its not fault the storm sandy destory were i live, destory my office,so its back to prison for me again, no money no job lets to one thing, no fine out who your real friends are quick, so the only i see is to go back selling drugs again, back to prison, the writing on the wall.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 11/29/12 08:58 PM
Uh, why did you post such a statement in the "General Religion Chat" forum?

By the way, the Salvation Army operates homeless shelters throughout the USA.

Muaness's photo
Thu 11/29/12 09:24 PM

now that i am back to homeless again,nobody wants you around, cant get a job becauce you smell bad no home no money woman see you and they run,its not fault the storm sandy destory were i live, destory my office,so its back to prison for me again, no money no job lets to one thing, no fine out who your real friends are quick, so the only i see is to go back selling drugs again, back to prison, the writing on the wall.

Did the storm take peoples job too?
I don't live in the US but I'm aware there are lots of programme taking care of the disaster victims. How come you are not aware?

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 11/29/12 10:20 PM
And why is it the local police cannot point you towards help either?

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/30/12 07:22 AM
It appears to me that the purpose of this thread is merely to draw attention to its creator, because Hurricane Sandy left lots of people homeless, and yet they all are not resorting to the selling of illegal drugs in order to survive.

Yes, there is assistance available for people made homeless by Hurricane Sandy. However, people seeking such assistance have to be able to follow rules, which is something that an ex-con may not be willing to do.

I used to work in a shelter for homeless people, during which time I encountered several homeless men who refused to stay in the shelter overnight because they did not want to follow the shelter's rules.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 11/30/12 07:49 AM

It appears to me that the purpose of this thread is merely to draw attention to its creator, because Hurricane Sandy left lots of people homeless, and yet they all are not resorting to the selling of illegal drugs in order to survive.

Yes, there is assistance available for people made homeless by Hurricane Sandy. However, people seeking such assistance have to be able to follow rules, which is something that an ex-con may not be willing to do.

I used to work in a shelter for homeless people, during which time I encountered several homeless men who refused to stay in the shelter overnight because they did not want to follow the shelter's rules.

And this is an example of why I have such a hard time helping 'the poor.' Most of these a fore mentions people incapable of following rules are people who feel the world owes them for just being. They have no desire to contribute, just consume. Help goes to those who want to help themselves, at least that is how I see it. there is Poverty and there are poor people. The difference is attitude!

jacktrades's photo
Fri 11/30/12 12:50 PM
Seeing how this is the religion thread your answer lies within. Turn to God in your time of deep despair. Pray for help.The others here have given you good advice. Seek out shelters. Ask others for help. If you see a local police officer ask him where you go.Im sure it will not be the Hilton but a shower and a plate of food will help you think better.Prison is not the answer thats for criminals not people down on their luck. Do not give up! Fight for your life. God bless you my , friend, and remember you still got your life there are others who died or had family die.

no photo
Fri 11/30/12 06:06 PM
i like all this good advice, but let ask this, you go stay at the army, drunks not safe, i want my life back apartment, back to work, girlfriend, having sex with her, fars as help its going to take the govement a long time to help they have no money, so what i need is a place to stay to take a bath so i can look for work and rebuild, just like everybody else,

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 12/01/12 11:54 AM
The facts are there are more homeless than there are shelter beds and sometimes the shelter systems are very difficult to endure. But I have spent years working with the homeless and it is the "Burger King folks,the ones that have an attitude that they can have it their way and make no concessions that stay homeless for long periods of time if not the rest of their life. They think think they get to have it all handed to them and it doesn't work that way.

It is not societies fault that many homeless have no relationships that will sustain them across hard times. If a person finds themself wiped out it does suck in a major way.

But you go to a shelter feeding programs that exist virtually in every community in the USA and show up where they tell you to be and do what they tell you to do. When you have to you clean yourself in any public bathroom you can find and you sit quietly offering to do any chore you are asked to do to prove you have the attitude to be worth giving one of the "starter" jobs to work yourself back up from. Maybe it's any of a hundred dirty jobs that pay only a bit but for a hundred a week you can rent a bed roll space in a lot of places and and slowly pull yourself out. Yea maybe for a few weeks,months, maybe even years you are going to have to give up smoking, drinking/drugs, and having sex with your girlfriend to get a place, a better job, and a car but as an adult nobody gets before they earn it and neither should you.

And since I have done it myself and helped others with a lot more strikes on the back than you appear to have I think you are just a crybaby that refuses to work with in the system or a poser. You obviously are wasteing your time on a date site rather than trying to learn a skill or find a job so I don't have a lot of sympathy or do I believe your story.

If you are really down and out and say you are, as destitute as you say you are, someone is giving you and enormous gift to give you computer time to find help and you are wasteing it.

More likely you are on a lap top you stole from someone's house or car or school bag and free loading on a wifi or paying for cell service with a bus pass you sell for half it's value or your food stamps or SSDI rather than get in school or stay on a job search or sober and straight doing a job some one gave you on the charity they are paying forward because someone helped them. KEEP being a Frequent Flyer on the SELF PITY EXPRESS and you will get known and whatever help you might get will dry up or be redirected to the people who earn the right to the help they are getting and make something out of it.

You think I buy this BULL well I don't and hopefully no one else will. The people on this site are GOOD people and donate thousands of hours and money out of their life helping people help them self but they are not going to buy this scammer balogne and neither should you. If you do well you are cutting your own throat.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 12/01/12 01:04 PM
I have the answer! Become an over the road truck driver. You'll have a job and you can live in the truck. You'll see every interstate in the USA and eat the greasiest food that can be found. When you do want to go home for a few days, you can stay in a motel.

I'm going home tomorrow after more than a month on the road and when I get there I'm gonna party like Charlie Sheen.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 12/01/12 01:29 PM
If you are homeless, where are you able to access the internet and get on this site?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 12/01/12 01:53 PM

If you are homeless, where are you able to access the internet and get on this site?

The library?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 12/01/12 02:01 PM

If you are homeless, where are you able to access the internet and get on this site?

The library?

Quite possibly, but I would the library would have resources that this person could look into.

no photo
Sat 12/01/12 04:34 PM
well woman i was a business owner in ny city had 15 employees they are all wipe out to, so i am no bum, you go live in the shelter, you safer in the woods you know that, i will recover and as for stealing kiss my butt, some business people are trying to find me office space, some have gaving me there old computers another professional in my field is giving me all his old office thing to restart i am working doing day labor its only a matter of a few months then we will get money from the govement, and ins money, and people like you kiss my butt, you must live on min wage vote for ob man , alot of the homeless in ny work,so kiss my butt.and yes i use the lirb alot for computer a chuch is working on getting me another cell phone in a few days so i am back on my way you find out who your friends are in hard time it shows peoples real colors

Ray1010's photo
Sun 12/02/12 02:14 PM

The facts are there are more homeless than there are shelter beds and sometimes the shelter systems are very difficult to endure. But I have spent years working with the homeless and it is the "Burger King folks,the ones that have an attitude that they can have it their way and make no concessions that stay homeless for long periods of time if not the rest of their life. They think think they get to have it all handed to them and it doesn't work that way.

It is not societies fault that many homeless have no relationships that will sustain them across hard times. If a person finds themself wiped out it does suck in a major way.

But you go to a shelter feeding programs that exist virtually in every community in the USA and show up where they tell you to be and do what they tell you to do. When you have to you clean yourself in any public bathroom you can find and you sit quietly offering to do any chore you are asked to do to prove you have the attitude to be worth giving one of the "starter" jobs to work yourself back up from. Maybe it's any of a hundred dirty jobs that pay only a bit but for a hundred a week you can rent a bed roll space in a lot of places and and slowly pull yourself out. Yea maybe for a few weeks,months, maybe even years you are going to have to give up smoking, drinking/drugs, and having sex with your girlfriend to get a place, a better job, and a car but as an adult nobody gets before they earn it and neither should you.

And since I have done it myself and helped others with a lot more strikes on the back than you appear to have I think you are just a crybaby that refuses to work with in the system or a poser. You obviously are wasteing your time on a date site rather than trying to learn a skill or find a job so I don't have a lot of sympathy or do I believe your story.

If you are really down and out and say you are, as destitute as you say you are, someone is giving you and enormous gift to give you computer time to find help and you are wasteing it.

More likely you are on a lap top you stole from someone's house or car or school bag and free loading on a wifi or paying for cell service with a bus pass you sell for half it's value or your food stamps or SSDI rather than get in school or stay on a job search or sober and straight doing a job some one gave you on the charity they are paying forward because someone helped them. KEEP being a Frequent Flyer on the SELF PITY EXPRESS and you will get known and whatever help you might get will dry up or be redirected to the people who earn the right to the help they are getting and make something out of it.

You think I buy this BULL well I don't and hopefully no one else will. The people on this site are GOOD people and donate thousands of hours and money out of their life helping people help them self but they are not going to buy this scammer balogne and neither should you. If you do well you are cutting your own throat.

Ray1010's photo
Sun 12/02/12 02:21 PM
for someone that seems to know a little about human behavioural studies and the aid system you made a very unprofessional statement, sometimes its just circumstance and bad luck that causes people to become destitute and homeless, when a person hands their dirty laundry out in public its usually a cry for help, dont lay the boot into a person thats feeling low, give them a hand up with sound advice and a friendly attitude, if you cant be helpfull in trying to understand then say nothing, but please dont put this guy down, this is a very bad time for him and he needs a friend to help him.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 12/02/12 05:20 PM

Uh, why did you post such a statement in the "General Religion Chat" forum?

By the way, the Salvation Army operates homeless shelters throughout the USA.

So True.

dutbear's photo
Thu 01/10/13 04:10 PM
if your God is everywhere, how come you believes need so many churches? you believers all have the same God, what you all have in common is you just can't wait to kill your brother make damn sure your sisters & children suffer. l say look how they live! l do my part to help feed and listen to the homeless, and you? nothing always turn away from the down and out. all religious are 100% fake! prove it real you can't. you can pray to anything you like, but nothing will every change, but when you stop and see what the hell your doing you'll wake the hell up and use your good mind to think with not your fat ***! if you not a humanism your of no value! help the poor you may end up on the street yourself! your suppose to sell your things and give all to the poor! but none of you believers have! what low life!!